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Posted (edited)

Bla bla i know  i just need the LATEST STABLE version no the DEVELOP one.. anyone have it? send link plz ty

Edited by AccessDenied

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Posted (edited)

What project u looking for ???

The guy i hate below your comment said it..

obviously, i have tones of people from youtube who ask for L2J source cause they all see from my videos that site is down and i want the STABLE only 

to upload it so they can dl it. I have the latest develop but is fucked up and i dont want give it.


I had c4-c5-gracia-freya and hi5h but i did a mistake and delete all java files when i was deleting high5 from eclipse and i realised it after 5 days

Edited by AccessDenied
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There is nothing like "stable" branch, L2J focused on develop branch. Stable branch has been forgotten for like, years.

you sure about this? well at least anyone have the latest source?

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Stable was master, doing new shit in develop. But yeah afaik it wasn't much stable, even if I heard Zealar made a couple of mistake in latest develop which breaks lots of shit :D

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Stable was master, doing new shit in develop. But yeah afaik it wasn't much stable, even if I heard Zealar made a couple of mistake in latest develop which breaks lots of shit :D

i have the "develop" but is fucked up,, classes, skills, everything, i want at least one "stable" no the develop one.


anyone have link?or can send at least..

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Don't except much from stable, it will 99% same as develop. The main issues is regarding npc in develop.

  • 0

Don't except much from stable, it will 99% same as develop. The main issues is regarding npc in develop.

For some reason in the current i have it has 1000000 missing skills, give all skills no work, many exceptions,, and i wont sit and fix one by one the things that are working in the stable...

so if someone have stable even if is 4-5 months older give link..

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