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Skill Re-Use Visual Glitch



Guys, which part of the core is responsible for sending char skill re-use?


My problem is: Use skill, open skill tab (alt + k) and you will see ur skill is ready to use again but you can't use because its still on cooldown.

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3 answers to this question

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SkillCoolTime packet on EnterWorld, normally.


About regular use, tbh, I don't know. There is no call of that packet after.

Edited by Tryskell
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what about this? anything related to skillcooltime?

public class RequestSkillCoolTime extends L2GameClientPacket
    L2GameClient _client;
    public void readImpl()
        _client = getClient();
    public void runImpl()
        final L2PcInstance pl = _client.getActiveChar();
        if (pl != null)
            pl.sendPacket(new SkillCoolTime(pl));
    public String getType()
        return "[C] 0xa6 RequestSkillCoolTime";
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It's of no use in both IL (not even implemented) and l2p type forks. Probably deprecated. And sending SkillCoolTime directly avoids a pointless "layer".

Edited by Tryskell
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