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Any Item like Adena



Hello MxC,

I have a question. How can I make any etcitem to be dropped like Adena? So if I'm in a party the amount will be shared with all party members like Adena.


Edit: Could anyone give me the idea where to search? Or is it really hard to do? I'm using L2jFrozen btw.

Edited by BloodRav3N
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On 4/2/2018 at 6:55 PM, BloodRav3N said:

Could anyone give me the idea where to search? Or is it really hard to do? I'm using L2jFrozen btw.

have a look how it works on l2party.java, then copy and add with the item id

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Your file is Party.java

Search/try what you want in there.. Ofc will not work if you simple change/add some ids. But, there is your file.

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If anyone wants to do it here is what I did:



	public static final int ADENA_ID = 57;
	+public static final int COIN_ID = 9404;
	public static final int ANCIENT_ADENA_ID = 5575;
	private final L2PcInstance _owner;
	private L2ItemInstance _adena;
	+private L2ItemInstance _coin;
	private L2ItemInstance _ancientAdena;


	public L2ItemInstance getAdenaInstance()
		return _adena;
	+public L2ItemInstance getCoinInstance()
	+	return _coin;
	public int getAdena()
		return _adena != null ? _adena.getCount() : 0;
	+public int getCoin()
	+	return _coin != null ? _coin.getCount() : 0;


	public void addAdena(final String process, final int count, final L2PcInstance actor, final L2Object reference)
		if (count > 0)
			addItem(process, ADENA_ID, count, actor, reference);
	+public void addCoin(final String process, final int count, final L2PcInstance actor, final L2Object reference)
	+	if (count > 0)
	+	{
	+		addItem(process, COIN_ID, count, actor, reference);
	+	}


	public L2ItemInstance addItem(final String process, L2ItemInstance item, final L2PcInstance actor, final L2Object reference)
		item = super.addItem(process, item, actor, reference);
		if (item != null && item.getItemId() == ADENA_ID && !item.equals(_adena))
			_adena = item;
		+if (item != null && item.getItemId() == COIN_ID && !item.equals(_coin))
		+	_coin = item;


	public L2ItemInstance transferItem(final String process, final int objectId, final int count, final ItemContainer target, final L2PcInstance actor, final L2Object reference)
		final L2ItemInstance item = super.transferItem(process, objectId, count, target, actor, reference);
		if (_adena != null && (_adena.getCount() <= 0 || _adena.getOwnerId() != getOwnerId()))
			_adena = null;
		+if (_coin != null && (_coin.getCount() <= 0 || _coin.getOwnerId() != getOwnerId()))
		+	_coin = null;


	public L2ItemInstance dropItem(final String process, L2ItemInstance item, final L2PcInstance actor, final L2Object reference)
		item = super.dropItem(process, item, actor, reference);
		if (_adena != null && (_adena.getCount() <= 0 || _adena.getOwnerId() != getOwnerId()))
			_adena = null;
		+if (_coin != null && (_coin.getCount() <= 0 || _coin.getOwnerId() != getOwnerId()))
		+	_coin = null;


	public L2ItemInstance dropItem(final String process, final int objectId, final int count, final L2PcInstance actor, final L2Object reference)
		final L2ItemInstance item = super.dropItem(process, objectId, count, actor, reference);
		if (_adena != null && (_adena.getCount() <= 0 || _adena.getOwnerId() != getOwnerId()))
			_adena = null;

		+if (_coin != null && (_coin.getCount() <= 0 || _coin.getOwnerId() != getOwnerId()))
		+	_coin = null;


	protected void removeItem(final L2ItemInstance item)
		// Removes any reference to the item from Shortcut bar
		// Removes active Enchant Scroll
		if (item.equals(getOwner().getActiveEnchantItem()))
		if (item.getItemId() == ADENA_ID)
			_adena = null;
		+else if (item.getItemId() == COIN_ID)
		+	_coin = null;


	public void restore()
		_adena = getItemByItemId(ADENA_ID);
	+	_coin = getItemByItemId(COIN_ID);
		_ancientAdena = getItemByItemId(ANCIENT_ADENA_ID);




	public int getAdena()
		return _inventory.getAdena();
	+public int getCoin()
	+	return _inventory.getCoin();

  	+public void addCoin(final String process, int count, final L2Object reference, final boolean sendMessage)
	+	if (count > 0)
	+	{
	+		if (_inventory.getCoin() == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
	+		{
	+			return;
	+		}
	+		else if (_inventory.getCoin() >= Integer.MAX_VALUE - count)
	+		{
	+			count = Integer.MAX_VALUE - _inventory.getCoin();
	+			_inventory.addCoin(process, count, this, reference);
	+		}
	+		else if (_inventory.getCoin() < Integer.MAX_VALUE - count)
	+		{
	+			_inventory.addCoin(process, count, this, reference);
	+		}
	+		if (sendMessage)
	+		{
	+			SystemMessage sm = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.EARNED_S2_S1_S);
	+			sm.addItemName(PcInventory.COIN_ID);
	+			sm.addNumber(count);
	+			sendPacket(sm);
	+			sm = null;
	+		}
	+		// Send update packet
	+		{
	+			InventoryUpdate iu = new InventoryUpdate();
	+			iu.addItem(_inventory.getAdenaInstance());
	+			sendPacket(iu);
	+			iu = null;
	+		}
	+		else
	+		{
	+			sendPacket(new ItemList(this, false));
	+		}
	+	}

  		else if (item.getItemId() == 57)
			addAdena("AutoLoot", item.getCount(), target, true);
		+else if (item.getItemId() == 9404)
		+	addCoin("AutoLoot", item.getCount(), target, true);

  			else if (target.getItemId() == 57 && getInventory().getAdenaInstance() != null)
				addAdena("Pickup", target.getCount(), null, true);
				ItemTable.getInstance().destroyItem("Pickup", target, this, null);
		+	else if (target.getItemId() == 9404 && getInventory().getCoinInstance() != null)
		+	{
		+		addCoin("Pickup", target.getCount(), null, true);
		+		ItemTable.getInstance().destroyItem("Pickup", target, this, null);
		+	}




	public void distributeItem(final L2PcInstance player, final L2ItemInstance item)
		if (item.getItemId() == 57)
			distributeAdena(player, item.getCount(), player);
			ItemTable.getInstance().destroyItem("Party", item, player, null);
		+if (item.getItemId() == 9404)
		+	distributeCoin(player, item.getCount(), player);
		+	ItemTable.getInstance().destroyItem("Party", item, player, null);
		+	return;


	public void distributeItem(final L2PcInstance player, final L2Attackable.RewardItem item, final boolean spoil, final L2Attackable target)
		if (item == null)
		if (item.getItemId() == 57)
			distributeAdena(player, item.getCount(), target);
		+if (item.getItemId() == 9404)
		+	distributeCoin(player, item.getCount(), target);
		+	return;

  Search for public void distributeAdena and paste this under:

+	public void distributeCoin(final L2PcInstance player, final int coin, final L2Character target)
+	{
+		// Get all the party members
+		final List<L2PcInstance> membersList = getPartyMembers();
+		// Check the number of party members that must be rewarded
+		// (The party member must be in range to receive its reward)
+		final List<L2PcInstance> ToReward = FastList.newInstance();
+		for (final L2PcInstance member : membersList)
+		{
+			if (!Util.checkIfInRange(Config.ALT_PARTY_RANGE2, target, member, true))
+			{
+				continue;
+			}
+			ToReward.add(member);
+		}
+		// Avoid null exceptions, if any
+		if (ToReward.isEmpty())
+			return;
+		// Now we can actually distribute the adena reward
+		// (Total adena split by the number of party members that are in range and must be rewarded)
+		final int count = coin / ToReward.size();
+		for (final L2PcInstance member : ToReward)
+		{
+			member.addCoin("Party", count, player, true);
+		}
+		FastList.recycle((FastList<?>) ToReward);
+	}

Thanks again for the replies (even if it took 1 months for a reply :P ) you can lock this topic :)

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