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Custom Pvp Announcement Problem



hey guys ..

now iam working on l2 tales based on l2f files ..

and i wanna add custom pvp announce like ..

when player kill 3 players it says killing spree ..

i'v done form the massage ..

and it work perfectly

public int kss;pk.setPvpKills(pk.getPvpKills() + 1); kss ++ ;if (kss == 3){Announcements.getInstance().announceToAll("killing spree "  , ChatType.CRITICAL_ANNOUNCE);}
i need to make kss reset to zero when player get killed and start counting again so what ihave to do ???

sorry for my bad en

Edited by THeMaxPoweR
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As Tk said, search for Player.java (gameserver/model location). Maybe as you posted above, check onDeath method.

Edited by SweeTs
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Doesn't exist


Player if you use a random russian pack. Otherwise search better. It's L2PcInstance since L2J exists.


Search doDie at worst, none renames that.

Edited by Tryskell
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i got only one do die method at Creature.java

public final void doDie(Creature killer)
// killing is only possible one time
if(!isDead.compareAndSet(false, true))



Edited by THeMaxPoweR
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