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interlude [L2J] Neda


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Hello Maxcheaters!

We are here to say to L2 Players that a new Server is coming soon.
Our Server is combined.... L2J and L2OFF  and from the begining you will see the diffrence.
No donations to afect game play.
No Custom weapons/armors.
Offline Shop.....put character to sell/buy or craft and exit game
Server Website http://l2neda.eu/
Server Chronicle Interlude
Server Rates
XP - 15x
SP - 15x
Drop - 10x
Adena - 20
Spoil - 10x
Quest Drop - 5x
Quest Reward - 2x
Quest Adena - 3x
Raid Drop - 10x
GM-Shop up to B grade
Global Gatekeeper (No raids or epics)
TVT Event  every 2 hours


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  • 2 weeks later...

Why open again and again same servers idk.. maybe is the feeling of being admin ? Else i don't see any difference.. just a normal server and i doubt if is off since lately everyone say is OFF

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