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My Questions Thread



Hey, i'm making this thread and i'll constantly post questions here instead of creating new threads every time. :)

#1: When i create merchant's or any random npc's html window, can i target the last line of the window? What i am trying to say is lets say the window is 10 lines, 5 first lines are text, 5 left lines are blank (empty), is there any way i could skip all the blank lines and write text straight into the last line (10th) ?

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5 <br>?

was looking for something better


<br> or table with fixed size.

table should work for me then I guess :D 


#2: is it possible to maintain augmentation effects (keep the same augment) through a multisell trade? i mean if you upgrade that weapon? 


#3: whats the height of the html window? width is 300 px i think.

Edited by ElTyto
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FFS just start answering questions -.-


#2: is it possible to maintain augmentation effects (keep the same augment) through a multisell trade? i mean if you upgrade that weapon? 


#3: whats the height of the html window? width is 300 px i think.

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No. These questions ONLY require logging into the game and checking, make godamn agu and try to exchange wep (SA case, I believe that's what you ask for). Printscreen and cut, you got the pixels.

Edited by SweeTs
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No. These questions ONLY require logging into the game and checking, make godamn agu and try to exchange wep (SA case, I believe that's what you ask for). Printscreen and cut, you got the pixels.

you just sunk my battleship  :-\

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but isnt it the same? or doesnt it work differently? i mean for example if you take any random epic jewelry, you or tryskell used sub for % value, like the jewel says something like increases resistance in bleeding by 20% and you used sub 20

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It depend on the stat you want to change. In short, some has max value 100, so if you mul or -, its one shit :p

Edited by SweeTs
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Resistances should go with add/sub. They are like 0-100. Other stats as you want, mul them if you want to increase/decrease by % or simply sub/add it, if you want to add or remove X value from stat.

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Resistances should go with add/sub. They are like 0-100. Other stats as you want, mul them if you want to increase/decrease by % or simply sub/add it, if you want to add or remove X value from stat.

is there any way i could see all those resistances? i mean through client, current values

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