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Little Bit Of Help...



Hey, so i downloaded some scripts from here and when i am trying to open sql file in mysql and execute i get this kind of error -    INSERT INTO `custom_npc` VALUES (7077, 134, 'Global Gatekeeper', 1, 'L2Elyndor', 1, 'LineageMonster4.guard_naia_a', 14.00, 19.00, 35, 'male', 'L2Teleporter', 40, 777.000000000000000, 366.000000000000000, 7.100000000000000, 1.840000000000000, 40, 43, 30, 21, 20, 20, 0, 0, 159.00000, 170.00000, 111.00000, 113.00000, 230, 1, 333, 0, 0, 0, 60.00000, 120.00000, 0, 0)    Error Code: 1146. Table 'l2_game.custom_npc' doesn't exist    0.000 sec"


I am using mysql workbench on my pc and maybe it's made for vps/vds ? If yes, how can i make it so it would be okay for me?

Thanks a lot !

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Hey, so i downloaded some scripts from here and when i am trying to open sql file in mysql and execute i get this kind of error -    INSERT INTO `custom_npc` VALUES (7077, 134, 'Global Gatekeeper', 1, 'L2Elyndor', 1, 'LineageMonster4.guard_naia_a', 14.00, 19.00, 35, 'male', 'L2Teleporter', 40, 777.000000000000000, 366.000000000000000, 7.100000000000000, 1.840000000000000, 40, 43, 30, 21, 20, 20, 0, 0, 159.00000, 170.00000, 111.00000, 113.00000, 230, 1, 333, 0, 0, 0, 60.00000, 120.00000, 0, 0)    Error Code: 1146. Table 'l2_game.custom_npc' doesn't exist    0.000 sec"


I am using mysql workbench on my pc and maybe it's made for vps/vds ? If yes, how can i make it so it would be okay for me?

Thanks a lot !

Do it manually.. open custom_npc and hit the (+) and add it manually. 

1st cell (ID) equals to the first value of your .sql file which is 7077 the 2nd one is the 134 which is the template id the.. do everything until the L2Teleporter the rest dont fill them they are useless and sql will autocomplete those.

Edited by .Elfocrash
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Actualy ye true i ignored the error in the end, you dont have custom_npc in your database. This probably because you didn't accept "use custom content" when database asked you (during bat installation).

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Hey, so i downloaded some scripts from here and when i am trying to open sql file in mysql and execute i get this kind of error -    INSERT INTO `custom_npc` VALUES (7077, 134, 'Global Gatekeeper', 1, 'L2Elyndor', 1, 'LineageMonster4.guard_naia_a', 14.00, 19.00, 35, 'male', 'L2Teleporter', 40, 777.000000000000000, 366.000000000000000, 7.100000000000000, 1.840000000000000, 40, 43, 30, 21, 20, 20, 0, 0, 159.00000, 170.00000, 111.00000, 113.00000, 230, 1, 333, 0, 0, 0, 60.00000, 120.00000, 0, 0)    Error Code: 1146. Table 'l2_game.custom_npc' doesn't exist    0.000 sec"


I am using mysql workbench on my pc and maybe it's made for vps/vds ? If yes, how can i make it so it would be okay for me?

Thanks a lot !

  `id` decimal(11,0) NOT NULL default '0',
  `idTemplate` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
  `name` varchar(200) default NULL,
  `serverSideName` int(1) default '0',
  `title` varchar(45) default '',
  `serverSideTitle` int(1) default '0',
  `class` varchar(200) default NULL,
  `collision_radius` decimal(5,2) default NULL,
  `collision_height` decimal(5,2) default NULL,
  `level` decimal(2,0) default NULL,
  `sex` varchar(6) default NULL,
  `type` varchar(20) default NULL,
  `attackrange` int(11) default NULL,
  `hp` decimal(8,0) default NULL,
  `mp` decimal(6,0) default NULL,
  `hpreg` decimal(8,2) default NULL,
  `mpreg` decimal(5,2) default NULL,
  `str` decimal(7,0) default NULL,
  `con` decimal(7,0) default NULL,
  `dex` decimal(7,0) default NULL,
  `int` decimal(7,0) default NULL,
  `wit` decimal(7,0) default NULL,
  `men` decimal(7,0) default NULL,
  `exp` decimal(9,0) default NULL,
  `sp` decimal(8,0) default NULL,
  `patk` decimal(5,0) default NULL,
  `pdef` decimal(5,0) default NULL,
  `matk` decimal(5,0) default NULL,
  `mdef` decimal(5,0) default NULL,
  `atkspd` decimal(3,0) default NULL,
  `aggro` decimal(6,0) default NULL,
  `matkspd` decimal(4,0) default NULL,
  `rhand` decimal(5,0) default NULL,
  `lhand` decimal(5,0) default NULL,
  `armor` decimal(1,0) default NULL,
  `enchant` INT NOT NULL default 0,
  `walkspd` decimal(3,0) default NULL,
  `runspd` decimal(3,0) default NULL,
  `isUndead` int(11) default 0,
  `absorb_level` decimal(2,0) default 0,
  `drop_herbs` enum('true','false') DEFAULT 'false' NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

Save as .sql and try.

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