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Everyone must follow these rules when posting a topic!



-= Bots =-


[bot] Share botting method for a specific server

[Guide] Share botting for a specific server including guide, (or just a guide)

[scripts] All scripts

[L2W] L2W All versions,etc

[share] Share info about botting

[Other] All others

[Help] If someone asks for something useful that has been answered on contains info!

If we want, we can add chronicle (c1)(c2)(c3)(c4)(c5) at the end of topic


-= Bots Help =-


[Help] How to bot (server name here) and then we can add chronicle (c1)(c2)(c3)(c4)(c5)

[L2W] How l2w works, (example: im stuck with l2w, can move)


-= Exploits =-


[Exploit] All exploits that not including tools (example: help.htm,abuse,stuck buffs)

[Tool] A 3rd person tool for l2 (example: hlapex,la2brute,la2 fun etc)

[Guide] Guide on how to use a tool, or exploit (example: how to use hlapex)

[share] Share a useful information in this forum (example: i found this,can you test it)

[Other] All others

[Help] If someone asks for something useful that has been answered on contains info!


-= Exploits help =-


[Help] Help for exploits, tools (example: how this exploit works?)

[Hlapex] Help for hlapex only (example: how hlapex works?)

[Other] All others

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