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1. What purpouse does "CachedScripts" have? - I believe it's there just to quickly have skills/items ingame without restarting whole thing. it Can be removed ?

2. How to setup premium on Vangath Latest GF source? - I've found out that Vangath did not really deal with that, but I need to find a way how to setup Premium status on player, is there a skill effect? or is there any other ways to do it? //setpremium 999 does not really work, it will be removed right after relog or restart

3. ServerExt.ini Questions:
3.1 EnableStatisticsPacket=0   <-- What exactly does it do ?

3.2 MaxMultiSellQuanity=10000 <-- I assume this is how many ID's will be loaded from /scripts/multisell.txt, is there a reason why there is a option for limitation?
3.3 DeadlockTimeout=60000 <--What is that exactly, I tried to search net, did not really find questions particullary for L2
3.4 AllowDropAugmentatedItems=0  <-- I've been bit lazy, but will try it tomorrow, is it responsible for trading augmented items ? if enabled, does it drop augmented items upon PK aswell ?

3.5 RequiredUpdateMsgId=3018  <-- Where can I find MsgId's, could it be client side system folder ?

3.6 DropGetReuse=500 <-- It is very logical, but same time, is there a reason why delay upon drop item pickup ?

3.7 CustomTraitSystem=0 <-- This must be Vangath's special systems, can you tell me more about it, what purpouse that is?
3.8 [CLIEXT] Version=  <--I understand that CliExt is a 3rd party software protection that calculates exactly the size of L2 players should be running, if its below or above, then it will block them? CliExt is generated same time when Extender is being compiled
3.9 What is Dominion Manager ?

3.10 If Dominion manager is enabled and set siege cycle once a week, what happens with Territory war ? is it automatically set based on siege info also on 1 week?

3.11 VitalityDecrementRate=100 <-- What purpouse is that exactly, can you bring me some examples ?
3.12 FrenzyRaidBossDmgPenalty=0.50 <-- Is it damage multiplier based on penalty of player = Raid Boss ? Higher level = More dps raid boss does?
3.13 DisableMagicRandomDamage=0 <-- Can you clarify please
3.14 PledgeAsAlliance=0 <-- is it better to have overlord only for alliance? 

4. secure.ini
4.1 ScriptSecureEnabled=false <-- What security does it have? I noted that L2Server when launched it imports the scripts

5. perfmon.ini <-- What purpouse does it have?

6. L2Server.ini
6.1 useAuthTimeManageSystem=false <-- Is it simply time stamps?
6.2 UserPathFind=true  <-- What is path finder? Could it be if user makes click in game, it will find a way to get to that clicked point? Should I be using pathfinder generators? Based on what pathfinder is being generated?
6.3 WorldCollision=true  <-- What purpouse does it have? Is it just making sure NPC's does not collide eachother upon spawning ?
6.4 ExceptionMailing = false <-- I have not figured that out, all I know is that if something is in mailing mode, it's kind of "DISABLED"

6.5 MailServer= <-- have no clue
6.6 IOBufferCount=80000 <-- how many packets are being read ?
6.7 AgeCheckType=0  <-- I found it bit hilarious, is it really checking the players age ? I believe from registration right? what happens if enabled?
6.8 playtimelimit=0  <--- Does it kick out a user if limit has been reached? telling go get some sleep ?
6.9 newinspector=false <-- What is inspector?
6.10 newinspector_checkonly=false <-- Same as previous?
6.11 EnablePacketShuffle=true <-- What protection does shuffle give?
6.12 MaxSpawnNumPerOneTick=50 <-- Can you tell me more about it, what does it do?
6.13 MaxDespawnNumPerOneTick=200 <-- Same as previously mentioned
6.14 newinspectorversion=serverdata.dat  <-- Serverdata.dat just says 60
6.15 isnonpk=false <-- Does it not allow PK on server? or PK is not received upon a PK kill?
6.16 TestServerPenalty=false  <-- WHat purpouse?
6.17 LogMsn=false  <-- have not figured that out
6.18 fontcheck=0 <-- is it better to have it enabled?
6.19 What is BBS  and Writelevel of BBS ?
6.20 Pledgenamevaluerate is it received fame from clan wars upon kill  and war wins, sieges?
6.21 What is GIP ?
6.22 PCcafe is normally used ONLY by PREMIUM users?

7. firewall.ini
7.1 What purpouse firewall.ini have? Also there are tons of lines of OpCode_NUMBER = NUM / NUM

8. L2NPC.ini
8.1 What relation does L2NPC.Exe have with geodata? it has MAP and asking for directory of geodata
8.2 IsEventServer=0  <-- What is meant by that?

9.1 is it possible to have my web forums synced with L2comm ?

10.1 [MyOdbc] world_db=FILEDSN=lin2world_0x.dsn;UID=w;PWD=w  <--what purpouse does it have?
11.2 shared_db=FILEDSN=lin2world_0x.dsn;UID=w;PWD=w  <-- Why Shared odbc? I haven't seen such setting in other L2OFf Sources
11.3 [QsCheck]  <-- What is QScheck

I don't want to sound as "Lazy" but is it possible you could send or point in right direction for tools used for editing icons,skills particullary for GF and HF - downloaded way too many crap past 2 weeks ... 


Does anyone know if smart guard support Vangath files?
Does anyone have PCCafeCoupon.Dat file??
Version A: Is there any guides of how to make game launched only from L2Updater, not from L2.exe
Version B: Someone interested to create own Auth system, to launch game from Browser? Paid of course!!!

Edited by iPlay.gg
On 12/31/2017 at 12:44 AM, iPlay.gg said:

1. What purpouse does "CachedScripts" have? - I believe it's there just to quickly have skills/items ingame without restarting whole thing. it Can be removed ?

They serve as Index files for adding static objects to players (Skills, items, etc etc).


On 12/31/2017 at 12:44 AM, iPlay.gg said:

3.2 MaxMultiSellQuanity=10000 <-- I assume this is how many ID's will be loaded from /scripts/multisell.txt, is there a reason why there is a option for limitation?

Max item amount you can buy in one time (default should be 5000)


On 12/31/2017 at 12:44 AM, iPlay.gg said:

3.3 DeadlockTimeout=60000 <--What is that exactly, I tried to search net, did not really find questions particullary for L2

Timeout after which server will crash to prevent further damage / loss of data if deadlock will be detected.


On 12/31/2017 at 12:44 AM, iPlay.gg said:

3.5 RequiredUpdateMsgId=3018  <-- Where can I find MsgId's, could it be client side system folder ?


Check systemmsg-e.dat for IDs


On 12/31/2017 at 12:44 AM, iPlay.gg said:

3.11 VitalityDecrementRate=100 <-- What purpouse is that exactly, can you bring me some examples ?

=100 - 100% vitality drop. Let's say you drop it to 50 - Vitality will be consumed 50% slower on same received Exp.


On 12/31/2017 at 12:44 AM, iPlay.gg said:

3.13 DisableMagicRandomDamage=0 <-- Can you clarify please


On some part of Gracia (cant remember which one) magic damage is calculated randomly. For instance on Interlude you will always deal same damage (for example 1100) but on newer chronicles amount is random (1000-1200 or smth like this)


On 12/31/2017 at 12:44 AM, iPlay.gg said:

4.1 ScriptSecureEnabled=false <-- What security does it have? I noted that L2Server when launched it imports the scripts

NCsoft stuff. Imho nobody exactly knows what this does.


On 12/31/2017 at 12:44 AM, iPlay.gg said:

5. perfmon.ini <-- What purpouse does it have?

Somehow related to server performance monitoring. https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb490957.aspx


On 12/31/2017 at 12:44 AM, iPlay.gg said:

6.1 useAuthTimeManageSystem=false <-- Is it simply time stamps?

Earlier there was some Korean servers which had limited hours per week to play. If you exceed for example 10 hours, you won't be able to login. Time-limited servers ;)


On 12/31/2017 at 12:44 AM, iPlay.gg said:

6.2 UserPathFind=true  <-- What is path finder? Could it be if user makes click in game, it will find a way to get to that clicked point? Should I be using pathfinder generators? Based on what pathfinder is being generated?

Correct. Isn't pathnode generated from geodata when server is booting up?


On 12/31/2017 at 12:44 AM, iPlay.gg said:

6.4 ExceptionMailing = false <-- I have not figured that out, all I know is that if something is in mailing mode, it's kind of "DISABLED"



On 12/31/2017 at 12:44 AM, iPlay.gg said:

6.5 MailServer= <-- have no clue

Again some NCsoft stuff nobody knows what's for.


On 12/31/2017 at 12:44 AM, iPlay.gg said:

6.8 playtimelimit=0  <--- Does it kick out a user if limit has been reached? telling go get some sleep ?

Related to 6.1 (should be)


On 12/31/2017 at 12:44 AM, iPlay.gg said:

6.12 MaxSpawnNumPerOneTick=50 <-- Can you tell me more about it, what does it do?
6.13 MaxDespawnNumPerOneTick=200 <-- Same as previously mentioned

I believe this tells L2NPC how fast to load NPCs when you start L2npc.exe (I can be wrong)


On 12/31/2017 at 12:44 AM, iPlay.gg said:

6.15 isnonpk=false <-- Does it not allow PK on server? or PK is not received upon a PK kill?

You won't be able to attack other character outside of combat zone.


On 12/31/2017 at 12:44 AM, iPlay.gg said:

6.17 LogMsn=false  <-- have not figured that out

There is integrated MSN messenger into L2 client (you can find it at Friend Chat window), this config tells if we need to log that conversations.


On 12/31/2017 at 12:44 AM, iPlay.gg said:

6.19 What is BBS  and Writelevel of BBS ?

BBS - ALT+B. On L2OFF it is complicated community forum - you can write your posts or admin can write news.


On 12/31/2017 at 12:44 AM, iPlay.gg said:

7.1 What purpouse firewall.ini have? Also there are tons of lines of OpCode_NUMBER = NUM / NUM

Software layer of DDoS protection :)


On 12/31/2017 at 12:44 AM, iPlay.gg said:

9.1 is it possible to have my web forums synced with L2comm ?

IMHO no, unless you hardly rework L2Comm to be able to speak with your server software API.

On 12/31/2017 at 12:44 AM, iPlay.gg said:

8.2 IsEventServer=0  <-- What is meant by that?

If you set it to 1, additional badge will appear on server choose list.


On 12/31/2017 at 12:44 AM, iPlay.gg said:

I don't want to sound as "Lazy" but is it possible you could send or point in right direction for tools used for editing icons,skills particullary for GF and HF - downloaded way too many crap past 2 weeks ... 

https://sites.google.com/site/l2clientmod/l2tool + Photoshop with DDS support. Check icon.utx


On 12/31/2017 at 12:44 AM, iPlay.gg said:

Does anyone know if smart guard support Vangath files?

No native support.


On 12/31/2017 at 12:44 AM, iPlay.gg said:

Version A: Is there any guides of how to make game launched only from L2Updater, not from L2.exe

Use search, lots of theads on MXC about updaters and how to create it.




3.1 EnableStatisticsPacket=0   <-- What exactly does it do ?

Could be enabling/disabling the ability for a client to receive a stat info packet about the server etc or the server probing a client for stats, not sure



3.4 AllowDropAugmentatedItems=0  <-- I've been bit lazy, but will try it tomorrow, is it responsible for trading augmented items ? if enabled, does it drop augmented items upon PK aswell ?

this will make augmented weapons droppable (either intentionally or on karma death) and potentially tradeable also



3.6 DropGetReuse=500 <-- It is very logical, but same time, is there a reason why delay upon drop item pickup ?

this is the minimum time the server allows for dropping an item and then picking it up, I suspect it was introduced to fix possible duping exploits



3.7 CustomTraitSystem=0 <-- This must be Vangath's special systems, can you tell me more about it, what purpouse that is?

this will reverse the attribute system to what it was in interlude, where everything was considered an attribute, from stun and mental attacks to elements and dagger stabs, even weapon damage. Essentially removes attr_xxx and only leaves the trait_xxx to work, adding trait_water, trait_fire etc. in place of the attributes. In this system you either have an attribute or you dont, only defense has a power rating.



3.8 [CLIEXT] Version=  <--I understand that CliExt is a 3rd party software protection that calculates exactly the size of L2 players should be running, if its below or above, then it will block them? CliExt is generated same time when Extender is being compiled

this is vanganth's client extension implementation, for limiting how many clients you can have open or preventing banned HWIDs from playing on the server



3.12 FrenzyRaidBossDmgPenalty=0.50 <-- Is it damage multiplier based on penalty of player = Raid Boss ? Higher level = More dps raid boss does?

Guess it's is a multiplier that introduces a penalty on characters with the frenzy buff on, should reduce their damage more as you go higher. 1 should be 100% damage reduction, 0.50 should be 50%, etc.



3.14 PledgeAsAlliance=0 <-- is it better to have overlord only for alliance? 

Overlord's skills will affect the alliance not only the clan


5. perfmon.ini <-- What purpouse does it have?

Its a config file for the Performance Monitor, it can be used for example to send a mail whenever something has triggered, for example the CPU going above 90% utilization, or anything else the sysadmin has set. This way a GM can get notified about a server needing a reboot or attention in general.



6.3 WorldCollision=true  <-- What purpouse does it have? Is it just making sure NPC's does not collide eachother upon spawning ?

Should be about collision detection between all world objects, disabling it will probably lead to funky stuff happening



6.4 ExceptionMailing = false <-- I have not figured that out, all I know is that if something is in mailing mode, it's kind of "DISABLED"

6.5 MailServer= <-- have no clue


First one will send a mail whenever the server crashes, second is the mail server's address it will use if available.



6.6 IOBufferCount=80000 <-- how many packets are being read ?

size of the Input/Output buffer in bytes I guess,  increasing it will reserve more RAM and might increase performance



6.7 AgeCheckType=0  <-- I found it bit hilarious, is it really checking the players age ? I believe from registration right? what happens if enabled?
6.8 playtimelimit=0  <--- Does it kick out a user if limit has been reached? telling go get some sleep ?

Yes those are for Korean limited servers or "relaxed" I think they are called



6.11 EnablePacketShuffle=true <-- What protection does shuffle give?

Maybe it randomizes the sending order of packets to confuse 3rd party client programs



6.12 MaxSpawnNumPerOneTick=50 <-- Can you tell me more about it, what does it do?
6.13 MaxDespawnNumPerOneTick=200 <-- Same as previously mentioned

A tick in l2 is 666ms or so, so this should be the upper and lower limits of NPC spawning in this time frame



6.19 What is BBS  and Writelevel of BBS ?

Bulletin Board System, very popular in asia, old name for forums. Their ALT+B is integrated with their server forums so u dont have to ALT+TAB out of the game in order to post/read topics.



6.22 PCcafe is normally used ONLY by PREMIUM users?

PCCafe points are earned by whoever is playing from an internet cafe in asia, thats how most of them played L2 for a long time, in contrast to Europe/US areas where people played from home. You could spend those points for ingame items or game time I am not sure, but it would benefit you the more you played and earned.


7. firewall.ini
7.1 What purpouse firewall.ini have? Also there are tons of lines of OpCode_NUMBER = NUM / NUM

Software firewall to block some kind of attacks on the server



8.2 IsEventServer=0  <-- What is meant by that?

In Asia they could have dedicated servers running a specific event or many events non-stop something like that


9.1 is it possible to have my web forums synced with L2comm ?

Don't think it's ever done on L2OFF, not even the official forums ever managed to use the Community Board properly like in korea



10.1 [MyOdbc] world_db=FILEDSN=lin2world_0x.dsn;UID=w;PWD=w  <--what purpouse does it have?

Used to describe a connection to a data source, in this example a database. If u ever read/watched a guide for a L2OFF server, u create some DSN files. Those are used by CacheD to connect to the database.

Please excuse any mistakes, I'm not a guru, on the contrary still trying to learn like you, feel free to correct me in anything I said above if anyone finds something stupid.

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