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Adrenaline And Smart Guard - Mega Scammers. The Sensation Of The Year !

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i like how you try to negate my post with "no proofs" and base own post on some google translated text by random account,

while it was sure there is adr-SG deal going on, these texts might be edited by tottaly-not-l2jscripts to make them look even worse. Anyways, from my bot user pov i only profited from bot working fine.


If averia agreed to pay 800usd, doesn't really matter how much work had to be done and what's funny, overpricing is one of reasons i hate l2jscripts for, they sell pure air with nice package and 1k price tag, now just added stealing with malware to their "sins list".


If someone else did that i wouldn't give a fuck, but these trashes are too obvious here.

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Both akumu and pcoder stated the chats were legitimate and both tried (and failed) to explain away all the bad shit in them not once claiming those portions to be edited, so proof of my posts is in this topic and on ZG confirmed as legitimate by the parties involved, but yeah that means nothing because it's not against someone you hate.


Hate on that guy all you want I don't give a shit but akumu's a bigger snake than that guy will ever be but you're fine with that why?



If someone else did that i wouldn't give a fuck, but these trashes are too obvious here.


akumu can do whatever he wants that's shady and literally illegal but it's chill? just because he's not the l2scripts guy?

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