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I Was Banned For No Reason!


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I was banned for no reason!!!

I opened another topic and admins locked it

Some guy said i am lineage2 developer, is not allowed to be developer in this forum or what?

I want unban my main account

If not, give me the real reason for that i was banned..

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I wait for a reason, why i was banned


Ctacy Doll or MeVsYou Will explain you the reason stop crying now pleache

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i was banned for no reason also


so what ?


you banned because you are Legend :)))


Warden banned because he is scum who selling shared things :))

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you banned because you are Legend :)))


Warden banned because he is scum who selling shared things :))

I sell shared things?

i am legend?

stop acting like kids, i really want the real reason why i was banned

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I sell shared things?

i am legend?

stop acting like kids, i really want the real reason why i was banned


you are the L2Dev.ru wannabe let me call you

your ip got tracked by mods and u got banned

Solved your Question now?

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i had more than 5 bans because i reported maxtor as a scammer , so don't worry life is hard here :)

Edited by MrPro*
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    • well i didnt used to had that issue u reffering , u can always lower the page value that would show on each page . keep in mind it was taken  from h5 that it can handle more html length than interlude .   package handlers.admincommandhandlers; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.handler.IAdminCommandHandler; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.WorldObject; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.actor.Player; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.item.instance.Item; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.util.Util; public class AdminInventory implements IAdminCommandHandler { private static final String[] ADMIN_COMMANDS = { "admin_showinv", "admin_delete_item" }; @Override public boolean useAdminCommand(String command, Player activeChar) { WorldObject target = activeChar.getTarget(); if (target == null || !target.isPlayer()) { activeChar.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.INVALID_TARGET); return false; } if (command.startsWith(ADMIN_COMMANDS[0])) { if (command.length() > ADMIN_COMMANDS[0].length()) { String com = command.substring(ADMIN_COMMANDS[0].length() + 1); if (Util.isDigit(com)) { showItemsPage(activeChar, Integer.parseInt(com)); } } else { showItemsPage(activeChar, 0); } } int count = 1; if (command.contains(ADMIN_COMMANDS[1])) { String[] parts = command.split(" "); if (parts.length == 3) { try { count = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { activeChar.sendMessage("Invalid quantity format."); return false; } } if (count == 0) { activeChar.sendMessage("Quantity must be 1 or above, or left blank for default."); showItemsPage(activeChar, 0); return false; } String val = parts[1]; target.getActingPlayer().destroyItem("GM Destroy", Integer.parseInt(val), count, null, true); showItemsPage(activeChar, 0); } return true; } private void showItemsPage(Player activeChar, int page) { final WorldObject target = activeChar.getTarget(); final Player player = target.getActingPlayer(); final Item[] items = player.getInventory().getItems().toArray(new Item[0]); int maxItemsPerPage = 13; int maxPages = items.length / maxItemsPerPage; if (items.length > (maxItemsPerPage * maxPages)) { maxPages++; } if (page > maxPages) { page = maxPages; } int itemsStart = maxItemsPerPage * page; int itemsEnd = items.length; if ((itemsEnd - itemsStart) > maxItemsPerPage) { itemsEnd = itemsStart + maxItemsPerPage; } final NpcHtmlMessage adminReply = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); adminReply.setFile(activeChar, "data/html/admin/inventory.htm"); adminReply.replace("%PLAYER_NAME%", activeChar.getName()); StringBuilder sbPages = new StringBuilder(); for (int x = 0; x < maxPages; x++) { int pagenr = x + 1; sbPages.append("<td><button value=\"" + pagenr + "\" action=\"bypass -h admin_showinv " + x + "\" width=20 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td>"); } adminReply.replace("%PAGES%", sbPages.toString()); StringBuilder sbItems = getStringBuilder(itemsStart, itemsEnd, items); adminReply.replace("%ITEMS%", sbItems.toString()); activeChar.sendPacket(adminReply); } private static StringBuilder getStringBuilder(int itemsStart, int itemsEnd, Item[] items) { StringBuilder sbItems = new StringBuilder(); sbItems.append("<table width=270>"); sbItems.append("<tr>"); sbItems.append("<td width=24><b> </b></td>"); sbItems.append("<td width=120><b> </b></td>"); sbItems.append("<td width=90><b>Count</b></td>"); sbItems.append("<td width=65><b>Quantity</b></td>"); sbItems.append("</tr>"); for (int i = itemsStart; i < itemsEnd; i++) { Item item = items[i]; sbItems.append("<tr>"); sbItems.append("<td><img src=").append(item.getTemplate().getIcon()).append(" width=24 height=24></td>"); sbItems.append("<td>").append(item.getName()).append("</td>"); sbItems.append("<td>").append(item.getCount()).append("</td>"); sbItems.append("<td>"); sbItems.append("<edit var=\"itemCount_").append(i).append("\" width=40>"); sbItems.append("</td>"); sbItems.append("<td><button action=\"bypass -h admin_delete_item ").append(item.getObjectId()).append(" $itemCount_").append(i).append("\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI_ct1.Button_DF_Delete\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.Button_DF_Delete\"></button></td>"); sbItems.append("</tr>"); } sbItems.append("</table>"); return sbItems; } @Override public String[] getAdminCommandList() { return ADMIN_COMMANDS; } } Since i did jumped to mobius here the mobius one with quantity field aswell .  feel free to adapt it back to acis or wherever    <html><body><title>Inventory : %PLAYER_NAME%</title> <center> <table width=270> <tr> %PAGES% </tr> </table> </center> <br> %ITEMS% </body> </html>
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