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Interlude Faction With Special Features


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Hello. I am looking for an interlude faction server that includes dusk weapons and a special (kinda multiskill) feature. 
That feature goes like this: when a certain requirement is met, you can choose 1 (only 1) extra skill from another class inside your race or even from other races...! Am i asking too much? ^^ 

Edited by EpicFace
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You don't quiet have what i am looking for but good luck to your server nevertheless. Oh, and cudos to you for the enchanting system. I haven't seen that in ages! 

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello guys, 

It's me Gosu, most of you know me from 90% of the interlude server for like 5 years now and

I found a cool server. www.l2perseus.com

This server has custom items but the best part is that even with 24k patk and 72k matk 

the balance is at it's home. You have a chance to beat any class with any class :D it's a server

where skill matter not like on others server so come an join me on this awesome server :D.

Il put down here the features so you guys check it :D.

aaa btw you can farm donor coins here :D and it's quite easy :D.




Chronicle: Interlude

Type: Custom PvP Server

Start Time: 28.11.2015

Global auto events

Balanced classes

DDoS protection, no lag

Instant 80 and third class (subclasses too)

32 buff slots



Special Features

# Unique start up System 

# Custom commands (.menu, .stat, .report, .online)

# 1 fully reworked class with new skills

( Spectral Master)

# Costumes (does not effect stats) 

# Custom Jewels

# Custom Special Abilities

# PvP zone with auto-flag and nobles

# Special and unique NPC's

# Special farm zones (low, mid, party/hard) 

# New and unique raidbosses with AI

# Main town: Gludin

# 3 custom upgradeable sets - 

(Apprentice [starter], Challenger [Low], Carmine [Mid/Top], Cobalt [Mid/Top]) 

# Unique weapon enchancements

# Unique and diverse tattoo's

# Infinite soulshots and arrows, no consumables needed (spirit ore, soul ore, etc)

# Custom buffs (ones from High Five and more)

# Many skills reworked into either toggle or passive (Thrill Fight, Duelist Spirit, Rapid Shot, Snipe, etc)




Safe: +5

Max Armor: +25

Max Weapon: +25

Normal Scroll: 70%

Blessed Scroll: 85%

Ancient Scroll: 100%

From +20 to +25 you can enchant only using Ancient Scrolls!





Low Grade Lifestone:


Mid Grade Lifestone:


High Grade Lifestone:


Top Grade Lifestone:


2 augments ( 1 active + 1 passive ) <-from Lifestones


All players will have same number of Augments!!!



Auto Events

Team vs Team


Last Man Standing

Auto 1vs1

Capture the Flag

Auto 2vs2

Auto 5vs5

Auto Korean Style

And much more...


Custom NPC's

Change Password

Custom Gatekeeper

Event Npc

Subclass Manager

PvP Rankings

Wedding Manager

Siege Manager

Skill Enchanter


Custom Buffer


Donation Manager

Custom Shops

Bounty Hunter

Vote Manager

Symbol Maker


Raid Bosses


» Vote Links» HOPZONE




» GTOP100

» TOPL2JBRASIL » Informations» Safe +5/ Max +25

» New skills and classes

» Unique items and effects

» New raids and NPC's

» Mass PvP

» Unique gameplay

» Experienced staff » TOP PvP1ºXxELTIGRExX1142





» TOP PK1ºPutin323




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