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Nextarget - Lineage 2 Pvp Radar (Adrenaline Plug-In)


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Hello! Recently we have made new radar plug-in for L2 Adrenaline: NexTarget 
It works only with Adrenaline Bot, so it's also safe and working on most of free servers (and all official servers).
Oficial radar's page: http://asiwin.com/buy/radar-lineage-nextarget/indexEN.html


Also radar allow you to create your own widgets in Custom Unit, more info: NexTarget API


Edited by farmwl
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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
up, now you can buy keys for 3 \ 6 \ 12 monthes

also radar's functionality is grown up:



- AutoMark for GOD+ chronicles is added

- filters of effects of players are fixed

- support of effect of invisibility is added

- display of effects of the user is fixed

- display of an expiration date of a key is added

- AntiAttackBug cleaning a bug of common attack is added

- BreakCast is fixed

- productivity is a little increased

- the error showing incorrect Skype in a window of the help is corrected

- hotkeys are fixed

- the error with authorization which sometimes showed "updating is necessary" is fixed



- AntiBack, BreakCast, HotTarget are strongly changed

- NextTarget is deleted, now it is part of HotTarget

- now it is possible to use combinations of hotkeys

- the hotkeys for management of a main window and window of information on the purpose are added

- the hotkeys for management of additional functions are added

- it is changed ResKill that there were no problems at simultaneous revival of a set of the purposes

- icon is added to the tray for fast display / concealment of a main window

- now in all additional functions it is possible to use both names, and ID

- SafeCast is renamed into AntiBreakCast

- AutoSkill is renamed into GroupSkills

- small fixes and improvements



- corrections in work of the additional functions

- display of icons of clans, equipments, buffs is added

- now additional functions ignore allies

- now information on the purpose it is possible to copy

- the choice of objects from the list of aimed is added

- AutoSkill works not on all group now, and on any chosen players



- now in the settings, you can choose the window for which you want to use radar

- thanks to the above, you can now use any scripts without adding to NTCustomScript

- in Break Cast added ability Spell Turning

- added support for bug macro



- remove the display standard effects(Abnormals), now it is possible to flexibly configure

- improved window for more information about targets now display basic information and effects(Abnormals)

- improved optional setting players, more conditions and the ability to set its icon to the right of any nickname

- other small changes

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