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interlude [L2J] L2 Prophecy


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WEBSITE: l2prophecy.com

Interlude Custom PvP 
EXP: x5000
SP: x5000
Adena: x6000

Enchant +6/7 safe, max +25 after +16 rate decreases

Accesories with diferent stats

Epic GrandBoss! Respawn min 24 Hours Maximum 48 (Random)

Custom Armors:

Tier1: Titanium Armor - Dread Armor 
Tier2: Prophecy Armor - Gives Inner fire Skill
Tier3: Ryckros

Custom Weapons:

Tier1: Unique Monster weapons (Halishe and etc)

Tier2: Prophecy Weapon - Semi Relic 

Tier3: Legendery
Tier4: Relic Weapons 

Custom Jewls:
Relic Jewls

Custom Skills on classes/PvPable classes are also:
Sword Muse
Blade Dancer
And More

Olympiad: is 1 weeks, start at 18:00 GMT +3. Only s grades could be accessable at olympiad games!

Trade Chat relased Global with 1000
Secret pvp skills at 500,1000,2000,2500,3000,5000,10000,20000 pvps 

Edited by hykurascarlet
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Secret pvp skills at 500,1000,2000,2500,3000,5000,10000,20000 pvps

10.000, 20.000 pvp... xmmm pvp count *1 or??

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[Christmas Bonus: Each sin is multiplied by 5]


1. Owner prove his boredomness by not even adding an active link for his website. Shared pack, common features, free website but hey lets no break the protocol by putting a small effort on making the link directly interactive. (+10)

2. "Max Level 80", like you had any other choise. (+5)

3. "Jewlers with stats", cause informative server is informative. (+10)

4. Epic Grandboss followed by an exclamation mark for more intense reading type. Cause just Epic Grandboss is too mainstream for 2k16. (+15)

5. "Custom Weapons", Nop. Custom stands for a content that is not inside the actual game but since every server own the same customs we consider them as default weapons and armors inside the game. So no at all. (+20)

6. Custom skills base on classes is exactly formulated as in the share section where they are shared. (+10)

7. PvPAble. (+25)

8. "Olympiad: is 1 weeks", cause grammar died exactly the date this server was developed. Oh i forget, grammar not even exist cause the server is not even developed, is shared. (+10)

9. "Trade chat relased", i stopped care about server's feature since then, this is more like education server. Find the mistakes and win! Yayy make it as an event, it will be so awesome. (+10)

10. Secret PvP Skills cliche. (+1)

11. Owner's hope for 20.000 PvP player inside his server, is a chance smaller than you been eaten by shark while you hear K-pop inside your tab during summer time while outside snowing. (+25)

12. The topic's appearance is worst than my ex's mood during bed. (+25)

13. Site has logo. Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, oh wait for a second i believed that the owner spended 5 minute in creating a logo which can undo the negatively comments i mentionted earlier but then i saw this "Logo Design by FlamingText.com" in site's source. Now im happy again. (+50)

14. I can't really speak for site itself but i'll give a sin for each minute i spended in hospital after the cancer i received. (+3.250)



PHRASE: Men are the best cooks, because with two eggs, one sausage, and a little bit of milk, he can fill a girl's tummy for nine months.

Edited by AccessDenied
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I am not the dev or owner of server mate so i dont give a damn.The pride like players know the server's tactics.Thanks anyways.

Then you will get banned since only owners are allowed to do this. RIP

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This server is complete crap.

I have seen people with rykros PKing at CoV and the Sentries are hitting them and they don't die ( There's No other place to farm since they removed cemetery (but the npc's are still there :'D))

Before L2 Prophecy they made a gracia final pride like server but it failed as I can see.So did the c6 server.

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