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high five [L2J] L2 Green World


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is the best server eu. i checked as i do in all srvs.. is nice.. just u know gladi/tyr/tank need a little nerf coz is OP

but vaiN is da best.



no problem..



Join l2greenworld!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


relax friend,still beta stage we ll see on open

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1 day left for the greatest experience of your pathetic life.

Join l2greenworld best srv EU

and get raped by vaiN.

me also will test live tomorrow.btw life is not pathetic for eberyone :d

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Narcissism at it's finest.

Usually most common reason is the relationship between parent/child.


and from a scientific article...there you go...

since you exhibit all of these(except 2,although there's no way to test that through the internet :/),you should reconsider your mental status and seek professional assistance.


  • Think about himself most of the time and talk about himself a lot
  • Crave attention and admiration
  • Exaggerate his talents and achievements
  • Believe he’s special
  • Set unrealistic goals
  • Have wide, fast mood swings
  • Have a hard time taking others’ feelings seriously
  • Strive to win, whatever it takes
  • Fantasize about unlimited success, money, and power
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ya but he f@ks arround 20-30 Hot turists per 6-7 months season in summer island


get more than 200 facebook profiles of hot girls


and everybody say " damn this guy" f@ked my ex.

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i said is the best srv in Univerce, no need to see something



i saw everything.

you need to see online also,and this will happen tomorrow,if oneline bad how will you compete?no compete no fun,thats why wait until tomorrow i hope gonna be good too but still need to wait if there will be good online so it worth stay and play and compete

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