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Vanganth Party Duels



Hello, everyone.


I tried to start but i got message about impossible party duel.


  • Anybody knows about supporting party duels in this extender?
  • Have some important conditions for start party duel?



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11 hours ago, Rootware said:


I think in Vanganath extender party duels is not implemented.

here's the thing with vanganth's ext, there's about 20 different versions and all the ones the kiddies sell in the marketplace on here and the source that's shared on here are suuuuuuuper out of date and missing a bunch of shit, there are versions with it implemented (i couldn't have pasted you the source for the errors if there wasn't) you just need a more up to date version


but that might be difficult to find

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what does the message say exactly, it might be that the version you have doesn't include party duel or could just be conditions not met, but yeah need to know the actual msg to know for sure

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On 2/9/2019 at 1:59 AM, Anarchy said:

what does the message say exactly, it might be that the version you have doesn't include party duel or could just be conditions not met, but yeah need to know the actual msg to know for sure


Message: "There is no opponent to receive your challenge for a duel."

Message ID: 1926


Can you sound me the main player's conditions for party duel? I will check it all.

Edited by Rootware
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        return false;
    if(pTarget->nObjectID == pSocket->GetUser()->nObjectID)
        return false;

                        User *pOpponent = User::GetUserBySID(&pUser->pSD->DuelInfo.OpponentSID);

            Disassemble(packet, "Sd", sizeof(wszName), wszName, &nParty);
            User *pTarget = g_UserDB.GetUserByName(wszName);
                return false;

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i would edit and add a bit more of an explanation but this forum theme is stupid and won't let me but yeah


short answer is it's all valid user checks, and checks if target == self, to narrow down which one exactly is causing your issue you'd either need to attach a debugger and breakpoint each message send or recompile with some debug prints in (if you have source)

Edited by Anarchy
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2 minutes ago, Anarchy said:

i would edit and add a bit more of an explanation but this forum theme is stupid and won't let me but yeah


short answer is it's all valid user checks, and checks if target == self, to narrow down which one exactly is causing your issue you'd either need to attach a debugger and breakpoint each message send or recompile with some debug prints in (if you have source)


What the meaning this function? What the param checking? I have 2 x 2 party with players 79-80 levels. Profession, clan, etc is checking?


ValidUser() // what checks inside?

P.S. I don't think what this theme is stupid because i know what the quality of IL Vanganath it's rare shit (OFF like Interlude). And i'm not C++ developer.

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26 minutes ago, Rootware said:


P.S. I don't think what this theme is stupid because i know what the quality of IL Vanganath it's rare shit (OFF like Interlude). And i'm not C++ developer.

i was talking about maxcheaters forum theme being stupid and not letting me edit my original post :D


ValidUser simply checks if the User pointer is valid and if the VMT matches the one for User class (aka nothing to do with anything you can influence ingame)


short answer is you're probably gonna have to get a C++ dev who can debug the issue for you, from what i can see looking at my source (which is most likely different to yours so it's hard to say for sure) if you have 2 valid parties there should be no reason you get that specific system message that you said (1926) if there was an issue with any other things you should get a different error message

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21 minutes ago, Anarchy said:

here's the thing with vanganth's ext, there's about 20 different versions and all the ones the kiddies sell in the marketplace on here and the source that's shared on here are suuuuuuuper out of date and missing a bunch of shit, there are versions with it implemented (i couldn't have pasted you the source for the errors if there wasn't) you just need a more up to date version


but that might be difficult to find


Ok. Then better install clean GF.

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