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interlude [L2J] L2Free


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L2Free - Interlude Private Server

Started on March 30, 2019.



Website: https://l2free.org/

Forum: https://l2free.org/forum/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/L2Free/


Server info: https://l2free.org/forum/index.php?/topic/2-informações-informations/




Edited by Pedra
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1. Full of bots with scripts ( 3 days farming 24/7) and there is 10lvl gap for PK ( botters keep chars on low lvl and you can not PK them or if you make lower lvl char) Spots for solo farm are full of bots

2. Debuff's ( Fear, Silence, Doom etc) 100% chance for 1min and more.. Server full of SH and Necro

3. Pollen ( item's for dynasty) should drop on Farm Zones with LOW chance but 3 days farm and i got 0 pollen, You can get them from RB 15% chance, anyway impossible to get them since online is low in my Time zone and in TOP prime time there is top clans etc which fights for few pollens.. - economy is totally dead.

4. Admin don't even reply on forum about bugs, problems etc.


Lot of players already left. Feels bad cuz it was nice config :(

Edited by prycka22
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4 hours ago, prycka22 said:

1. Full of bots with scripts ( 3 days farming 24/7) and there is 10lvl gap for PK ( botters keep chars on low lvl and you can not PK them or if you make lower lvl char) Spots for solo farm are full of bots

2. Debuff's ( Fear, Silence, Doom etc) 100% chance for 1min and more.. Server full of SH and Necro

3. Pollen ( item's for dynasty) should drop on Farm Zones with LOW chance but 3 days farm and i got 0 pollen, You can get them from RB 15% chance, anyway impossible to get them since online is low in my Time zone and in TOP prime time there is top clans etc which fights for few pollens.. - economy is totally dead.

4. Admin don't even reply on forum about bugs, problems etc.


Lot of players already left. Feels bad cuz it was nice config :(


1. Do you have any definitive solution? I do not know any protection that works 100%.
However, I've been trying to fight bots for 2 years, and every time I try to do that, players stop playing.
Our first season lasted 4 years (2012-2016), with bots.
Our second and third seasons lasted 6 months (2017 and 2018), in both situations, the server died when we decided to ban the bots, the players stopped (all clans).
It is an extremely delicate situation.


2. There is no 100% debuff, duration of a silence is 30 seconds. (retail config). But to maintain a balance, we modify some chances of debuffs that originally have a chance equal to or greater than 80%, reduced to 60%, is the case of silence.


3. As it is in our information, pollen drop in the farm zones and in raidboss 85+ or grandboss.

That would only make all players get full item quickly. It's not our intention.

Pollen was created to be an item that generates trade between players (buy/sell), not to ruin the server in 1 week.


4. We always reply, sometimes we can take a little longer, but always reply.


Players have already left because of more than "500 servers" open weekly or simply because they do not like some settings. It is impossible to maintain the initial number of players.

We believe that our server is durable, not allowing players to become "full items" in a few days, is not our ideal. It is to be a daily progress, not instantaneous.

Edited by Pedra
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