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You are pathetic. Anyone with an IQ higher than 25 can see that all those "clan posts" you made yourself. Haha and most users online: 566 -> 0 Topics on forum. Seems legit.

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You are pathetic. Anyone with an IQ higher than 25 can see that all those "clan posts" you made yourself. Haha and most users online: 566 -> 0 Topics on forum. Seems legit.

Here we go again my favorite retard, L2Legacy blowjob machine, got tired of sucking their dick already? how much do they pay you to bash other servers? Are they satisfied with the 5€ Advertisement/Bashing alimony service of yours?


Let me guess after this u will come back with ur "donator member" account Gateway to flame some more isnt it?

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Look who is talking about sucking dicks, you are doing that right now. Also where have i defended Legacy? What i wrote above are facts, and if you are butthurt about it, thats not my problem

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Look who is talking about sucking dicks, you are doing that right now. Also where have i defended Legacy? What i wrote above are facts, and if you are butthurt about it, thats not my problem

So the fact is if you get thrown 5€ of alimony by a server you are gonna shake ur pom poms?

A really importnat fact is that what you are doing right now is one of your paid services aka server bashing, advertising(lol)....


Keep lying to urself everyone can read the legacy topic and see for themself how u bash on Mixaela and Krea. Unless ur buisness is such shit u have to do it pro bono.... anway your serivce is a waste of money, everyone knows that....

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Direct your anger elsewhere you ignorant kid. Regardless of my name, where have you seen any topic or anything about my "services" ? Your assumptions are stupid, and yes, everyone can read Legacy topic and see that i dont even remotely close bash Krea, and Mixaela is an imbecile who is spamming almost every server's topic, threatening to ddos and other kind of bullshit, banned for a reason.

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Dear Advertiser so why would someone pick a name like that without reasons of advertising servers? So now you state that you dont provide advertising services? Are you suffering from severe psychosis for being hostile for no reason since u "DONT" get paid for what you are doing here right now at this moment?

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Thats rich coming from you Outlaw, a person which tried to kill his own parents for a shit apartment!!!

Someone who is good only at stealing and lieing...


I apologize for calling you a person in the statement above, beings like u can only be called a monster...

Edited by jeez
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