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DoNat0r , BuGGer , All-Day Player ?????

Who is STRONGER???  

420 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is STRONGER???

    • Donator
    • Bugger
    • All-Day Player

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All-Day-Player (or maybe not all day, but skilled palyer), because donator can have nice equipment, but also he can be NO_SKILL_PLAYER xD With Bugger...hmmm...I know the best way of defeating bugger xD It's called - PETITION xD

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All-Day-Player (or maybe not all day, but skilled palyer), because donator can have nice equipment, but also he can be NO_SKILL_PLAYER xD With Bugger...hmmm...I know the best way of defeating bugger xD It's called - PETITION xD

good bugger cannot be detected and hackers too(if there is not protection to the server)

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the best combo is all-dayplayer+bugger 8)

Yeah this is the worst combo



Coz millions hours of playing are for nothing when u get banned

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I think that answer to this question is not easy...


i will use as example L2Elite...


An *AllDayPlayer can obtain same thing that a donator got just by trade... and FOR SURE an *AllDayPlayer with same armor/weapon of a donator will PWN him really easy.

In this server bugger have not a lot to do now (in the past they did a lot of ++ and other thing) so i think they cannot do that much now..


But all example will be different server by server... and player to player.

Personally i never donate for a server... but i have pwned a lot of time ppl with full set ++ donated + raid jwl (traded with other donated items).. and in the same way i got pwned a lot of time from donator that 1shot or 2shot me..


BTW i think that *AllDayPlayer can obtain same thing that donator get... so AllDayPlayer will ever pwn a donator...

About Bugger.. i think that all depend from WHAT they can do on server where they play... logically if a bugger obtain GM Speed x4 will be a little hard to pwn..



p.s. btw i know also a "AllDayPlayer" really naab xDDD

*maybe it's better if on my post you read "Skilled player" everywhere now there is "AllDayPlayer" xD



p.p.s i know also a "AllDayPlayer Donator" really naab xDDDDDDDD

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the best combo is all-dayplayer+bugger 8)

no i think best combo is:

you are as a leecher with party alldayplayer+bugger :P


seriously i think bugger is best anyway. why?


bugger can make items,money,fast lvling with bug/exploit. even if he cannot lvl then can buy pwrlvl from alldayplayer and he dont need to spend before comp 24/7 :P

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good bugger cannot be detected and hackers too(if there is not protection to the server)


Not so sure, some of exploits&cheats are easy to see, I believe that most of players have something like INTELLIGENCE and see that something's wrong, and also I think that admins or GMs can check easily users of bugs, cheats and exploits, and about hacking it's obviously different from simple cheating ;)

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Not so sure, some of exploits&cheats are easy to see, I believe that most of players have something like INTELLIGENCE and see that something's wrong, and also I think that admins or GMs can check easily users of bugs, cheats and exploits, and about hacking it's obviously different from simple cheating ;)

of course it is easy for the admin or the GMs to see you when hacking or bugging but a good hacker never does his tricks when they are online(if they are not online the story is upon the gameguard)

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Yes, I agree with that ;) Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately?) on my server there is probalby no hackers (or maybe they are so good, that no one know about them..) xD There was only one cheater, but he was quickly found and got ultimatum ^^

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Bugger = 20 years old player = NOT burned player :P = Da playa!!


P.S : Believe me this thing is checked 1000 times :P .

f.e in L2 Core (W.H enchant,augument stuck...)

You pwn everyone and you spend 0 time and 0 money.


all day player = 10 y.o. player = burnt player = never the playa... trust me xD

Bugger = 20 years old player = NOT burned player :P = Da playa!!


P.S : Believe me this thing is checked 1000 times :P .

f.e in L2 Core (W.H enchant,augument stuck...)

You pwn everyone and you spend 0 time and 0 money.



No,i'm playing on l2core,and i can pwn the buggers,(witch using WH enchant or augment stuck) its a big lie,if u pwn some noobs it doesnt means u are pro.

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