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(Server Event activate 365Days = Ketra's Town in Ketra Orc Outpost is Invaded ! Try eliminate Monsters and Winn Items !)




-Each Month its finished the winner in our Tops PK-PVP Can reclaim the reward[(Max 3Reward-3month- Each CharacterTopPlayer)15kk adena]

-In the Entrance of One of all CH'S in Each City have 1AntiPK

-Assasin's Light Armor Set(like draconic S grade Armor 5% more) for each Leader of clan With clan lvl 5 o more(at

 the start of server,in days clan lvl8)

-Epic Glow Hero Aura With Weapon(and 3 more glows to choose)

-Mammon Merchant and Blacksmith in Giran Town


Start Adena = 2kk500k

NG-D-C-B Items = Retail

A-S Items = GM-Shop and Retail

Auto Learn Skills

Geodata and Pathnode Implemented(Can't use WallShoting)



Supreme Gatekeeper Locs:



Farm Zones-ScrllDdropzone= Bears Drop Blesseds Weapon D

                      Ghost Drop Blessed Armor D


Farm Zones-Secret RB Zone= Drop Life Stones


% life stone = 5% purple augment

% high life stone = 15% purple augment

% top life stone = 30% purple augment




MaxBuff = 64 

MaxDebuff = 6



Safe = 6

Max With normal/blesseds = 16

Max With Crystals = 20


% NORMALS = 45%

% BLESSEDS = 65%

% CRYSTALS = 100%





RateXp = x75

RateSp = x75

RatePartyXp = x1

RatePartySp = x1

RateDropAdena = x100

RateConsumableCost = x1

RateDropItems = x30

RateDropSealStones = x1

RateDropSpoil = x30

RateDropManor = x1




Grand Boss:


AdenaBoss = x2

ItemsBoss = x1



Raid Boss:


AdenaRaid = x1

ItemsRaid = x3


-Inventory space limits

NoDwarf = 125

Dwarf = 150

-Warehouse space limits Dwarfs will get bonus from lvl 60

SlotsForDwarf = 150

SlotsForNoDwarf = 125

SlotsForClan = 210

FreightSlots = 20


Exclusive RaidBosses With Drops in:



-Siegue CH's


Exclusive RaidBoss(with Custom Drop) On Catacombs: NAME (Wizard)


-Dark Omens

-Forbidden Path


Try Search and have Fun with it!


The GM'S Have Exclusive Armor And Weapons(NoItemName)


We have Exclusive Server Quests(Like "Protect CH of Our GameMaster" At the entrance of Raindbow Springs)

We Have Exclusive Server Raids With History(Like our Outlaws System,Mother Tree and Shilen)

We Have Exclusive Server Method of Outlaws(Bosses around the Land)

Exclusive NPC'S In Some Clan Halls,Exclusives of Each City,example:Aden have One Npc With Info About One Raid Boss In Ch,only is a example


Secret Weapons Award You and Exclusive Event Weapons



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