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Posted (edited)

Lies everywhere !!!!

This is what baggos is doing when he is home alone:



I asked him to come to my house but he is like "nah, i prefer to do it alone" >.>

See baggos what you did? Everyone know now.... pff

Edited by AccessDenied
 if (killerCharacter == null || killedPlayerInstance == null ||
 (!(killerCharacter instanceof L2PcInstance) &&
  !(killerCharacter instanceof L2PetInstance) &&
  !(killerCharacter instanceof L2SummonInstance)) ||

o kwdikas sas

 if (killerCharacter == null || killedPlayerInstance == null ||
 (!(killerCharacter instanceof L2PcInstance) &&
  !(killerCharacter instanceof L2PetInstance) &&
  !(killerCharacter instanceof L2SummonInstance)) ||

o kwdikas sas


Αμα σου leecharan το engine θα γελαω μεχρι το 2019

 if (killerCharacter == null || killedPlayerInstance == null ||
 (!(killerCharacter instanceof L2PcInstance) &&
  !(killerCharacter instanceof L2PetInstance) &&
  !(killerCharacter instanceof L2SummonInstance)) ||

o kwdikas sas


se eblepa pou hsoun arketh wra se auto to post,sou phre tosh wra gia na to grapseis auto?


se eblepa pou hsoun arketh wra se auto to post,sou phre tosh wra gia na to grapseis auto?

Ουτε καν Copy Paste το εκανε >.> απο εδω http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/203773-free-help-small-code-fixes-request-small-codes/page-31



Im joking, xdem σαγαπαμεεεεεεε  :-[


Ουτε καν Copy Paste το εκανε >.> απο εδω http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/203773-free-help-small-code-fixes-request-small-codes/page-31



Im joking, xdem σαγαπαμεεεεεεε  :-[

stamta re dld ligo na ton peiraksw :( pwww :(


Nooo τον xdemouli μου >.> μονο εγω τον πειραζω. Βρες δικο σου <.< οκ?

e pion na vrw...ee pion? olous tous kalous esy tous exeis parei :(

Posted (edited)

e pion na vrw...ee pion? olous tous kalous esy tous exeis parei :(

Δεν ξερω.. ΜeVsYou? Justice? Maxtor? SweeTs? Ο xdem ειναι δικος μου...

Σκεψου μονο οτι του Αγιου Βαλεντινου ηρθε σπιτι το γλυκουλι μου και μου εδωσε για δωρο 5 γραμμες κωδικα awww >.<


Εσενα ο MeVsYou δεν σου κανει δωρα >.>

Edited by AccessDenied

oxi 8elw xdem. 1v1 right now.dialekse game.

Bitch deal with it, xdem is my baby >.>, ain't fight for my belongs.  I would never do that, so forget it.. 

ok ok DotA >.> 1v1 

Posted (edited)

Bitch deal with it, xdem is my baby >.>, ain't fight for my belongs.  I would never do that, so forget it.. 

ok ok DotA >.> 1v1 

den exw idea apo dota.......

Edited by AbSoLuTePoWeR

den exw idea apo dota.......

Τα ιδια ελεγε και ο Vorfin 10 μερες πριν αλλα ξαφνικα εβγαλε 70.000 ευρω και εχει περισσοτερους πελατες απο ολο το maxcheater σε 1 μηνα.

Μηπως και εσυ ξαφνικα σε 5 μερες γινεις legendary dota player >.> ?


Τα ιδια ελεγε και ο Vorfin 10 μερες πριν αλλα ξαφνικα εβγαλε 70.000 ευρω και εχει περισσοτερους πελατες απο ολο το maxcheater σε 1 μηνα.

Μηπως και εσυ ξαφνικα σε 5 μερες γινεις legendary dota player >.> ?

axaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa,re sobara dn exw idea  dn exw paiksei pote dota.

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