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DP: L2jfrozen

Revision: 1118






public static boolean ANNOUNCE_CASTLE_LORDS;

+ //Announces-PK-Dagger

+ public static boolean ANNOUNCE_PK_LOGIN;

+ //Announces-RANK-Dagger

+ public static boolean ANNOUNCE_PKPBEST_LOGIN;

+ public static boolean ANNOUNCE_PVPBEST_LOGIN;

+ public static boolean ANNOUNCE_PKMASTER_LOGIN;

+ public static boolean ANNOUNCE_PVPMASTER_LOGIN;

+ public static boolean ANNOUNCE_PKKING_LOGIN;

+ public static boolean ANNOUNCE_PVPKING_LOGIN;

+ public static boolean ANNOUNCE_PKGOD_LOGIN;

+ public static boolean ANNOUNCE_PVPKGOD_LOGIN;

+ //Announces-RANK-Dagger




ANNOUNCE_CASTLE_LORDS = Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("AnnounceCastleLords", "False"));

+ //Announces-RANK-Dagger

+ ANNOUNCE_PK_LOGIN = Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("AnnouncePkLogin", "False"));

+ ANNOUNCE_PKPBEST_LOGIN = Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("AnnouncePkBestLogin", "False"));

+ ANNOUNCE_PVPBEST_LOGIN = Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("AnnouncePvpBestLogin", "False"));

+ ANNOUNCE_PKMASTER_LOGIN = Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("AnnouncePkMasterLogin", "False"));

+ ANNOUNCE_PVPMASTER_LOGIN = Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("AnnouncePvpMasterLogin", "False"));

+ ANNOUNCE_PKKING_LOGIN = Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("AnnouncePkKingLogin", "False"));

+ ANNOUNCE_PVPKING_LOGIN = Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("AnnouncePvpKingLogin", "False"));

+ ANNOUNCE_PKGOD_LOGIN = Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("AnnouncePkGodLogin", "False"));

+ ANNOUNCE_PVPGOD_LOGIN = Boolean.parseBoolean(otherSettings.getProperty("AnnouncePvpGodLogin", "False"));

+ //Announces-RANK-Dagger











+ //Announces-PK-Dagger

+ if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PK_LOGIN && activeChar.getKarma()>0)

+ {

+ Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll(":Anuncios: El PK "+activeChar.getName()+" Acaba De Loguear!");

+ }

+ //Announces-RANK-PK-PVP-Dagger

+ if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PKPBEST_LOGIN && activeChar.getPkKills()>199)

+ if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PKPBEST_LOGIN && activeChar.getPkKills()<201)

+ {

+ Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll(":Anuncios: The Best 200 PK-KILLS "+activeChar.getName()+" Acaba De Loguear!");

+ activeChar.sendMessage(":Anuncios: Ahora eres The Best PK-KILLS a los 400 PKs Evolucionas !!! A The Master PKs");

+ }


+ if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PVPBEST_LOGIN && activeChar.getPvpKills()>199)

+ if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PVPBEST_LOGIN && activeChar.getPvpKills()<201)

+ {

+ Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll(":Anuncios: The Best 200 PVP-KILLS "+activeChar.getName()+" Acaba De Loguear!");

+ activeChar.sendMessage(":Anuncios: Ahora eres The Best PVP-KILLS a los 400 PVPs Evolucionas !!! A The Master PvPs");

+ }


+ if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PKMASTER_LOGIN && activeChar.getPkKills()>399)

+ if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PKMASTER_LOGIN && activeChar.getPkKills()<401)

+ {

+ Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll(":Anuncios: The Master 400 PK-KILLS "+activeChar.getName()+" Acaba De Loguear!");

+ activeChar.sendMessage(":Anuncios: Ahora eres The Master PK-KILLS a los 800 PKs Evolucionas !!! A The King Off PKs");

+ }

+ if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PVPMASTER_LOGIN && activeChar.getPvpKills()>399)

+ if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PVPMASTER_LOGIN && activeChar.getPvpKills()<401)

+ {

+ Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll(":Anuncios: The Best 400 PVP-KILLS "+activeChar.getName()+" Acaba De Loguear!");

+ activeChar.sendMessage(":Anuncios: Ahora eres The Master PVP-Kills a los 800 PVPs Evolucionas !!! A The King Off PvPs");

+ }


+ if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PKKING_LOGIN && activeChar.getPkKills()>799)

+ if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PKKING_LOGIN && activeChar.getPkKills()<801)

+ {

+ Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll(":Anuncios: The King 800 PK-KILLS "+activeChar.getName()+" Acaba De Loguear!");

+ activeChar.sendMessage(":Anuncios: A los 1000 PVPs Evolucionas !!! A The God Off PvPs");

+ }

+ if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PVPKING_LOGIN && activeChar.getPvpKills()>799)

+ if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PVPKING_LOGIN && activeChar.getPvpKills()<801)

+ {

+ Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll(":Anuncios: The King 800 PVP-KILLS "+activeChar.getName()+" Acaba De Loguear!");

+ activeChar.sendMessage(":Anuncios: A los 1000 PVPs Evolucionas !!! A The God Off PvPs");

+ }


+ if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PKGOD_LOGIN && activeChar.getPkKills()>999)

+ if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PKGOD_LOGIN && activeChar.getPkKills()<1001)

+ {

+ Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll(":Anuncios: The God 1000 PK-KILLS "+activeChar.getName()+" Acaba De Loguear!");

+ activeChar.sendMessage(":Anuncios: Haz Alcanzado la cima del ranking sigue asi");

+ }

+ if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PVPGOD_LOGIN && activeChar.getPvpKills()>999)

+ if (Config.ANNOUNCE_PVPGOD_LOGIN && activeChar.getPvpKills()<1001)

+ {

+ Announcements.getInstance().gameAnnounceToAll(":Anuncios: The God 1000 PVP-KILLS "+activeChar.getName()+" Acaba De Loguear!");

+ activeChar.sendMessage(":Anuncios: Haz Alcanzado la cima del ranking sigue asi");

+ }

+ //Announces-RANK-PK-PVP-Dagger


if (Olympiad.getInstance().playerInStadia(activeChar))







# Announce castle lords on enter game. default = false

AnnounceCastleLords = True


+# Announce Pk login on enter game. default = false

+AnnouncePkLogin = True


+AnnouncePkBestLogin = True

+AnnouncePvpBestLogin = True

+AnnouncePkMasterLogin = True

+AnnouncePvpMasterLogin = True

+AnnouncePkKingLogin = True

+AnnouncePvpKingLogin = True

+AnnouncePkGodLogin = True

+AnnouncePvpGodLogin = True





Poorly coded, to stay kind with you. Do you really think it's necessary to get a config for each rank ? IF AT LEAST the config was the number to reach, but not even... It's an idiot boolean, and you still have to compile to edit the most important values (200, 400, 800, 1000).

    final int pkKills = activeChar.getPkKills();
    if (pkKills > Config.ANNOUNCE_GOD_NUMBER) // 1000
    else if (pkKills > Config.ANNOUNCE_KING_NUMBER) // 800
    else if (pkKills > Config.ANNOUNCE_MASTER_NUMBER) // 400
    else if (pkKills > Config.ANNOUNCE_BEST_NUMBER) // 200

That's a very basic form, if you got more cases (more than 10) you can eventually make it evolutive, using a for loop or a XML table.


Poorly coded, to stay kind with you. Do you really think it's necessary to get a config for each rank ? IF AT LEAST the config was the number to reach, but not even... It's an idiot boolean, and you still have to compile to edit the most important values (200, 400, 800, 1000).

    final int pkKills = activeChar.getPkKills();
    if (pkKills > Config.ANNOUNCE_GOD_NUMBER) // 1000
    else if (pkKills > Config.ANNOUNCE_KING_NUMBER) // 800
    else if (pkKills > Config.ANNOUNCE_MASTER_NUMBER) // 400
    else if (pkKills > Config.ANNOUNCE_BEST_NUMBER) // 200

That's a very basic form, if you got more cases (more than 10) you can eventually make it evolutive, using a for loop or a XML table.



Basic but it works right? thanks and if you want to improve the code you are in libertade to do

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