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Enchant Engine

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Its a great feature that allows you to modify enchant rates, penalties on specified item tiers, grades, enchants, conditions etc.


Everything is configurable on XML.



Its a small yet a very complicated feature both code-wise and on the XML (you care only for the XML), the XML can be frustrating to develop but can result into a very dynamic and configurable enchant system that suits your needs and can be edited and reloaded on a live server.





The above is just a simple example of how it works.

Edited by xxdem
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Over complicated for absolutely no reason.

Also pretty bad designed xmls.

I never liked csv in xmls, they sort of defeat the purpose of having an xml in the first place.


The code part is pretty simple, it's just the overcomplicated xml part which makes it look nasty.

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Over complicated for absolutely no reason.

Also pretty bad designed xmls.

I never liked csv in xmls, they sort of defeat the purpose of having an xml in the first place.


The code part is pretty simple, it's just the overcomplicated xml part which makes it look nasty.


You don't have a clue of what you're talking about.

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50e meh lol there u go guys for free http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/193965-enchant-system-xml-acis/ already shared


Its very different, the one you link here is dumb and not expandable whereas mine binds on the item.xml directly where you can create new UNIQUE  scrolls on the live server and its very expandable.


Don't post bullshit if your knowledge and understanding is both inferior and minimal



My system is supported by a complex custom data structure that is error-free, expandable and highly efficient.



data/items/EnchantScrolls.xml example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<item id="32001" type="EnchantScroll" name="Unique Scroll: Weapon">
		<set name="announce_success" val="%playername% has succesfully enchanted %item% to +%itemench%!" />
		<set name="announce_fail" val="%playername% has failed the enchant of %item% to +%itemench%!" />
		<rates baserate="30" basefakerate="80" >
			<rate tier="ANY" baserate="0" basefakerate="80">
				<target enchants="8,9,10,11,12" rate="60" fakerate="80" />
				<target enchants="13,14,15" rate="70" />
			<rate tier="ADENA" baserate="70" />
		<fails basepenalty="CRYSTALLIZE" basevalue="2" >
			<fail tier="ADENA" basepenalty="NONE" basevalue="0" >
				<target enchants="8,9,10,11,12" penalty="SET" value="4"/>
				<target enchants="13,14,15" penalty="DEC" value="1"/>
Edited by xxdem
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For all the clowns that don't understand the functionality of this engine, read this before you post:


        <fails basepenalty="CRYSTALLIZE" basevalue="2" >
            <fail tier="ADENA" basepenalty="NONE" basevalue="0" >
                <target enchants="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12" penalty="SET" value="4"/>
                <target enchants="13,14,15,16,17,18" penalty="SET" value="10"/>

                <target enchants="19,20" penalty="DEC" value="4"/>



Let "Arcana Mace" be an item that belongs to ADENA tier category.


If we fail enchanting to +10 the enchant will reset to +4 ("SET" command with value=4)

if we fail enchanting to + 15 the enchant will reset to +10 same as above but different value (10)

if we fail enchanting to + 20 the enchant will DECREMENT by 4, (result = current_enchant - DEC_VALUE) = 19 - 4 = 15


IF the enchant or the TIER is not specified or doesnt match the enchanted item as a "target" or "fail" the basevalue of the parent node will be inherited. 


for example:

If we fail enchanting a +21 Arcana Mace WHOSE case IS NOT specified in a target group the default basepenalty NONE will be applied which basically means no action. All other cases will lead to the very basic penalty which is CRYSTALLIZE



All these as commanded on the XML, this is neither "basic" or "shared", if your understanding and IQ is negative thats not my fault

Edited by xxdem
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Kind of a copypaste idea from Aion but configurable... i dont think it is worth paying 50€ for it. Maybe 20€ ( for someone who rly has no knowlege about coding )....

Anyway gl with it!

Edited by melliman
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Kind of a copypaste idea from Aion but configurable... i dont think it is worth paying 50€ for it. Maybe 20€ ( for someone who rly has no knowlege about coding )....


Anyway gl with it!


This is premium software, even 50 Euros is low for someone that considers himself serious server admin.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wanna bet that nobody will buy this cause you're bad developer with bad attitude?


This is a complicated rework and useless.. why sell something like this really?

And also the codes you made are not even user-friendly, they are only for your brain... making XMLS with variables like idk what is it because you know it.

Edited by AccessDenied
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