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[ Pl/sql ] - Simple Pl/sql Statement.

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Hello everyone, today we will be looking at PL/SQL the basic syntax into the SQL programming language.

a block-structure language.. this means that the actual program that you write is splitted into diffirent parts.

Every PL/SQL block is split into 3 parts:

  • Declarations
  • Executable Commands
  • Exception Handling

The declaration section will start with the keyword DECLARE this section is not required as you don't always need variables in your PL/SQL program.

The Executable section is enclosed between The BEGIN and the ENDthis section is required as this is the core of your SQL program.

A simple example of a PL/SQL program:

message varchar2(20) := 'Hello MaxCheaters;

As you see in the exampe, we decalre a variabele called message as a varchar with a length of 20.
the := means that your gonna give the variabele a value, 'Hello MaxCheaters' in our example.
dbms_output.put_line(); will print a line, as of our example, the dbms_output.put_line() has a variabele passed within the () which holds our text.
The dbms will show 'Hello MaxCheaters' in our sql terminal.
You can compare the dbms_output.put_line() with a System.out.println() or a Console.writeLine(); in java or C#.


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