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one question it will be not better to do the max enchant +16 for weapons +10 for armors/jewels ?

if we do it like that then archer will do too much damage and we will have to re-do the balance

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i will join for sure..


MrPro and valentin fcking retards. only play corrupt servers

who is valentin ? :D so if i will join here ( i dont think so but whatever ) i will be corrupted ?

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go away haters on every thread u flame thats why servers have no life :'(

it is the truth not hating , server doesnt look professional at all

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Hello people , we are in search of "Public Relations" [PR].
In few words we need people who can contact with solo players or clans and invite them to our project. For people who can post about our project in gaming forums and social media to attract much more community. If you are interested don't hesitate to contact with us providing us your proofs of your own PR, how many people you will be able to invite, which clans will you be able to invite and obviously we will discuss about your payment too !

Contact me by messaging me on forum !



forum topic : http://forum.l2ixtli.com/index.php?/topic/9-in-search-of-public-relations-pr/

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