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Pvp Area Custom Respawn Location After Death



So basically I added a new map of deMEV and I tried SweeTs tutorial right here .




I want to  make that area a pvp area also make the spawn point be at the same area not at the town. This area is located in the Neutral waterways somewhere (16_13) and every time I die I get teleported to orc village. I did this with Sweets tutorial ..

    <zone id='11015' type='ArenaZone' shape='Cylinder' minZ='-3300' maxZ='-2800' rad='5000'>
        <stat name='name' val='PvP Arena'/>
        <node X="-112973" Y="-145749" />
        <stat name='spawnX' val='-112973'/>
        <stat name='spawnY' val='-145749'/>
        <stat name='spawnZ' val='-2676'/>


and added this also at navicat zone_verticles.
11015    0    -112973    -145749

By the way 11015 didnt exist at zones I added it myself.

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Reborn I changed my setting to cuboid nothing happend.

<zone id='11015' type='Town' shape='Cuboid' minZ='-2800' maxZ='-2300'>
        <stat name='name' val='PvP Area'/>
        <node X="-121802" Y="-154191" />
        <node X="-107630" Y="-141430" />
        <stat name='noPeace' val='true'/>
        <spawn X='-113978' Y='-147088' Z='-2676'/>



Baggos I havent changed anything at java , I have to? and where?

Edited by sotid
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Baggos I havent changed anything at java , I have to? and where?

And why you do not create a pvp zone like this one?

After I will tell you how you can create respawn inside..

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