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Hello i would like to introduce an upcoming project i have in mind







EXP: Does it matter? Instantly 80 when you start, when you sub.

SP: Useless.. 


Safe Enchant 3

Max Enchant Unlimited

Rate: 50% 

Blessed Rate:50%

Epic Scroll: 55%


Top ls Rate : 20%

Augment (1/1) passive/active


Olympiad : Weekly



The only custom from equipment is that the retail S grade Armors will have Apella texture and Unique Weapons (Halisha, Doll Knife and so on that we will replace the textures of the normal S grade Weapons. (Optional System for those that they do not want to see the customs and prefer retail)



From PvP you get Points so you can get Caradines Letter , Bogs, Epic Scrolls, LS


Drug Store: 


There are 3 drugs that boost your status 


Cocaine: Temporaly increase your Accuracy, Atk Spd, Casting Spd, Evasion

Marijuana: Increases your Defense , M Defense and Critical hits

MDMA: Boosts speed , M Atk, P Atk



Blessed Jewls:


When you get the norma ones from epics you can upgrade to Blessed that have a +3/5% boost (depend on stats)  using the normal ones and some Honorable Points (Gained from pvp)


On our special shop you get exchange your retail Epic Jewls to upgraded blessed Epic Jewls and you also can get them on a random enchant

For example you can get +3 or +6 or +8 or +16 Jewl depends your luck!


5 Custom RBs , will give you a debuff called Heroin that will decrease your stats by 3% 

This RBs will drop :




With this items you can go to Special Shop and exchange your drinks for a S grade weapon

The benefit it will randomly give you enchants when purchased 

For example you can get +3 or +6 or +8 or +16 weapon depends your luck!



Special Zone that you gain x2 Honorable Points from PVP with constant flag



Donate Shop , Selling Augments (Passive/Active) (1 Augment per char is usable) This is just if someone is bored to augment all the time he can just help our project and get it faster


Anti feed for PvP Feeders ( We cant avoid friends though)



Motion Juice - You get the Juice from events to get accessories

3 kinds of coffee (Frappe, Freddo Espresso , Freddo Cappucino) You need them for nobless Item

Drinks( Coca Zero, Fanta)  for Clan Items 


Some of our NPCs and Custom Mobs/ Raids




New visual Armor (Obtainabled through Honor Points (PvP) ) It is just visual , same stats as S grade regular armors but robe has Dark Crystal Stats


More to come...

Edited by Kelrzher


Custom Skills:

2 New Skills for Buff Classes ( lets see them to PvP Places) (No Bishops/Healers)


Boost on Pets (Well we would like to see them on pvp too)

Remove them,if they are gonna be removed we're in for sure.


Remove them,if they are gonna be removed we're in for sure.

its a magic skill with 40 sec reuse , really? well we still fix the client stuff , i will create a poll .. this skills wont be in olympiad but alright we will see


Custom Skills:

2 New Skills for Buff Classes ( lets see them to PvP Places) (No Bishops/Healers)


Boost on Pets (Well we would like to see them on pvp too)


Good idea! And no. dont remove this. dont listen to random dude.


Custom Skills:

2 New Skills for Buff Classes ( lets see them to PvP Places) (No Bishops/Healers)


Boost on Pets (Well we would like to see them on pvp too)


Good idea! And no. dont remove this. dont listen to random dude.

thank you very much for your reply , well its better to make a poll.. people nowadays used to instant pew pew servers , it will be instant and pew pew but just a lot of funnier for some stuff


Cocaine: Temporaly increase your Accuracy, Atk Spd, Casting Spd, Evasion

Marijuana: Increases your Defense , M Defense and Critical hits

MDMA: Boosts speed , M Atk, P Atk

:dat:  :dat:  :dat:

I had these ideas so many times and posted on troll servers and now finally someone make em reality ;D


The whole project idea seems good, waiting for more info and features!

Good luck


:dat:  :dat:  :dat:

I had these ideas so many times and posted on troll servers and now finally someone make em reality ;D


The whole project idea seems good, waiting for more info and features!

Good luck

thank you very much , trying to think more stuff to implement :D


thank you very much , trying to think more stuff to implement :D

You can add some cool things like:

  • Make these buffs on items, an item that will give you the stats that you mention and add em on an NPC called "The Dealer" or name the buffer that will give these buffs with that name if you do not make em on an item.
  • Make a debuff for raids called "Heroin", this debuff will decrease speed, atk spd and casting spd by  5% for example (you got my point).

and use your imagination to find more and more ;p to create something new, don't get your base only on drugs but generally on things we're gonna see in real life, like drinks, drugs, etc


Drug Store: 


There are 3 drugs that boost your status 


Cocaine: Temporaly increase your Accuracy, Atk Spd, Casting Spd, Evasion

Marijuana: Increases your Defense , M Defense and Critical hits

MDMA: Boosts speed , M Atk, P Atk



Blessed Jewls:




Some pictures :) 



5 Custom RBs , will give you a debuff called Heroin that will decrease your stats by 3% 

This RBs will drop :





With this items you can go to Drunk Shop and exchange your drinks for a S grade weapon

The benefit it will randomly give you enchants when purchased 

For example you can get +3 or +6 or +8 or +16 weapon depends your luck!

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