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[Share]Set Hero, Donator and Noblesse (Stored in DB) any pack


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This can be accomplished on any l2j gracia and interlude any pack xD


Well lets start shell we?:D

At the bottom of the post i attached the admin commands...:D


And first we chose a .properties file...lets say other.properties


# ---------------------------------

# Donator Color Name & Title Config

# ---------------------------------

# Donator Name Color Enabled?.

DonatorNameColorEnabled = false

# Donator Color Name Selection.

DonatorColorName = 00FFFF

# Donator Title Color Enabled?

DonatorTitleColorEnabled = false

# Donator Color Name Selection.

DonatorTitleColor = 00FFFF

we add this there.


Then in config.java we add the title color and name color of a donator ( RGB Code Color )

    /** KidZor: Name Color System of Donator enable */
    public static boolean	DONATOR_NAME_COLOR_ENABLED;
    /** KidZor: Color of donator name */
    public static int		DONATOR_NAME_COLOR;

    /** KidZor: Title Color System of Donator enable */
    public static boolean	DONATOR_TITLE_COLOR_ENABLED;
    /** KidZor: Color of donator name */
    public static int		DONATOR_TITLE_COLOR;

                /** Donator color name **/
                DONATOR_NAME_COLOR_ENABLED						= Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("DonatorNameColorEnabled", "False"));
                DONATOR_NAME_COLOR						= Integer.decode("0x" + otherSettings.getProperty("DonatorColorName", "00FFFF"));
                DONATOR_TITLE_COLOR_ENABLED						= Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("DonatorTitleColorEnabled", "False"));
                DONATOR_TITLE_COLOR							= Integer.decode("0x" + otherSettings.getProperty("DonatorTitleColor", "00FF00"));

and in enterworld.java (clientpaket) this little code, its for donators when they log and the color of the title and name ( if enabled in config

        	if (activeChar.isDonator())
        		activeChar.sendMessage("Welcome Back: " + activeChar.getName() + " to our Server!");
        		activeChar.sendMessage("Aww and btw " + activeChar.getName() + " please take time to vote ;)");
        		activeChar.sendMessage("Please, Enjoy your Stay !");
        	if (activeChar.isDonator())

Its good to add it on line 312


Now in L2PlayableInstance.java


/** donator System **/ 
private boolean	_donator	= false;

 * Set the Donator Flag of the L2PlayableInstance.<BR><BR>
public void setDonator(boolean value)
	_donator = value;

 * Return True if the L2PlayableInstance is a Donator.<BR><BR>
public boolean isDonator()
	return _donator;

put it at the end it don't matter xD


And now L2PcInstance.java xD


find private static final String RESTORE_CHARACTER

and at the end of the string tipe " ,hero,donator " this sh1t loads u hero and donator xD


then we go find: player.setNoble(rset.getInt("nobless")==1);

then after it add the lines:


			//L2J-Archid Donator and Hero Mod


And after that find: public void leaveOlympiadObserverMode() line 8015

after the strings end put this code: ( it updates the status...changing the donator color name & title instantly when u do //setdonator xD )

public void updateNameTitleColor()
	// Donator Color  and title update
	// Note: this code can be used for GM's too
	if (isDonator())


And were almost done!


Now we add the the commands (The admin commands are attached at the end of the post add them in: gameserver/handler/admincommandhandlers )

After that's done we register our commands:

In l2j server or any tipe of that (L2J Archid, L2J Oneo)


import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.admincommandhandlers.AdminDonator;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.admincommandhandlers.AdminHero;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.handler.admincommandhandlers.AdminNoble;

And then we add this (this register the commands xD )

        _adminCommandHandler.registerAdminCommandHandler(new AdminDonator());
        _adminCommandHandler.registerAdminCommandHandler(new AdminHero());
        _adminCommandHandler.registerAdminCommandHandler(new AdminNoble());


Well that's kinda all...


Awwwww almost forgot xD

In command-privileges.properties

Add at the end

### L2JArchid ###
admin_sethero = 100
admin_setnoble = 100
admin_setdonator = 100


Admin Comands:

Admin Commands Java


K now that's all xD

Aww and please tell me this is useful or not cus it think it is >.>

Awwwww and btw The //sethero is permanently and it dosent interfere with Olympiad xD good for donate...


Shit i forgot this:

For the Db XD

ALTER TABLE `characters` ADD `donator` decimal(1,0) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;
ALTER TABLE `characters` ADD `hero` decimal(1,0) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0;

Run this query  in mysql..so the hero and the donator Stores xD Thx

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And this for 500 post? LoL i think 100 or 150 may be but 500? u r crazy dude . . .

also is just for your pack =P its like if u where doing a guide of how to use your pack w00t


for those who use it well ty but i use l2j =P bbz

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you can use it to other packs too but 500 posts are too much , arent they? make it 150-200 and it will be fine! good job kidzor

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ye u guys are probably right this post restriction thingy stinks xD


ps: its not only for donate...i just did an example...its a fun thing to do:P u have endless possibilities to do anything with this codes :P


And this for 500 post? LoL i think 100 or 150 may be but 500? u r crazy dude . . .

also is just for your pack =P its like if u where doing a guide of how to use your pack w00t


for those who use it well ty but i use l2j =P bbz


It works on any pack ( specially perfect and tested on l2j and oneo....)

The l2j-archid thingy is for publicity xD

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I have a system that's very much like, but instead, I am doing fake Nobless and fake Heroes.


Also, a new table for this is easier to keep track on instead of altering an excisting table.


You should optimize your coding, I see several flaws inside it.

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