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Beta Openning: 4 November - Grand Openning: 18.11.2016
Check forum for EVENTS!!
Hello MXC members and guests.
Version: Interlude - l2java
Opening: November 2016 (could be edited during beta)
Exp: x15
Sp: x15
Partyexp: x1.5
Partysp: x1.5

Adena: x15 
SealStone: x5 
Drop: x10 
Spoil: x10 
Manor 1x
Quest drop x8
Quest Reward (adena / exp / sp): x8
RaidBoss Exp / Sp: x5
RaidBoss Drop: x3 
EpicBoss: x3
RB work for mage/titans(retail like)
    - N grade to B grade
    - (A/S grade is craftable)
    - Mats / Recipes shop
NPC Buffer + VIP Buffer
    Scheme buffer
        - Bufftime 2 Hrs (pet buffs 5mins)
        - 24+4 Buffslots
        - autolearn (not divine inspiration)
        - spellbooks drop - deleted*
        - low grade keys deleted *
NPC Delevel (blocks skills that are not propriete for current level)
NPC Password Changer
NPC Wedding manager
NPC Nickname+title color manager
NPC Auction Item Manager
NPC Clan reputation manager
NPC CastleManager - all castles registrations in one
Olympiad challenge system - looser gets recommends, horoes can buy donate coins
Special Doubled Bot protection
Clan leader cna set priviliges to withdraw from CWH (only for selected members)
Automatic Events
Special NOTrade zones - noone is able to trade near GK
Special Community Board
Champions system
Buffsell system
Weight limit Increased*
Subclass - Free subclasses
Nobless* - Caradine letter lvl 65 (adena + MSS) - you have to kill the barakiel
Safe +3 (fullparts +4)
Max +16
Chance normal 55%
Chance blessed 60%
   - Zero hour reward 2x
   - Toi Quest rates  -  increased drop
   - Giants Cave quest - increased drop
Voting system:
   - Every 5 votes = 5 Special Reward Chest (random reward)
   - Vote manager - you can get vote reward just for you without waiting
   - Champion Medals can be traded for Special Reward Chests.
Lifestones - Dropable from Tyrannos
   - 1+1 augments (1active + 1passive / 1 chance)
   - Nuker augements - 3 sec  Reuse
   - Chances: No grade: 3 %, Mid grade: 5 %, High grade: 10 %, Top grade stone:  15 %
Raid Bosses:
   - Classic Raidbosses respawn - 20-24 hrs
   - Barakiel respawn - 5-6Hrs (75lvl)
Retail like - no more bugging Baium, Zaken, QA, no java like bugs
Core 20+1
Queen Ant 22+2 (Characters 49+ lvl cant across the river) 
Orfen 26+2
Zaken 40+4
Frintezza 48+6 
Baium 72+3
Antharas 96+3
Valakas 108+3
.menu - improved character settings
.buffmenu - you can disable unwanted active buffs
.blockbuff - turn on buff protection shield.
.droplist - you can check npc droplist (or shift +target)
.reportbot - you can report bot in to GMs*(more info in Forum)
Around 50 commands
Feature will be can change/update
Edited by SmOkeHoMeStudio
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We are sorry, open beta delayed to tomorrow (5 November at 18:00 CET), system will be uploaded tonight.Check forum for many details.

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  • 2 weeks later...
 Grand Openning 18/11/2016 at 18:00 CET



Edited by SmOkeHoMeStudio
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 BETA END (SERVER JUST FOR GM) - 16/11/2016Open beta is closed, thanks for everyone for testing, we start prepare server for Grand Opening in friday 18.11. at 18:00 CET All beta testers will be rewarded on Grand opening.

Edited by SmOkeHoMeStudio
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