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[i need testers for the closed beta send me a skype request: kelrzhel ]


Hello, after long time i will try to bring back to you some old school taste combined with some modern pattern.




- Server Rates -

Exp/Sp : 100

Adena : 200

Spoil : x20

Seal Stones : x5


- Enchant Rates -

Normal / Blessed  - Retail Like

Safe : +3

Max : +20 [Weapons]

Max : +  8 [Jewls]

Max : + 8 [Armors]


- Items -


Ancient Weapons - Grand Bosses drop Raid Letter, these Letters will allow the player to exchange for an Ancient Weapon at the Ancient Merchant.

Dagger classes can wear Dual Daggers

Armors - Special Ability S-Grade Armory - Mithril Mines (Center) monsters will drop a spoilable item (Blood of Chaos) this will allow the player to add Special Ability to a S Grade Armor.

Jewels - You can now enchance your Epics to Blessed

*New GrandBoss ring = Ring of beleth*


- General -

-Armors and Jewels Safe Enchant +3
-Armors and Jewels Maximum Enchant +8
-Hard Enchant Rate
-Shop about to B grades
- A grade weapons/armors traded from ancient merchant for sort of adenas and ancient adenas
- No A/S grade scrolls in shop (Raid or spoil in custom zones)


- Customized Zones -

Imperial Tomb Chaotic (76-80) Farm/PvP Area - This area was customized to a Chaotic Zone Area:
-Players with Karma won't drop items when killed inside one of the rooms;
-When a player dies in this zone, the player will be respawned to the teleport location;
-S Grade Weapons are obtained in this zone (Monsters inside the rooms will drop the weapons) - There's only this method to obtain S Grade Weapons

-*New* Since Chaotic Zone drops S grade weapons without S/A now you got a chance to obtain a Chaotic Weapon, example : You can get Chaotic Arcana Mace - Acumen * - That means that you get an S/A weapon with 5% lower than to get a s/a one and it has also a different texture
-Mithril Mines Entrance (65-75):
-Leveling area (Recommended 65-75)
-Seal Stones Farm (Green and Blue)
- Mithril Mines Center (76-80):
-Seal Stones Farm (Green, Blue and Red)
-Blood of Chaos Farm(Spoil) - Item required to add Special Ability to an S Grade Armor Set
- Mithril Mines Grounds (76-80):
-Seal Stones Farm (Green, Blue and Red)
-Blood of Chaos Farm(Spoil) - Item required to add Special Ability to an S Grade Armor Set
-Level 80 Raidbosses were added to end of this zone (Thief Kelbar, Anakim and Lilith)
- Customized Raidbosses - located in Mithril Mines
-These Raidbosses drop Raid Letter and a set of S Grade Weapons + *NEW* Angel Slayer with Evasion Special Ability
- Retail Raidbosses from 60-80+ levels
-bosses from level 60 to 75 in TOI drop Armor/Jewels A Grade sets, scrolls and Blood of Chaos
-Main quest bosses drop 1 S-Grade set, 1-2 s grade weapons, blood of chaos and scrolls
-Galaxia drops 3 S Grade Sets(Major,Draconic,Imperial) 3-6 S Grade WeaponsBlood of Chaos and Scrolls

- Grandbosses - Drops Epic jewls + Ancient Stones that are needed for the enchance of the jewls to Blessed



-Ancient Merchant: In this Merchant you exchange your Ancient Adena and add Special Ability to your Armor and Weapon
-Exchange Raid Letters for Ancient Weapons
-Purchase A Grade Armors / S Grade Armors
-Purchase A Grade Jewels / S Grade Jewels
-Add Special Ability to S Grade Weapons / Armor

-Add Special Ability to Ancient Armor

-Enchance your epic jewls to blessed



Special Merchant: In this merchant you exchange your currencies
-Exchange Seal Stones for Ancient Adena
-Exchange Event Medals for Hair Accessories
-Exchange Adena for an Adena Credit Card ( - Adena Credit Card)
-General Buffer:
-The level of the buffs aren't maximized, giving the purpose and utility to Support Classes (Hierophant, Sword Muse, Eva Saint, Spectral Dancer, Shillen Saint, Doomcryer)
-Castle Special Ability (Enchanted) -
-This NPC has the feature of adding Special Ability to a weapon without loosing its current enchant value. (Example: Draconic Bow +12 - Draconic Bow Focus +12)
-Only available inside Castles (Examples: Aden Castle / Giran Castle / Goddard Castle)
-Available for S Grade Weapons only
-Raidboss Manager:
-Allows a player to get information about Grandbosses and Customized Bosses. (If they are currently alive or the time left to respawn)
-Account Manager
-Allows a player to edit his account password in-game.
-Magic Supporter (Only located in Imperial Tomb Chaotic)
-Allows a player to receive a Prophecy. (Wind, Water or Fire)
-Player vs Player Merchant - Player vs Player reward system, a player earns Honor Medallions after they defeat another player in a battle.
- In this Merchant you can exchange your Honor Medallions for special rewards.
- Quests:
-Subclass (Quest required, Red Pipette Knife can be purchased in Misc Merchant)
-Noblesse (Caradine Letter level 65 can be purchased in Misc Merchant, Goddess Quest Items can be purchased in Misc Merchant, Killing barakiel can give you nobless status, if and only if you are in an active sub at level 75 and above)


- Olympiad:
-Retail like with the only custom option that it is weekly.
-Every player is informed on login, when the period ends and when new heroes will be performed
- Rune Siege:
Everytime that rune siege is running Benom will spawn at throne room
Benom will attack both clan(s)
He will despawn if you don't kill him in 2 hours


-24+4 Buff Slots
-Auto learn skills
-Class Master
-Offline shop system



Website Soon


In game photos: More photos soon


http://prnt.sc/dznwxh [shop Preview]

http://prnt.sc/dznxlx [Chaotic Weapon preview]

http://prnt.sc/dznya4 [blessed Jewls preview]

http://prnt.sc/dznyti [ Dual Daggers preview]

Edited by Kelrzher
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1. "after long time i will try to bring back to you some old school taste combined with some modern pattern.", *sigh*.. Another owner who is trying to bring some old-school taste back in 2017. Sometimes i feel i watch Back to the future movie rather than a Lineage 2 preview. If i could count all those who try bring back memories in a paper, i would bring down 75% of global forest in order to make the proper paper quantity. (+1)

2. Also, modern pattern? I know that nowadays rappers can invent new words and sentences in order to make their "lyrics" make some sense but i didn't know Lineage 2 owners followed the same protocol. (+1)

3. The preview of the server is more poor than the CGI's of the Dwayne Johnson's scorpion model in the The Mummy Returns. (+2)

4. Wow, x99 experience rate? But why? Is this owner's touch? Why no just x100... Thats worst than detective Monk's disorder. (+1)

5. Another list with customized areas that i won't read cause i don't really care. Thank you owner. (+1)

6. "Special Merchant", cause just merchant is too mainstream for 2017. (+1)

7. Owner wrote followed by the word "Billion" just in case you had bad marks in high-school at maths. (+1)

8. GM-Shop html preview is following the driving protocol, all in 1 line waiting for the green light. Basically the html is the effort of a 10 years old trying to understand how <td> is working and after he has some working he gets so excited that he has to show it to his grandma. (+1)

9. Also, preview the server with admin char `cliche. (+1)

10. NPC's exist in the same place more than 1 time cause i guess walk 1m is waste for bandwith? Beside i'm start thinking about einstein theories that we exist in same timeline multiple times and bla bla i forgot its Lineage 2 npc's. (+1)

11. More photos followed by admin char and some collored npc's. Admin is really a d*ck toward dogs with achromatopsia. (+1)

12. The whole god damn place is covered by 2 npc's exist in different places. What is the "300" movie? But instead of spartans an army of Elinda and Julian? I can imagine players going at valakas, waiting for spawn and suddedly Elinda spawn in the middle of raidzone. Ohh dear...(+1)



SENTENCE: More cheese equals more holes, more holes equals less cheese. More cheese = less cheese?


Edited by AccessDenied
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1. "after long time i will try to bring back to you some old school taste combined with some modern pattern.", *sigh*.. Another owner who is trying to bring some old-school taste back in 2017. Sometimes i feel i watch Back to the future movie rather than a Lineage 2 preview. If i could count all those who try bring back memories in a paper, i would bring down 75% of global forest in order to make the proper paper quantity. (+1)

2. Also, modern pattern? I know that nowadays rappers can invent new words and sentences in order to make their "lyrics" make some sense but i didn't know Lineage 2 owners followed the same protocol. (+1)

3. The preview of the server is more poor than the CGI's of the Dwayne Johnson's scorpion model in the The Mummy Returns. (+2)

4. Wow, x99 experience rate? But why? Is this owner's touch? Why no just x100... Thats worst than detective Monk's disorder. (+1)

5. Another list with customized areas that i won't read cause i don't really care. Thank you owner. (+1)

6. "Special Merchant", cause just merchant is too mainstream for 2017. (+1)

7. Owner wrote followed by the word "Billion" just in case you had bad marks in high-school at maths. (+1)

8. GM-Shop html preview is following the driving protocol, all in 1 line waiting for the green light. Basically the html is the effort of a 10 years old trying to understand how <td> is working and after he has some working he gets so excited that he has to show it to his grandma. (+1)

9. Also, preview the server with admin char `cliche. (+1)

10. NPC's exist in the same place more than 1 time cause i guess walk 1m is waste for bandwith? Beside i'm start thinking about einstein theories that we exist in same timeline multiple times and bla bla i forgot its Lineage 2 npc's. (+1)

11. More photos followed by admin char and some collored npc's. Admin is really a d*ck toward dogs with achromatopsia. (+1)

12. The whole god damn place is covered by 2 npc's exist in different places. What is the "300" movie? But instead of spartans an army of Elinda and Julian? I can imagine players going at valakas, waiting for spawn and suddedly Elinda spawn in the middle of raidzone. Ohh dear...(+1)



SENTENCE: More cheese equals more holes, more holes equals less cheese. More cheese = less cheese?


i live for the moment that you will advertise your work and sin your sell sinfull bitch <3

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i live for the moment that you will advertise your work and sin your sell sinfull bitch <3

You can't sin me... also the day i'll advertise my work i'll sin my self. 

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    • Dear friends, September 24 at 19:00 (UTC +3) will be available access for our test server. UTC+3 - exact time now - Time.is During beta test will be available OBT Manager (NPC Eva) in Giran with all necessary items for test. We run 7signs in 1h cycle and Oly 24/7 Server setup on Beta same, like will be on server start On Beta will be restrictions for skill enchant lvl: 15 max for 2nd profession, 7 for 3rd profession Talent Tree avaible only Tier 1 (Same like will be on first Olympiad cycle on live server) We strongly recommend visiting beta. Check the concept of the server before it start. View the NPC Buffer, Shop, Services. We will be shutting down the public test server on September 23! So as not to mislead new players on Dex, whitch one is beta for seasonal server. After the season server opens, the Public Test Server will be available again. - Olympiad EVENT ON BETA TEST   GiveAway on Beta! On Beta launch day, we make 7 giveaways From 19:00 till 02:00. Each hour, new giveaway with 5 winer places. Each hour you need make new registartion if you want participate. To participate on Giveaway you need speak with NPC Ahuron in Giran Town and make registartion. On 20:00, 21:00, 22:00, 23:00, 00:00, 01:00 and 02:00 Ahuron will announce Winers! And palyers recive special item. If you will be offline on this momment, you will not get prize! Winers will recive on same account (on first character) scrolls for 7days Premium status on server start! You can activate this scroll on any time, its will give you 7 days Premium, or if you already have Premium it will add 7 days to it. Also, all who visit Beta and will be online at less 1 hour, will get small gift on server start. Pack with useful potions that for sure help you on start. We need this, to be sure you prepear you game client and ready to start    How to Connect on Beta! For participation in our Open Beta you can use your old Master Accounts(web account). But you need to create new Game Account fore NEW Interlude x25 server on your Control Panel. If you don't play in our project before - register new Master Account Download links: Updater Full Game Client (torrent) Full Game Client (direct link)   If you download Full Game Client - just unzip it, run updater choose NEW server, click on Full Check, than after update - click Start. if you already have our game client - Run updater choose NEW server and click Update. /data/attachments/4/4520-75a004e5c687b6c439c89513218f4743.jpg Join in our Discord Chanel - Join the Lineage2Dex Support Discord Server! Here you can find all important news, guides, communicate with other players and admins. Don't forget, Open Beta test is TEST server, so please make maximum test before opening, check classes that u plan to play, check shops, mobs etc. Don't just stay in the Towns enchanting weapons  Have a fun!  
    • Nice coincidence that since these links were posted, that forum getting ddosed.
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