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Looking for talanted website developers for mutual benefits!

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Hello dear friends,


If you're a talanted developer seeking for a better clientele exposure, PM me here or better at skype: urchika


What we're looking for is webmasters that know how to design, work with html, php, js and a bit ajax is optional. 


What we're giving, we give a huge SEO exposure to the volunteer, our products are all around the world and atleast 70 l2 interested people per month will look at your work, we also give link credentials at the bottom of the page with your own name or your website address.


If you're interested contact me, thank you!


p.s. the work actually NOT to create a website, we're looking for a developer to create a presentational page for our new serivce which will be announced at a later stage.

Edited by l2-scripts
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