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Γίνε πιο συγκεκριμένος με το τι πρόβλημα αντιμετωπίζεις..


Δώσε μας περισσότερες πληροφορίες, και κάποια φώτο από το πρόβλημά σου!

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re si exo ena h5 pack tis l2jserver kai den mporo na peraso mia buffer eno gmshop kaia afta ta bazo re file kai m exi spasi ta nebra

Java buffer etsi?

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re si exo ena h5 pack tis l2jserver kai den mporo na peraso mia buffer eno gmshop kaia afta ta bazo re file kai m exi spasi ta nebra

Εξήγησέ μας το πρόβλημα.

Όχι το ότι δεν μπορείς να βάλεις την Buffer, αλλά που έχεις το πρόβλημα..


Το να κάνεις spawn την Buffer, είμαι σίγουρος την κάνεις, εσένα το πρόβλημα είναι αλλού..

Εξήγησέ το και θα πάρεις απάντηση..

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paidia bazo kanonika tin buffer tin kano spawn alla den m anagnorizi sto script katalabenete lei kati jython paliotera eitane polli efkolo alla tora to exoune kani ante na min mpo re paidia eleos diladi den mporo na bgalo akri gmshop mporo na balo alla tin buffer m bgazi error sto script.........an exete kamia lisi bre paidia ok an oxi tha asxolitho me to goddess

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paidia bazo kanonika tin buffer tin kano spawn alla den m anagnorizi sto script katalabenete lei kati jython paliotera eitane polli efkolo alla tora to exoune kani ante na min mpo re paidia eleos diladi den mporo na bgalo akri gmshop mporo na balo alla tin buffer m bgazi error sto script.........an exete kamia lisi bre paidia ok an oxi tha asxolitho me to goddess

Den eksigeis katholou kala ti provlima s bgazei alla telos panton..xml isws thelei add i an exeis error deikse mas photo..

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paidia bazo kanonika tin buffer tin kano spawn alla den m anagnorizi sto script katalabenete lei kati jython paliotera eitane polli efkolo alla tora to exoune kani ante na min mpo re paidia eleos diladi den mporo na bgalo akri gmshop mporo na balo alla tin buffer m bgazi error sto script.........an exete kamia lisi bre paidia ok an oxi tha asxolitho me to goddess

Αυτό είναι επειδή έχεις λάθος στα imports..

Η Buffer που έχεις, προφανώς δημιουργήθηκε για άλλο Project με διαφορετικά Imports από αυτά που έχεις..


Τι  pack χρησιμοποιείς?

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import sys
from java.lang import System
from java.util import Iterator
from com.l2jserver import Config
from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest import State
from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState
from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest
from com.l2jserver.gameserver.instancemanager import QuestManager
from com.l2jserver import L2DatabaseFactory
from com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables import SkillTable
from com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables import ItemTable
from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance
from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PetInstance
from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2ServitorInstance
from com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets import SetSummonRemainTime
from com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets import SetupGauge

Αν δεν δουλέψει, δες αυτήν την Buffer.

Edited by 'Baggos'
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den nomizo na ta katafero alla an einai kai exo pali ta idia den ksero tha s po efxaristo pantos an kai tin exo dokimasi aftin tin buffer


Error on: C:\Users\Broken\Desktop\L2J_DataPack_2015-10-11\game\data\scripts\custom\555_NPCBUFFER\__init__.py.error.log
Line: -1 - Column: -1

Traceback (innermost last):
  File "custom/555_NPCBUFFER/__init__.py", line 7, in ?
ImportError: no module named jython


afto einai to error

Edited by basilakis16
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Κάνε επεξεργασία το __init__.py και βάλε μέσα το παρακάτω και δοκίμασε..

import sys
from java.lang import System
from java.util import Iterator
from com.l2jserver import Config
from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest import State
from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState
from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest
from com.l2jserver.gameserver.instancemanager import QuestManager
from com.l2jserver import L2DatabaseFactory
from com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables import SkillTable
from com.l2jserver.gameserver.datatables import ItemTable
from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PcInstance
from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2PetInstance
from com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance import L2ServitorInstance
from com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets import SetSummonRemainTime
from com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets import SetupGauge
QUEST_ID = 555
QUEST_NAME   = "NPCBuffer"
NPC_ID = 555
TITLE_NAME = "Northfire Buffer"
VIP_ACCESS_LEVEL = 1                
ENABLE_SCHEME_SYSTEM = True              
ENABLE_HEAL = True                       
ENABLE_BUFFS = True                      
ENABLE_RESIST = True                     
ENABLE_SONGS = True                      
ENABLE_DANCES = True                     
ENABLE_CHANTS = False                 
ENABLE_OTHERS = True                     
ENABLE_SPECIAL = True                    
ENABLE_CUBIC = True                    
ENABLE_BUFF_REMOVE = True                
BUFF_WITH_KARMA = False                  
FREE_BUFFS = True                       
TIME_OUT = True           
TIME_OUT_TIME = 10                    
MIN_LEVEL = 1                           
BUFF_REMOVE_PRICE = 100000                 
HEAL_PRICE = 1000000                      
BUFF_PRICE = 100000                     
RESIST_PRICE = 100000                    
SONG_PRICE = 100000                      
DANCE_PRICE = 100000                      
CHANT_PRICE = 100000                      
OTHERS_PRICE = 1000000                     
SPECIAL_PRICE = 1000000                   
CUBIC_PRICE = 1000000                    
BUFF_SET_PRICE = 10000000                 
SCHEME_BUFF_PRICE = 10000000              
SCHEMES_PER_PLAYER = 4                   
CONSUMABLE_ID = 57                       
def rebuildMainHtml(st) :
MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE = "<html><head><title>"+TITLE_NAME+"</title></head><body><center><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>"; MESSAGE = ""
bottonA="Auto Buff";bottonB="Heal Me";bottonC="Rem. Buffs";i=0;j=0;Temp="<tr><td> </td> <td> </td></tr>";TRS = Temp.split(" ")
if st.getInt("Pet-On-Off") == 1:
bottonA="Auto Buff Pet";bottonB="Heal My Pet";bottonC="Rem. Pet Buffs"
MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Pet Options\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " buffpet 0 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" 
else: MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Char Options\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " buffpet 1 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"
if ENABLE_BUFFS == True :
if i>2:i=0
MESSAGE += TRS[i]+"<button value=\"Buffs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect view_buffs 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"+TRS[i+1]
if ENABLE_RESIST == True :
       if i>2:i=0
MESSAGE += TRS[i]+"<button value=\"Resist\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect view_resists 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"+TRS[i+1] 
if ENABLE_SONGS == True :
if i>2:i=0
MESSAGE += TRS[i]+"<button value=\"Songs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect view_songs 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"+TRS[i+1]
if ENABLE_DANCES == True :
if i>2:i=0
MESSAGE += TRS[i]+"<button value=\"Dances\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect view_dances 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"+TRS[i+1]
if ENABLE_CHANTS == True :
if i>2:i=0
MESSAGE += TRS[i]+"<button value=\"Chants\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect view_chants 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"+TRS[i+1]
if i>2:i=0
MESSAGE += TRS[i]+"<button value=\"Special\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect view_special 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"+TRS[i+1]
if ENABLE_OTHERS == True :
if i>2:i=0
MESSAGE += TRS[i]+"<button value=\"Others\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect view_others 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"+TRS[i+1]
if ENABLE_CUBIC == True:
if i>2:i=0
MESSAGE += TRS[i]+"<button value=\"Cubics\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect view_cubic 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"+TRS[i+1]
if ENABLE_BUFF_SET == True :
if i>2:i=0
MESSAGE += TRS[i]+"<button value=\""+bottonA+"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " castBuffSet 0 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"+TRS[i+1] 
if ENABLE_HEAL == True :
if i>2:i=0
MESSAGE += TRS[i]+"<button value=\""+bottonB+"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " heal 0 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"+TRS[i+1] 
if i>2:i=0
MESSAGE += TRS[i]+"<button value=\""+bottonC+"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " removeBuffs 0 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"+TRS[i+1] 
if j == 1: MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE+= MESSAGE + "<br>"
else: MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE+= "<table>" + MESSAGE + "</table><br>"
MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += generateScheme(st) 
if st.getPlayer().isGM() : 
MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "<br><button value=\"Manage Buffs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect manage_buffs 0 0\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"
MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "<br><font color=\"303030\">Edited by Z!T!oN</font>"
MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE += "</center></body></html>"
def generateScheme(st) :
schemeName = []
schemeId = []
HTML = ""
rss = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM buffer_scheme_list WHERE player_id="+str(st.getPlayer().getObjectId()))
while (action.next()) :
try :
schemeName += [action.getString("scheme_name")]
schemeId += [action.getString("id")]
except : print "Query error!"
try : conn.close()
except : pass
if len(schemeName) > 0:
i=0;j=0;Temp="<tr><td> </td> <td> </td></tr>";TRS = Temp.split(" ")
while i <= len(schemeName) - 1:
       if j>2:j=0
MESSAGE += TRS[j]+"<button value=\""+schemeName[i]+"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest "+QUEST_LOADING_INFO+" cast "+schemeId[i]+" x x\" width=130 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"+TRS[j+1]
if i == 1: HTML+= MESSAGE + "<br>"
else: HTML+= "<table>" + MESSAGE + "</table><br>"
if len(schemeName) < SCHEMES_PER_PLAYER :
HTML += "<table><tr><td><button value=\"Create\" action=\"bypass -h Quest "+QUEST_LOADING_INFO+" create_1 x x x\" width=85 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td>"
else : HTML += "<table width=100><tr>"
if len(schemeName) > 0 :
HTML += "<td><button value=\"Edit\" action=\"bypass -h Quest "+QUEST_LOADING_INFO+" edit_1 x x x\" width=85 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td>"
HTML += "<td><button value=\"Delete\" action=\"bypass -h Quest "+QUEST_LOADING_INFO+" delete_1 x x x\" width=85 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td></tr></table>" 
else : HTML += "</tr></table>"
return HTML
def reloadPanel(st) :
HTML_MESSAGE = "<html><head><title>"+TITLE_NAME+"</title></head><body><center><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>"
HTML_MESSAGE += "<font color=\"303030\">"+TITLE_NAME+"</font><br>"
HTML_MESSAGE += "<img src=\"L2UI.SquareGray\" width=250 height=1><br>"
HTML_MESSAGE += "<table width=260 border=0 bgcolor=444444>"
HTML_MESSAGE += "<tr><td><br></td></tr>"                                                                                                                                                                                                
HTML_MESSAGE += "<tr><td align=\"center\"><font color=\"FFFFFF\">This option can be seen by GMs only and it<br1>allow to update any changes made in the<br1>script. You can disable this option in<br1>the settings section within the Script.<br><font color=\"LEVEL\">Do you want to update the SCRIPT?</font></font></td></tr>"
HTML_MESSAGE += "<tr><td></td></tr></table><br>"
HTML_MESSAGE += "<img src=\"L2UI.SquareGray\" width=250 height=1><br><br>"
HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Yes\" action=\"bypass -h Quest "+QUEST_LOADING_INFO+" reloadscript 1 0 0\" width=50 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"
HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"No\" action=\"bypass -h Quest "+QUEST_LOADING_INFO+" reloadscript 0 0 0\" width=50 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" 
HTML_MESSAGE += "</center></body></html>"
def getitemname(st,itemval):
itemidList = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM etcitem WHERE item_id="+str(itemval))
val = "No Name"
if il :
try : val = il.getString("name") 
except : pass
try : conn.close()
except: pass
return val
def getBuffCount(scheme) :
count = 0
rss = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM buffer_scheme_contents WHERE scheme_id=\""+str(scheme)+"\"")
while (action.next()) :
try : count += 1
except : count = 0
try : conn.close()
except : pass 
return count
def getBuffType(id) :
act = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT buffType FROM buffer_buff_list WHERE buffId=? LIMIT 1")
act.setInt(1, int(id))
val = "none"
if rs :
try : val = rs.getString("buffType") 
except : val = "none"
try : conn.close()
except: pass
return val
def isEnabled(id,level) :
act = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT canUse FROM buffer_buff_list WHERE buffId=? AND buffLevel=? LIMIT 1")
act.setInt(1, int(id))
act.setInt(2, int(level))
val = "False"
if rs :
try : num = rs.getString("canUse") 
except : pass
try : conn.close()
except: pass
if num == "1" : val = "True" 
return val 
def isUsed(scheme,id,level) :
count = 0; used = False
rss = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM buffer_scheme_contents WHERE scheme_id=\""+str(scheme)+"\" AND skill_id=\""+str(id)+"\" AND skill_level=\""+str(level)+"\"")
used = False
while (action.next()) :
try : count += 1
except : count = 0
try : conn.close()
except : pass 
if count > 0 : used = True
return used
def getclassbuff(id): 
getTipo = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM buffer_buff_list WHERE buffId=\""+id+"\"")
val = 0
if gt :
try : val = gt.getInt("buff_class")
except : pass
try : conn.close()
except : pass
return val
def showText(st,type,text,buttonEnabled,buttonName,location) :
MESSAGE = "<html><head><title>"+TITLE_NAME+"</title></head><body><center><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>"
MESSAGE += "<font color=\"LEVEL\">"+type+"</font><br>"+text+"<br>"
if buttonEnabled == "True" :
MESSAGE += "<button value=\""+buttonName+"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect "+location+" 0 0\" width=100 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"
MESSAGE += "<font color=\"303030\">"+TITLE_NAME+"</font></center></body></html>"
return MESSAGE
def ReloadConfig(st) :
if QuestManager.getInstance().reload(QUEST_ID): st.player.sendMessage("The script and settings have been reloaded successfully.")
else: st.player.sendMessage("Script Reloaded Failed. you edited something wrong! :P, fix it and restart the server")
except: st.player.sendMessage("Script Reloaded Failed. you edited something wrong! :P, fix it and restart the server")
return rebuildMainHtml(st)
class Quest (JQuest) :
def __init__(self,id,name,descr): JQuest.__init__(self,id,name,descr)
def onAdvEvent (self,event,npc,player) :
st = player.getQuestState(QUEST_LOADING_INFO)
getpetbuff = 0
if st.getInt("Pet-On-Off") == 1: getpetbuff = 1
def createScheme() :
HTML = "<html><head><title>"+TITLE_NAME+"</title></head><body><center><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br><br>You MUST seprerate new words with a dot (.)<br><br>Scheme name: <edit var=\"name\" width=100><br><br>"
HTML += "<button value=\"Create Scheme\" action=\"bypass -h Quest "+QUEST_LOADING_INFO+" create $name no_name x x\" width=200 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"
HTML += "<br><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect main 0 0\" width=100 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"
HTML += "<br><font color=\"303030\">"+TITLE_NAME+"</font></center></body></html>"
return HTML
def deleteScheme() : 
HTML = "<html><head><title>"+TITLE_NAME+"</title></head><body><center><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>Available schemes:<br><br>"
rss = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM buffer_scheme_list WHERE player_id="+str(st.getPlayer().getObjectId()))
while (action.next()) :
try : HTML += "<button value=\""+action.getString("scheme_name")+"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest "+QUEST_LOADING_INFO+" delete_c "+action.getString("id")+" "+action.getString("scheme_name")+" x\" width=200 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"
except : print "Query error!"
try : conn.close()
except : pass 
HTML += "<br><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect main 0 0\" width=100 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" 
HTML += "<br><font color=\"303030\">"+TITLE_NAME+"</font></center></body></html>"
return HTML
def editScheme() : 
name = ""; id = ""
HTML = "<html><head><title>"+TITLE_NAME+"</title></head><body><center><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>Select a scheme that you would like to manage:<br><br>"
rss = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM buffer_scheme_list WHERE player_id="+str(st.getPlayer().getObjectId()))
while (action.next()) :
try :
name = action.getString("scheme_name")
id = action.getString("id")
HTML += "<button value=\""+name+"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest "+QUEST_LOADING_INFO+" manage_scheme_select "+id+" x x\" width=200 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"
except : print "Query error!"
try : conn.close()
except : pass 
HTML += "<br><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect main 0 0\" width=100 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"
HTML += "<br><font color=\"303030\">"+TITLE_NAME+"</font></center></body></html>"
return HTML
def getOptionList(scheme) :
Bcount = getBuffCount(scheme)
HTML = "<html><head><title>"+TITLE_NAME+"</title></head><body><center><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>There are <font color=\"LEVEL\">"+str(Bcount)+"</font> buffs in current scheme!<br><br>"
HTML += "<button value=\"Add buffs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest "+QUEST_LOADING_INFO+" manage_scheme_1 "+str(scheme)+" 1 x\" width=200 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"
if Bcount > 0 :
HTML += "<button value=\"Remove buffs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest "+QUEST_LOADING_INFO+" manage_scheme_2 "+str(scheme)+" 1 x\" width=200 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" 
HTML += "<br><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " edit_1 0 0 0\" width=100 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"
HTML += "<button value=\"Home\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect main 0 0\" width=100 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"
HTML += "<br><font color=\"303030\">"+TITLE_NAME+"</font></center></body></html>"
return HTML
def buildHtml(buffType):
HTML_MESSAGE = "<html><head><title>"+TITLE_NAME+"</title></head><body><center><br>"
if FREE_BUFFS == True : HTML_MESSAGE += "All buffs are for <font color=\"LEVEL\">free</font>!" 
else :
price = 0
if buffType == "buff" : price = BUFF_PRICE
                                if buffType == "resist" : price = RESIST_PRICE
if buffType == "song" : price = SONG_PRICE
if buffType == "dance" : price = DANCE_PRICE
if buffType == "chant" : price = CHANT_PRICE
if buffType == "others" : price = OTHERS_PRICE
if buffType == "special" : price = SPECIAL_PRICE
if buffType == "cubic" : price = CUBIC_PRICE
HTML_MESSAGE += "All special buffs cost <font color=\"LEVEL\">"+str(price)+"</font> adena!"
buffCount = 0; i = 0
getList = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM buffer_buff_list WHERE buffType=\""+buffType+"\" AND canUse=1")
while (rs.next()) :
try : buffCount += 1
except : buffCount = 0
if buffCount == 0 : HTML_MESSAGE += "No buffs are available at this moment!<br>"
else :
availableBuffs = []
getList = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT buffId,buffLevel FROM buffer_buff_list WHERE buffType=\""+buffType+"\" AND canUse=1  ORDER BY Buff_Class ASC, id")
while (rs.next()) :
try :
bId = rs.getInt("buffId")
bLevel = rs.getInt("buffLevel")
bName = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(bId,bLevel).getName()
bName = bName.replace(" ","+")
availableBuffs += [bName+"_"+str(bId)+"_"+str(bLevel)]
except: HTML_MESSAGE += "Error loading buff list...<br>"
try : conn.close()
except : pass
avBuffs = len(availableBuffs)
format = "0000"
for avBuffs in availableBuffs :
buff = avBuffs
buff = buff.replace("_"," ")
buffSplit = buff.split(" ")
name = buffSplit[0]
id = int(buffSplit[1])
level = buffSplit[2]
name = name.replace("+"," ")
if id < 100 : format = "00"+str(id)
elif id > 99 and id < 1000 : format = "0"+str(id)
else :
if id > 4698 and id < 4701 : format = "1331"
elif id > 4701 and id < 4704 : format = "1332"
else: format = str(id)
i += 1
HTML_MESSAGE += "<tr><td><img src=\"Icon.skill"+format+"\" width=32 height=32></td><td><button value=\""+name+"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " giveBuffs "+str(id)+" "+str(level)+" "+buffType+"\" width=190 height=32 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td></tr>" 
HTML_MESSAGE += "<br><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect main 0 0\" width=100 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"
HTML_MESSAGE += "<br><font color=\"303030\">"+TITLE_NAME+"</font></center></body></html>"
def generateQuery(case,case2) :
aa = 1; count = 0; qry = ""; buffTypes = []
if ENABLE_BUFFS == True and case < MAX_SCHEME_BUFFS:
count += 1
buffTypes += ["\"buff\""]
count += 1
buffTypes += ["\"resist\""]
if ENABLE_SONGS == True and case2 < MAX_SCHEME_DANCES:
count += 1
buffTypes += ["\"song\""]
count += 1
buffTypes += ["\"dance\""]
count += 1
buffTypes += ["\"chant\""]
count += 1
buffTypes += ["\"others\""]
count += 1
buffTypes += ["\"special\""]
while aa <= count :
if aa == count : qry += buffTypes[aa-1]
else : qry += buffTypes[aa-1]+","
aa += 1
return qry
def viewAllSchemeBuffs(scheme,page,action) :
def getBuffCount(scheme) :
count = 0; D_S_Count = 0; B_Count = 0
rss = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM buffer_scheme_contents WHERE scheme_id=\""+str(scheme)+"\"")
while (action.next()) :
try : 
val = action.getInt("buff_class")
count += 1 
if val == 1 or val == 2: D_S_Count += 1
else: B_Count += 1 
except : count = 0; D_S_Count = 0 ; B_Count = 0
res = str(count) + " " + str(B_Count) + " " + str(D_S_Count)
try : conn.close()
except : pass 
return res
buffList = []
count = 0; pc = 0; bll = 0; i = 0; buffsPerPage = 0; incPageCount = True; listOrder=""
HTML_MESSAGE = "<html><head><title>"+TITLE_NAME+"</title></head><body><center><br>"
eventSplit = getBuffCount(scheme).split(" ")
TOTAL_BUFF = int(eventSplit[0]); BUFF_COUNT = int(eventSplit[1]); DANCE_SONG = int(eventSplit[2])
if action == "add" :
HTML_MESSAGE += "You can add <font color=\"LEVEL\">"+str(MAX_SCHEME_BUFFS - BUFF_COUNT)+"</font> Buffs and <font color=\"LEVEL\">"+str(MAX_SCHEME_DANCES - DANCE_SONG)+"</font> Dances more!"
HTML_MESSAGE += "<br>"
HTML_MESSAGE += "<br>"
QUERY = "SELECT * FROM buffer_buff_list WHERE buffType IN ("+ generateQuery(BUFF_COUNT,DANCE_SONG) + ") AND canUse=1 ORDER BY Buff_Class ASC, id"
if action == "remove" :
HTML_MESSAGE += "You have <font color=\"LEVEL\">"+str(BUFF_COUNT)+"</font> Buffs and <font color=\"LEVEL\">"+str(DANCE_SONG)+"</font> Dances"
HTML_MESSAGE += "<br>"
HTML_MESSAGE += "<br>"
QUERY = "SELECT * FROM buffer_scheme_contents WHERE scheme_id="+str(scheme)+" ORDER BY Buff_Class ASC, id" 
getBuffCount = conn.prepareStatement(QUERY)
rss = getBuffCount.executeQuery()
while (rss.next()) :
try :
if action == "add" :
name = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(rss.getInt("buffId"),rss.getInt("buffLevel")).getName()
name = name.replace(" ","+")
buffList += [name+"_"+str(rss.getInt("buffId"))+"_"+str(rss.getInt("buffLevel"))+"_"+str(page)]
if action == "remove" :
name = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(rss.getInt("skill_id"),rss.getInt("skill_level")).getName()
name = name.replace(" ","+")
buffList += [name+"_"+str(rss.getInt("skill_id"))+"_"+str(rss.getInt("skill_level"))+"_"+str(page)] 
count = count + 1
except :
buffList = []
count = 0
try : conn.close()
except : pass
HTML_MESSAGE += "<table border=\"0\"><tr>"
buffsPerPage = 20
while incPageCount == True: # generating page count
if count < buffsPerPage : incPageCount = False
else : count = count - buffsPerPage 
pc += 1 
ii = 1
while ii <= pc :
if pc > 5 :
width = "25"
pageName = "P"
else :
width = "50"
pageName = "Page "
if action == "add" : HTML_MESSAGE += "<td width=\""+width+"\"><button value=\""+pageName+""+str(ii)+"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " manage_scheme_1 "+str(scheme)+" "+str(ii)+" x\" width="+width+" height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td>"
if action == "remove" : HTML_MESSAGE += "<td width=\""+width+"\"><button value=\""+pageName+""+str(ii)+"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " manage_scheme_2 "+str(scheme)+" "+str(ii)+" x\" width="+width+" height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td>" 
ii += 1
HTML_MESSAGE += "</tr></table>"
value = ""; bll = len(buffList); j = 0; k=0
if buffsPerPage*int(page) > bll : j = bll
else : j = buffsPerPage*int(page)
i = buffsPerPage*int(page)-buffsPerPage
while i < j :
value = buffList[i]
value = value.replace("_"," ")
extr = value.split(" ")
name = extr[0]
name = name.replace("+"," ")
id = int(extr[1])
level = extr[2]
page = int(extr[3])
if id < 100 : format = "00"+str(id)
elif id > 99 and id < 1000 : format = "0"+str(id)
else :
if id > 4698 and id < 4701 : format = "1331"
elif id > 4701 and id < 4704 : format = "1332"
else: format = str(id)
if action == "add":
if isUsed(scheme,id,level) == False:
if k % 2 != 0 : HTML_MESSAGE += "<br>"
else : HTML_MESSAGE += "<br>"
HTML_MESSAGE += "<tr><td width=\"35\"><img src=\"Icon.skill"+format+"\" width=32 height=32></td><td width=\"170\">"+name+"</td><td><button value=\"Add\" action=\"bypass -h Quest "+QUEST_LOADING_INFO+" add_buff "+str(scheme)+"_"+str(id)+"_"+str(level)+" "+str(page)+" "+str(TOTAL_BUFF)+"\" width=65 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td>"
HTML_MESSAGE += "</tr>"; k+=1
if action == "remove":
if k % 2 != 0 : HTML_MESSAGE += "<br>"
else : HTML_MESSAGE += "<br>"
HTML_MESSAGE += "<tr><td width=\"35\"><img src=\"Icon.skill"+format+"\" width=32 height=32></td><td width=\"170\">"+name+"</td><td><button value=\"Remove\" action=\"bypass -h Quest "+QUEST_LOADING_INFO+" remove_buff "+str(scheme)+"_"+str(id)+"_"+str(level)+" "+str(page)+" "+str(TOTAL_BUFF)+"\" width=65 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td>"
HTML_MESSAGE += ""; k+=1
i += 1
HTML_MESSAGE += "<br><br><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest "+QUEST_LOADING_INFO+" manage_scheme_select "+str(scheme)+" x x\" width=100 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"
HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Home\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect main 0 0\" width=100 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" 
HTML_MESSAGE += "<br><font color=\"303030\">"+TITLE_NAME+"</font></center></body></html>"
def viewAllBuffTypes() :
HTML_MESSAGE = "<html><head><title>"+TITLE_NAME+"</title></head><body><center><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>"
HTML_MESSAGE += "<font color=\"LEVEL\">[Buff management]</font><br>"
if ENABLE_BUFFS == True :
HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Buffs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " edit_buff_list buff Buffs 1\" width=200 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"
if ENABLE_RESIST == True :
HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Resist Buffs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " edit_buff_list resist Resists 1\" width=200 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"
                        if ENABLE_SONGS == True :
HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Songs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " edit_buff_list song Songs 1\" width=200 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"
if ENABLE_DANCES == True :
HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Dances\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " edit_buff_list dance Dances 1\" width=200 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"
if ENABLE_CHANTS == True :
HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Chants\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " edit_buff_list chant Chants 1\" width=200 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"
HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Special Buffs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " edit_buff_list special Special_Buffs 1\" width=200 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"
if ENABLE_OTHERS == True :
HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Others Buffs\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " edit_buff_list others Others_Buffs 1\" width=200 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"
if ENABLE_CUBIC == True :
HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Cubics\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " edit_buff_list cubic cubic_Buffs 1\" width=200 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"
if ENABLE_BUFF_SET == True :
HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Buff Sets\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " edit_buff_list set Buff_Sets 1\" width=200 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"><br>" 
HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect main 0 0\" width=100 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"
HTML_MESSAGE += "<br><font color=\"303030\">"+TITLE_NAME+"</font></center></body></html>"
def viewAllBuffs(type,typeName,page) :
buffList = []
count = 0; pc = 0; bll = 0; i = 0; buffsPerPage = 0; formula = 0 ; incPageCount = True ; listOrder=""
HTML_MESSAGE = "<html><head><title>"+TITLE_NAME+"</title></head><body><center><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>"
typeName = typeName.replace("_"," ")
if type == "set" : QUERY = "SELECT * FROM buffer_buff_list WHERE buffType IN ("+generateQuery(0,0)+") AND canUse=1"
else : QUERY = "SELECT * FROM buffer_buff_list WHERE buffType=\""+type+"\""
getBuffCount = conn.prepareStatement(QUERY)
rss = getBuffCount.executeQuery()
while (rss.next()) :
try : 
name = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(rss.getInt("buffId"),rss.getInt("buffLevel")).getName()
name = name.replace(" ","+")
usable = rss.getString("canUse")
forClass = rss.getString("forClass")
skill_id = rss.getString("buffId")
skill_level = rss.getString("buffLevel")
buffList += [name+"_"+forClass+"_"+str(page)+"_"+usable+"_"+skill_id+"_"+skill_level]
count = count + 1
except :
buffList = []
count = 0
try : conn.close()
except : pass
HTML_MESSAGE += "<font color=\"LEVEL\">[Buff management - "+typeName+" - Page "+str(page)+"]</font><br><table border=\"0\"><tr>"
if type == "set" : buffsPerPage = 12
else : buffsPerPage = 20
while incPageCount == True:
if count < buffsPerPage :  incPageCount = False
else : count -= buffsPerPage 
pc += 1
ii = 1
typeName = typeName.replace(" ","_")
while ii <= pc :
if pc > 5 :
width = "25"
pageName = "P"
else :
width = "50"
pageName = "Page "
HTML_MESSAGE += "<td width=\""+width+"\"><button value=\""+pageName+""+str(ii)+"\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " edit_buff_list "+type+" "+typeName+" "+str(ii)+"\" width="+width+" height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td>"
ii += 1
HTML_MESSAGE += "</tr></table><br>"
value = ""; bll = len(buffList); j = 0
if buffsPerPage*int(page) > bll : j = bll
else : j = buffsPerPage*int(page)
i = buffsPerPage*int(page)-buffsPerPage
while i < j :
value = buffList[i]
value = value.replace("_"," ")
extr = value.split(" ")
name = extr[0]
name = name.replace("+"," ")
forClass = int(extr[1])
page = extr[2]
usable = int(extr[3])
skillPos = extr[4]+"_"+extr[5]
if i % 2 != 0 : HTML_MESSAGE += "<table border=\"0\" bgcolor=333333>"
else : HTML_MESSAGE += "<table border=\"0\" bgcolor=292929>"
if type == "set" :
if forClass == 0 :
if forClass == 1 :
if forClass == 2 :
if forClass == 3 :
HTML_MESSAGE += "<tr><td width=\"145\">"+name+"</td><td width=\"70\"><combobox var=\"newSet"+str(i)+"\" width=70 "+listOrder+"></td>"
HTML_MESSAGE += "<td width=\"50\"><button value=\"Update\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " changeBuffSet "+str(skillPos)+" $newSet"+str(i)+" "+page+"\" width=50 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td></tr>"
else :
HTML_MESSAGE += "<tr><td width=\"170\">"+name+"</td><td width=\"80\">"
if usable == 1 : HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Disable\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " editSelectedBuff "+skillPos+" 0-"+page+" "+type+"\" width=80 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td></tr>"
elif usable == 0 : HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Enable\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " editSelectedBuff "+skillPos+" 1-"+page+" "+type+"\" width=80 height=22 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td></tr>"
HTML_MESSAGE += "</table>"
i += 1
HTML_MESSAGE += "<br><br><button value=\"Back\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect manage_buffs 0 0\" width=100 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"
HTML_MESSAGE += "<button value=\"Home\" action=\"bypass -h Quest " + QUEST_LOADING_INFO + " redirect main 0 0\" width=100 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" 
HTML_MESSAGE += "<br><font color=\"303030\">"+TITLE_NAME+"</font></center></body></html>"
def manageSelectedBuff(buffPosId,canUseBuff) :
bpid = buffPosId.split("_")
bId= bpid[0]
bLvl= bpid[1]
upd=conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE buffer_buff_list SET canUse=\""+canUseBuff+"\" WHERE buffId=\""+str(bId)+"\" AND buffLevel=\""+str(bLvl)+"\" LIMIT 1")
try :
except :
try : conn.close()
except : pass
def manageSelectedSet(id,newVal,opt3) :
bpid = id.split("_")
bId= bpid[0]
bLvl= bpid[1] 
upd=conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE buffer_buff_list SET forClass=? WHERE buffId=? AND bufflevel=?")
upd.setString(1, newVal)
upd.setString(2, str(bId))
upd.setString(3, str(bLvl))
try :
except :
try : conn.close()
except : pass
return viewAllBuffs("set","Buff Sets",str(opt3)) 
def addTimeout(gaugeColor,amount,offset) :
endtime = int((System.currentTimeMillis() + (amount * 1000))/1000)
st.getPlayer().sendPacket(SetupGauge(gaugeColor, amount * 1000 + offset)) 
def heal(case) :
if case == 0:
if case == 1 and st.player.getSummon() != None :
st.player.sendPacket(SetSummonRemainTime(st.player.getSummon().getMaxFed(), st.player.getSummon().getCurrentFed()))
st.player.getSummon().decTimeRemaining(st.player.getSummon().getTimeRemaining() - st.player.getSummon().getTotalLifeTime())
st.player.sendPacket(SetSummonRemainTime(st.player.getSummon().getTotalLifeTime(), st.player.getSummon().getTimeRemaining()))
except: pass
eventSplit = event.split(" ")
event = eventSplit[0]
eventParam1 = eventSplit[1]
eventParam2 = eventSplit[2]
eventParam3 = eventSplit[3]
if event == "reloadscript":
if eventParam1 == "1": return ReloadConfig(st)
if eventParam1 == "0": return rebuildMainHtml(st)
if event == "redirect" :
if eventParam1 == "main" : return rebuildMainHtml(st)
if eventParam1 == "manage_buffs" : return viewAllBuffTypes()
if event == "buffpet" :
if int(System.currentTimeMillis()/1000) > st.getInt("blockUntilTime") :
if TIME_OUT == True: addTimeout(3,TIME_OUT_TIME/2,600)
return rebuildMainHtml(st)
if event == "create" :
param = eventParam1.replace("."," ")
if param == "no_name" :
return showText(st,"Info","Please, enter the scheme name!","True","Return","main")
else :
ins = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO buffer_scheme_list (player_id,scheme_name) VALUES (?,?)")
ins.setString(1, str(st.player.getObjectId()))
ins.setString(2, param)
try :
except : pass
return rebuildMainHtml(st)
if event == "delete" :
rem=conn.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM buffer_scheme_list WHERE id=? LIMIT 1")
rem.setString(1, eventParam1)
try : rem.executeUpdate()
except : pass
rem=conn.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM buffer_scheme_contents WHERE scheme_id=?")
rem.setString(1, eventParam1)
try :
except :
try : conn.close()
except : pass 
return rebuildMainHtml(st)
if event == "delete_c" :
HTML = HTML_MESSAGE = "<html><head><title>"+TITLE_NAME+"</title></head><body><center><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><br>Do you really want to delete '"+eventParam2+"' scheme?<br><br>"
HTML += "<button value=\"Yes\" action=\"bypass -h Quest "+QUEST_LOADING_INFO+" delete "+eventParam1+" x x\" width=50 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">"
HTML += "<button value=\"No\" action=\"bypass -h Quest "+QUEST_LOADING_INFO+" delete_1 x x x\" width=50 height=25 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\">" 
HTML += "<br><font color=\"303030\">"+TITLE_NAME+"</font></center></body></html>"
return HTML 
if event == "create_1" : return createScheme()
if event == "edit_1" : return editScheme()
if event == "delete_1" : return deleteScheme()
if event == "manage_scheme_1" : return viewAllSchemeBuffs(eventParam1,eventParam2,"add")
if event == "manage_scheme_2" : return viewAllSchemeBuffs(eventParam1,eventParam2,"remove")
if event == "manage_scheme_select" : return getOptionList(eventParam1)
if event == "remove_buff" :
event = eventParam1.split("_")
scheme = event[0]
skill = event[1]
level = event[2]
rem=con.prepareStatement("DELETE FROM buffer_scheme_contents WHERE scheme_id=? AND skill_id=? AND skill_level=? LIMIT 1")
rem.setString(1, scheme)
rem.setString(2, skill)
rem.setString(3, level)
try : rem.executeUpdate()
except : pass
temp=int(eventParam3) - 1
if temp <= 0 : HTML = getOptionList(scheme)
else : HTML = viewAllSchemeBuffs(scheme,eventParam2,"remove")
return HTML
if event == "add_buff" :
event = eventParam1.split("_")
scheme = event[0]
skill = event[1]
level = event[2]
idbuffclass = getclassbuff(skill)
ins = con.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO buffer_scheme_contents (scheme_id,skill_id,skill_level,buff_class) VALUES (?,?,?,?)")
ins.setString(1, str(scheme))
ins.setString(2, str(skill))
ins.setString(3, str(level))
ins.setString(4, str(idbuffclass))
try :
except : pass
temp = int(eventParam3) + 1 
if temp >= MAX_SCHEME_BUFFS + MAX_SCHEME_DANCES : HTML = getOptionList(scheme)
else : HTML = viewAllSchemeBuffs(scheme,eventParam2,"add")
return HTML
if event == "edit_buff_list" :
return viewAllBuffs(eventParam1,eventParam2,eventParam3)
if event == "changeBuffSet" :
eventParam2 = eventParam2.replace("Fighter","0")
eventParam2 = eventParam2.replace("Mage","1")
eventParam2 = eventParam2.replace("All","2")
eventParam2 = eventParam2.replace("None","3")
return manageSelectedSet(eventParam1,eventParam2,eventParam3)
if event == "editSelectedBuff" :
eventParam2 = eventParam2.replace("-"," ")
split = eventParam2.split(" ")
action = split[0]
page = split[1] 
if eventParam3 == "buff" : typeName = "Buffs"
                        if eventParam3 == "resist" : typeName = "Resists"
if eventParam3 == "song" : typeName = "Songs"
if eventParam3 == "dance" : typeName = "Dances"
if eventParam3 == "chant" : typeName = "Chants"
if eventParam3 == "others" : typeName = "Others_Buffs"
if eventParam3 == "special" : typeName = "Special_Buffs"
if eventParam3 == "cubic" : typeName = "Cubics"
return viewAllBuffs(eventParam3,typeName,page)
if event == "viewSelectedConfig" : return viewSelectedConfig(eventParam1,eventParam2)
if event == "changeConfig" : return updateConfigValue(eventParam1,eventParam2,eventParam3)
if event == "redirect" :
if eventParam1 == "view_buffs" : return buildHtml("buff")
                        if eventParam1 == "view_resists" : return buildHtml("resist")
if eventParam1 == "view_songs" : return buildHtml("song")
if eventParam1 == "view_dances" : return buildHtml("dance")
if eventParam1 == "view_chants" : return buildHtml("chant")
if eventParam1 == "view_others" : return buildHtml("others")
if eventParam1 == "view_special" : return buildHtml("special")
if eventParam1 == "view_cubic" : return buildHtml("cubic")
if event == "heal" :
if int(System.currentTimeMillis()/1000) > st.getInt("blockUntilTime"):
if st.getQuestItemsCount(CONSUMABLE_ID) < HEAL_PRICE  : 
return showText(st,"Sorry","You don't have the enough items:<br>You need: <font color =\"LEVEL\">"+str(HEAL_PRICE)+" "+str(getitemname(st,CONSUMABLE_ID))+"!","False",0,0)
else :
if getpetbuff == 1 :
if st.player.getSummon() != None : heal(getpetbuff)
else: return showText(st,"Info","You can't use the Pet's options.<br>Summon your pet first!","False","Return","main")
else : heal(getpetbuff) 
if TIME_OUT == True: addTimeout(1,TIME_OUT_TIME/2,600)
return rebuildMainHtml(st)
return rebuildMainHtml(st)
if event == "removeBuffs" :
if int(System.currentTimeMillis()/1000) > st.getInt("blockUntilTime"): 
if st.getQuestItemsCount(CONSUMABLE_ID) < BUFF_REMOVE_PRICE : 
return showText(st,"Sorry","You don't have the enough items:<br>You need: <font color =\"LEVEL\">"+str(BUFF_REMOVE_PRICE)+" "+str(getitemname(st,CONSUMABLE_ID))+"!","False",0,0)
else :
if getpetbuff == 1 :
if st.player.getSummon() != None : st.player.getSummon().stopAllEffects()
else: return showText(st,"Info","You can't use the Pet's options.<br>Summon your pet first!","False","Return","main")
else :
                 if st.player.getCubics() != None:
                        for cubic in st.player.getCubics().values():  
if TIME_OUT == True: addTimeout(2,TIME_OUT_TIME/2,600)
return rebuildMainHtml(st)
return rebuildMainHtml(st)
if event == "cast" :
if int(System.currentTimeMillis()/1000) > st.getInt("blockUntilTime") :
buffs = []; levels = []; id = 0; level = 0
rss = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM buffer_scheme_contents WHERE scheme_id="+eventParam1+" ORDER BY id")
while (action.next()) :
try :
enabled = 1
id = int(action.getString("skill_id"))
level = int(action.getString("skill_level"))
skillType = getBuffType(id)
if skillType == "buff" :
if ENABLE_BUFFS == True :
if isEnabled(id,level) == "True" : 
buffs += [id]
levels += [level]
if skillType == "resist" :
if ENABLE_RESIST == True :
if isEnabled(id,level) == "True" :
buffs += [id]
levels += [level]
if skillType == "song" :
if ENABLE_SONGS == True :
if isEnabled(id,level) == "True" :
buffs += [id]
levels += [level]
if skillType == "dance" :
if ENABLE_DANCES == True :
if isEnabled(id,level) == "True" :
buffs += [id]
levels += [level]
if skillType == "chant" :
if ENABLE_CHANTS == True :
if isEnabled(id,level) == "True" :
buffs += [id]
levels += [level]
if skillType == "others" :
if ENABLE_OTHERS == True :
if isEnabled(id,level) == "True" :
buffs += [id]
levels += [level]
if skillType == "special" :
if isEnabled(id,level) == "True" :
buffs += [id]
levels += [level]
except : print "Query error!"
try : conn.close()
except : pass
if len(buffs) == 0 : return viewAllSchemeBuffs(eventParam1,1,"add")
else :
if FREE_BUFFS == False :
if st.getQuestItemsCount(CONSUMABLE_ID) < SCHEME_BUFF_PRICE : 
return showText(st,"Sorry","You don't have the enough items:<br>You need: <font color =\"LEVEL\">"+str(SCHEME_BUFF_PRICE)+" "+str(getitemname(st,CONSUMABLE_ID))+"!","False",0,0)
i = 0
while i <= len(buffs) - 1 :
if getpetbuff == 0 : SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(buffs[i],levels[i]).getEffects(st.player,st.player)
if st.player.getSummon() != None : SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(buffs[i],levels[i]).getEffects(st.getPlayer().getSummon(),st.getPlayer().getSummon())
else: return showText(st,"Info","You can't use the Pet's options.<br>Summon your pet first!","False","Return","main")
i += 1
if TIME_OUT == True: addTimeout(3,TIME_OUT_TIME,600)
return rebuildMainHtml(st)
else : return rebuildMainHtml(st)
if event == "giveBuffs" :
if eventParam3 == "buff" : cost = BUFF_PRICE
if eventParam3 == "resist" : cost = RESIST_PRICE
if eventParam3 == "song" : cost = SONG_PRICE
if eventParam3 == "dance" : cost = DANCE_PRICE
if eventParam3 == "chant" : cost = CHANT_PRICE
if eventParam3 == "others" : cost = OTHERS_PRICE
if eventParam3 == "special" : cost = SPECIAL_PRICE 
if eventParam3 == "cubic" : cost = CUBIC_PRICE 
if int(System.currentTimeMillis()/1000) > st.getInt("blockUntilTime") :
if FREE_BUFFS == False :
if st.getQuestItemsCount(CONSUMABLE_ID) < cost :
return showText(st,"Sorry","You don't have the enough items:<br>You need: <font color =\"LEVEL\">"+str(cost)+" "+str(getitemname(st,CONSUMABLE_ID))+"!","False",0,0)
if str(skill.getSkillType()) == "SUMMON":
if st.getQuestItemsCount(skill.getItemConsumeId()) < skill.getItemConsume():
return showText(st,"Sorry","You don't have the enough items:<br>You need: <font color =\"LEVEL\">"+str(skill.getItemConsume())+" "+str(getitemname(st,skill.getItemConsumeId()))+"!","False",0,0)
if getpetbuff == 0 :
if eventParam3 == "cubic" :
                 if st.player.getCubics() != None:
                        for cubic in st.player.getCubics().values():  
else: SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(int(eventParam1),int(eventParam2)).getEffects(st.getPlayer(),st.getPlayer())
if eventParam3 == "cubic": 
                 if st.player.getCubics() != None:
                        for cubic in st.player.getCubics().values():  
if st.player.getSummon() != None : SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(int(eventParam1),int(eventParam2)).getEffects(st.getPlayer().getSummon(),st.getPlayer().getSummon())
else: return showText(st,"Info","You can't use the Pet's options.<br>Summon your pet first!","False","Return","main")
if TIME_OUT == True: addTimeout(3,TIME_OUT_TIME/10,600)
return buildHtml(eventParam3)
else : return buildHtml(eventParam3)
if event == "castBuffSet" :
if int(System.currentTimeMillis()/1000) > st.getInt("blockUntilTime") :
if FREE_BUFFS == False :
if st.getQuestItemsCount(CONSUMABLE_ID) < BUFF_SET_PRICE : 
return showText(st,"Sorry","You don't have the enough items:<br>You need: <font color =\"LEVEL\">"+str(BUFF_SET_PRICE)+" "+str(getitemname(st,CONSUMABLE_ID))+"!","False",0,0)
buff_sets=[]; i = 0; player_class = 3
if st.getPlayer().isMageClass() : player_class = 1
else : player_class = 0
if getpetbuff == 0 :
getSimilarNameCount = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT buffId,buffLevel FROM buffer_buff_list WHERE forClass IN (?,?) ORDER BY id ASC")
getSimilarNameCount.setString(1, str(player_class))
getSimilarNameCount.setString(2, "2")
rss = getSimilarNameCount.executeQuery()
while (rss.next()) :
try :
id = rss.getInt("buffId")
lvl = rss.getInt("buffLevel")
buff_sets += [id,lvl]
except : buff_sets = []
try: conn.close()
except: pass
while i <= len(buff_sets)-2 :
i += 2
if st.player.getSummon() != None :
i = 0
getSimilarNameCount = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT buffId,buffLevel FROM buffer_buff_list WHERE forClass IN (?,?) ORDER BY id ASC")
getSimilarNameCount.setString(1, "0")
getSimilarNameCount.setString(2, "2")
rss = getSimilarNameCount.executeQuery()
while (rss.next()) :
try :
id = rss.getInt("buffId")
lvl = rss.getInt("buffLevel")
buff_sets += [id,lvl]
except : buff_sets = []
try: conn.close()
except: pass
while i <= len(buff_sets)-2 :
i += 2
else: return showText(st,"Info","You can't use the Pet's options.<br>Summon your pet first!","False","Return","main")
if TIME_OUT == True: addTimeout(3,TIME_OUT_TIME,600)
return rebuildMainHtml(st)
else : return rebuildMainHtml(st)
return rebuildMainHtml(st)
def onFirstTalk (self,npc,player):
st = player.getQuestState(QUEST_LOADING_INFO)
if not st : st = self.newQuestState(player)
if player.isGM(): 
if SCRIPT_RELOAD == True: return reloadPanel(st)
else: return rebuildMainHtml(st)
elif int(System.currentTimeMillis()/1000) > st.getInt("blockUntilTime"):
if ENABLE_VIP_BUFFER == False or player.getAccessLevel().getLevel() == VIP_ACCESS_LEVEL and ENABLE_VIP_BUFFER == True:
if BUFF_WITH_KARMA == False and player.getKarma() > 0 :
return showText(st,"Info","You have too much <font color=\"FF0000\">karma!</font><br>Come back,<br>when you don't have any karma!","False","Return","main")
elif st.player.getLevel() < MIN_LEVEL :
return showText(st,"Info","Your level is too low!<br>You have to be at least level <font color\"LEVEL\">"+str(MIN_LEVEL)+"</font>,<br>to use my services!","False","Return","main")
elif st.player.getPvpFlag() > 0 :
return showText(st,"Info","You can't buff while you are <font color=\"800080\">flagged!</font><br>Wait some time and try again!","False","Return","main")
elif st.player.isInCombat() :
return showText(st,"Info","You can't buff while you are attacking!<br>Stop your fight and try again!","False","Return","main")
else: return rebuildMainHtml(st)
else: return showText(st,"Sorry","This buffer is only for VIP's!<br>Contact the administrator for more info!","False","Return","main") 
   else: return showText(st,"Sorry","You have to wait a while!<br>if you wish to use my services!","False","Return","main")

Επίσης, βάλε και αυτό το SQL στην navicat..

Edited by 'Baggos'
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Error on: C:\L2J_Server_2016-02-05\game\data\scripts\custom\555_NPCBUFFER\__init__.py.error.log
Line: -1 - Column: -1

Traceback (innermost last):
  (no code object) at line 0
SyntaxError: ('invalid syntax', ('custom/555_NPCBUFFER/__init__.py', 64, 1, 'MAIN_HTML_MESSAGE = "<html><head><title>"+TITLE_NAME+"</title></head><body><center><img src=\\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\\" width=256 height=32><br>"; MESSAGE = ""'))


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Στείλε μου λίγο το παλιό σου __init__.py (Μην αλλάξεις κάτι σε αυτό εδώ).

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