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[How and Why did you Choose Your Nick Name in MxC?]


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K4rMaArr0wS :P


And why the 4 and the 0 O.o


Owned :P

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Noble comes from english word  without -man in the end (Nobleman)


i dont know the reputation it has amongst the L2 communities but i rly like that as it was given to me by a special person that called me NobleMan in greek i decided to keep it :)

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one day on a net or school i was surfing mxc after my 2 accs that got banned for spamming(i was newbie)i finally wanted to create 1 account that i would keep it till the end and i created 1 acc for fun named vent00za .. after all i finally wanted Mafia as my name and i added 007 at the end .. nothing special !


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HaCkz0r... My little n00ob story... =].


I have this friend who's registered in here named FightToTheDeath aKa Pwnz0r. We are big friends with him so one day we were shiting around like :

-Hey WhaTs up n00bz0r.

-Hey ga*z0r.

-Hey b***chz0r

-Hey dreamz0r

Finally i said

"lol tard im l33t"


he said


"Lol HaCkz0r" ;]..


so i choosed it as my second name in forums/games. My first one is DreaM whoever has my msn already knows ThaT....


Btw im not just called HaCkz0r because of that ...


I have my 0wN secrets oO . lmao.


btw Tardz0r ftw :>.

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My nickname is carrying out a big history (kidding :D)


BTW It is the first time that I am analysing my nickname in a forum but it is funny! :D


Well, I remember myself before 1 year, I was playing in www.demonik.ru (C4 Server)...I donated there but my nickname was Reality...


So how Reality becomes XxRxX? Em..That is a good question. I was searhing over the net to learn more things about how to open my own L2Server...I was a total NOOB! That means that I had no idea about l2j...So then I found 3 different forums.


I. RageZone

II Online Game Forums

III. Maxbastards (aka MaxCheaters)


I thought that MaxBastards was better than the others and then I registered!

I was thinking of a new nickname which will have some similarities with my old one...


So: X-x-R-x-X = XxRealityxX


It is a bigger story but I am boring to tell you the whole history...I think that you got the point :P






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A long time ago, I have met someone named xXoRcXx.

So far I thought that guy was you ^^



No he wasn't me..But tell me where you met him?

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So now it should be NotAcheater? :P


grrr no it changed , the name doesn't apply... or... well, I am still not A bastard so it does :P



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My story is good too! :P i was fan of the damn great Tony hawk underground 2! i was sitting on pc about.. .hmm..... 5 hours and i was playing online (with connection guess!! 56kbps! .... i remember myself having lag!! :P)! i have various nicks! 1 day i thought i flip (my sk8 and in real life !cause i wanted to try sk8 in real life and i was good until i stopped it whatever!! offtopic :P)so i thought : How u call some1 who flips a sk8? Fliper :P (a lot of people call me flipper or fliper the dolphin :S) that's my story! quite strange as urs!



P.S.i was playing tony hawk undergound 2 at age of 10 - 11 and i completely addicted to this game unil my 13 years! :P

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