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About Augmentions





Im wondering how can we insert for example passive duel might lvl 10 and str+1.


 im working on IL (acis) and in augmentations table i got :


Item_id / attributes / skill_id / skill_level


the method to get the attribute for example passive duel might is:


get the augmentation id (16285) * 65536 = 1067253760.


So if we insert in db


item_id          attributes        skill_id   skill_level

268480257   1067253760   3243      10

we get our weap with stats:
Passive: duel might lvl 10.
if we add 1 more number in attributes (1067253760+1 = 1067253761):

item_id          attributes        skill_id   skill_level

268480257   1067253761   3243      10


we get our weap with stats:
P.def. +15.4
Passive: duel might lvl 10.
+2 (1067253761+1 = 1067253762)

item_id          attributes        skill_id   skill_level

268480257   1067253762   3243      10

then we will get in our weap:
M.def. +12.3
Passive: duel might lvl 10.
But what about extra stats?


the list of the extra stats are 17  : 


Increase Accuracy between +0.4 and +3.0 

Increase CP Recovery between +0.1 and +0.8

Increase Critical between +4.9 and +32.7

Increase Dodge between +0.4 and +3.0

Increase Recovery between +0.1 and +0.8

Increase M. Atk. between +2.5 +28.2

Increase Maximum CP between +19.2 and +214.9

Increase Maximum HP between +12.7 and +155.9

Increase Maximum MP between +6.1 and +115.1

Increase M. Def. between +4 and +30.8

Increase MP Recovery between +0.1 and +0.4

Increase P. Atk. between +2.2 and +24.2

Increase P. Def. between +5.1 and +38.2

Increase CON +1

Increase INT +1

Increase MEN +1

Increase STR +1


imagine how many numbers we can add in attribute to caught the STR +1 and its not only that...

Stats can combined for example Dodge and recovery so we have 17 stats * the numbers we can get of each one?

and if example we have 5000 numbers if we do the retard method in db (add 1 in attribute , reload items , rr and see what we got 5000 times

we will caught the d.might lvl 10 + STR +1? 

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Open optiondata_client-e.dat from system folder. You will find all attributes id you are looking for. For my custom augmenter I put + Rnd.get(min, max) to generate random stat.

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So, In one weap we cant get both? i mean skill + str+1 or smt?


(u are using Rnd to get what? extra stats ?)

Edited by ⏇Melron⏇℠Abs
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