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L2eXtreme is back and this time without corruption! they got a fucking nice dev team alot of money and them main goal is to open back the 4 servers


(Titan,Kastian,Staris,Tempest)­Also Revelation is there with FrenchKisS and there ALOT of big and epic clan! COME play this is fucking awsome! our deam is back guys!!


Site: l2extreme.us


How many time you have been hero without gm making you //sethero or without donating for it just a normal hero made with oly matches.


~8 months as Mystic Muse then reroll on Titan and was hero about 10-11 months, after that 1 month as Elemental Summoner after that i leave.Dont remember actualy real count it was long time ago on x25 retail like server l2max if someone remember this server.

1 time Titan hero on last Dysmay after that we leave.

Any x100 or more servers not worth to remind, heroes here is easy if server not all about donate. Last my server L2DeathAvenue hero there with Adventurer for 4 month till server was closed.


7 Tyrant

8 Spellsinger

6 Plains Walker

2 Ghost Hunter

4 Fortune Seeker

1 Maestro

1 Elemental Master

1 Evas Saint

1 Evas Templar

2 Trickster

1 Hierophant

n Moar i cant remember :X Most of them on c4 servers :) Still have some of them


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