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Posted (edited)

Hello all forum members... Guys I need your help, on one server with SmartGuard a can enter into game with adrenalin cracked v1.71, but i have new trouble - bot don't want take mob into target automatically... but if I take option "Take target manualy" bot working - spoil, attak, assist, follow and sweeper (i test it on dwarf char)... can help me anyone in my problem?

P.S.ssory for bad eng, i'm from Ukraine, and sometimes use google-translate ;)

Edited by lastcho1c3
Posted (edited)

all options is on - assist, combat zone-manual... but bot don't want attack mob automat...if i select manual target - bot work in full power... :(

Edited by lastcho1c3

in my server mobs have russian names... but it is can't be a trouble , in other server without protection (ILx10k+) farm mob have russ name, but it was not an obstacle


maybe you have set center in? :D anyway i dont know show some screen shot with that mobs which dont attack, also you can upload your xml config file then i can check your configs, maybe configs bad

Posted (edited)

it's can't take to target anyone mob - naer Dion, in the catacombs... maybe it's server setings??? 
hear my xml file config


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  <General Active="false" AutoAtk="false" AutoHeal="true" AutoBuff="true" AutoEvent="false" FRange1="0" FRange2="100" FAutoMove="false" Performance="1" Performance2="2" FastNuke="true" MTarget="false" BuffBypass0="_bbshome _servicebuff 0 _servicebuff list 1_0 Воину _servicebuff get 0 1_0 Воину" BuffBypass1="_bbshome _servicebuff 0 _servicebuff list 1_0 Магу _servicebuff get 0 1_0 Магу" BuffBypass2="_bbshome _servicebuff 0 _servicebuff list 2_0 1 _servicebuff get 0 2_0 1" BuffBypass3="_bbshome _servicebuff 0 _servicebuff list 2_0 2 _servicebuff get 0 2_0 2" BuffBypass4="_bbshome _servicebuff 0 _servicebuff list 2_0 3 _servicebuff get 0 2_0 3"/>
    <Item_0 ObjEnabled="true" ObjType="0" ObjID="1015" Priority="0" BuffType="0" BuffName="" TargetList="" Distance="0" MinDist="0" OffParty="false" BreakRelax="false" Delay="0,5" Delay2="0" DelayUse="false" InCombat="true" ForPet="0" TargetInCombat="false" Dispell="false" NoTarget="false" Combo="false" ETime="false" CTime="0" VTime="0" ELvl="false" CLvl="0" VLvl="0" C1="0" V1="0" C2="1" V2="60" C3="0" V3="0"/>
    <Item_1 ObjEnabled="true" ObjType="1" ObjID="728" Priority="0" BuffType="0" BuffName="" TargetList="" Distance="0" MinDist="0" OffParty="false" BreakRelax="false" Delay="0,5" Delay2="0" DelayUse="false" InCombat="true" ForPet="0" TargetInCombat="false" Dispell="false" NoTarget="false" Combo="false" ETime="false" CTime="0" VTime="0" ELvl="false" CLvl="0" VLvl="0" C1="0" V1="0" C2="5" V2="60" C3="0" V3="0"/>
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  <Party Invite="false" InviteList="" DropType="1" Accept="true" AcceptList="" Assist="false" AssistList="" ProtectMA="false" ProtectMAV="5" AttackType="0" ProtectParty="false" ProtectPartyList="" ProtectMyPet="false" BreakRelax="false" BreakRelax2="false" FollowMov="true" FollowList="SteroidHamster" FollovMinDist="0" FollowMaxDist="150" FollowType="1" RelaxWith="false" RelaxWithList="" RelaxWithNear="false" LeavePL="false" ProtectByOne="false" FriendList="" AcceptResp="false" AcceptRespType="1" PauseBuff="false" PauseBuffList="" PauseBuffTime="30" DeathAcceptMy="false" PartyAcceptMy="true"/>
    <Item_0 ObjEnabled="true" ObjType="0" ObjID="1015" Priority="0" BuffType="1" BuffName="Battle Heal" TargetList="SteroidHamster;" Distance="600" MinDist="0" OffParty="false" BreakRelax="false" Delay="0,5" Delay2="0" DelayUse="true" InCombat="true" ForPet="0" TargetInCombat="true" Dispell="false" NoTarget="false" Combo="false" ETime="false" CTime="0" VTime="0" ELvl="false" CLvl="0" VLvl="0" C1="0" V1="0" C2="1" V2="45" C3="0" V3="0"/>
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  <Drop PickUp="false" PickUpRange="600" ZLimit="false" ZLimitR="300" OnlyMy="false" OnlyInCZ="false" DropTime="15" TimeOut="10"/>
  <Shot AutoShot="true" Extract1="false" Extract2="false" Extract3="false" ExtractName1="" ExtractName2="" ExtractName3="" ExtractItem1="" ExtractItem2="" ExtractItem3="" ExtractItem4="" ExtractCount1="1500" ExtractCount2="1500" ExtractCount3="1500" ExtractCount4="0" ExtractDelay1="0" ExtractDelay2="0" ExtractDelay3="0" Fishing="false" FishBreak="false" FishExtract="false" FishMov="false" FishInv="false" FishMTime="15" FishShots="false" FishMovC1="false" FishMovC2="true" FishTrigger="true" FishRelog="false" FishRelogV1="1" FishRelogV2="10" F1X1="0" F1Y1="0" F1Z1="0" F1X2="0" F1Y2="0" F1Z2="0" F2X1="0" F2Y1="0" F2Z1="0" F2X2="0" F2Y2="0" F2Z2="0" Craft="false" CraftList="1,2,3" CraftMP="5" CraftWeight="80" CraftDelay="1000"/>
    <Item_0 ObjType="0" ID="0" FAction="1" FPriority="1" FPNew="false" FAtkAlone="false" FAtkAloneV1="400" FAtkAloneC="0" FAtkAloneV2="3" FDodge="false" FDodgeV="300" FCAtk="false" FPosition="false" FPosX="0" FPosY="0" FPosZ="0" FPosR="0" FC="0" FV="0"/>
    <Item_1 ObjType="1" ID="0" FAction="0" FPriority="1" FPNew="false" FAtkAlone="false" FAtkAloneV1="400" FAtkAloneC="0" FAtkAloneV2="3" FDodge="false" FDodgeV="300" FCAtk="false" FPosition="false" FPosX="0" FPosY="0" FPosZ="0" FPosR="0" FC="0" FV="0"/>
    <Item_0 ObjType="-1" ID="0" FGrade="0" FPickup="true" FInFight="false" FFightR="150" FNpc="false" FNpcV="3" FNpcAgro="false" PCount="false" PCountV="0" PCond="0" PCondV="0" PLoad="false" PLoadV="55" FDel="false" FDelC="false" FDelCV="0" FDelL="false" FDelLV="54"/>



anyone have version 1.61 cracked? maybe need test that version...

Edited by lastcho1c3

it's can't take to target anyone mob - naer Dion, in the catacombs... maybe it's server setings??? 

hear my xml file config



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

  <General Active="false" AutoAtk="false" AutoHeal="true" AutoBuff="true" AutoEvent="false" FRange1="0" FRange2="100" FAutoMove="false" Performance="1" Performance2="2" FastNuke="true" MTarget="false" BuffBypass0="_bbshome _servicebuff 0 _servicebuff list 1_0 Воину _servicebuff get 0 1_0 Воину" BuffBypass1="_bbshome _servicebuff 0 _servicebuff list 1_0 Магу _servicebuff get 0 1_0 Магу" BuffBypass2="_bbshome _servicebuff 0 _servicebuff list 2_0 1 _servicebuff get 0 2_0 1" BuffBypass3="_bbshome _servicebuff 0 _servicebuff list 2_0 2 _servicebuff get 0 2_0 2" BuffBypass4="_bbshome _servicebuff 0 _servicebuff list 2_0 3 _servicebuff get 0 2_0 3"/>
    <Item_0 ObjEnabled="true" ObjType="0" ObjID="1015" Priority="0" BuffType="0" BuffName="" TargetList="" Distance="0" MinDist="0" OffParty="false" BreakRelax="false" Delay="0,5" Delay2="0" DelayUse="false" InCombat="true" ForPet="0" TargetInCombat="false" Dispell="false" NoTarget="false" Combo="false" ETime="false" CTime="0" VTime="0" ELvl="false" CLvl="0" VLvl="0" C1="0" V1="0" C2="1" V2="60" C3="0" V3="0"/>
    <Item_1 ObjEnabled="true" ObjType="1" ObjID="728" Priority="0" BuffType="0" BuffName="" TargetList="" Distance="0" MinDist="0" OffParty="false" BreakRelax="false" Delay="0,5" Delay2="0" DelayUse="false" InCombat="true" ForPet="0" TargetInCombat="false" Dispell="false" NoTarget="false" Combo="false" ETime="false" CTime="0" VTime="0" ELvl="false" CLvl="0" VLvl="0" C1="0" V1="0" C2="5" V2="60" C3="0" V3="0"/>
  <Relax SkillUse="false" SkillName="" minHPUse="false" minHP="40" minMPUse="false" minMP="20" maxHPUse="false" maxHP="100" maxMpUse="false" maxMP="100" PauseUse="false" PauseV1="1" PauseV2="3" Pos1Use="false" Pos2Use="false" Pos3Use="false" Pos1X="0" Pos1Y="0" Pos1Z="0" Pos2X="0" Pos2Y="0" Pos2Z="0" Pos3X="0" Pos3Y="0" Pos3Z="0"/>
  <Death Resp="true" RespType="0" WaitResp="false" WaitRespV1="60" WaitRespV2="30" WaitFight="false" WaitFightV="10"/>
  <Party Invite="false" InviteList="" DropType="1" Accept="true" AcceptList="" Assist="false" AssistList="" ProtectMA="false" ProtectMAV="5" AttackType="0" ProtectParty="false" ProtectPartyList="" ProtectMyPet="false" BreakRelax="false" BreakRelax2="false" FollowMov="true" FollowList="SteroidHamster" FollovMinDist="0" FollowMaxDist="150" FollowType="1" RelaxWith="false" RelaxWithList="" RelaxWithNear="false" LeavePL="false" ProtectByOne="false" FriendList="" AcceptResp="false" AcceptRespType="1" PauseBuff="false" PauseBuffList="" PauseBuffTime="30" DeathAcceptMy="false" PartyAcceptMy="true"/>
    <Item_0 ObjEnabled="true" ObjType="0" ObjID="1015" Priority="0" BuffType="1" BuffName="Battle Heal" TargetList="SteroidHamster;" Distance="600" MinDist="0" OffParty="false" BreakRelax="false" Delay="0,5" Delay2="0" DelayUse="true" InCombat="true" ForPet="0" TargetInCombat="true" Dispell="false" NoTarget="false" Combo="false" ETime="false" CTime="0" VTime="0" ELvl="false" CLvl="0" VLvl="0" C1="0" V1="0" C2="1" V2="45" C3="0" V3="0"/>
  <Path MapZoneName="" PathType="5" PathX="0" PathY="0" PathZ="0" PathR1="1500" ZLimit="true" ZLimitV="250" Return="false" ReturnV="10" AttackInRangeOnly="false" IsCircle="true" ZByUser="true" CAtkV="5" Evs="true" EvsTimeOut="3500" EvsBackV1="30" EvsBackV2="50" EvsSideV1="70" EvsSideV2="100">
  <Mons NoAtkInCombat="true" NoAtkInTarget="true" FullCombat="false" TargetDelay="false" TargetDelayV1="1000" TargetDelayV2="2000" FindAgro="true" FindTargetMe="false" MonsFindNear="true" SkeepTarget="true" SkeepRange="false" SkeepRangeV="300" SkeepChamp="false" SkeepChamp2="false" SkeepChampV="10000" SkeepHP="true" SkeepHPV1="60" SkeepHPV2="10" SkeepHPV3="7" SkeepInv="true" SkeepInvV="7" ProtectPVP="true" AttackPK="false" AttackPVP="true" AttackPVPR="1500" NoAtkPVP="true" MonsFriends="true" MonsMapNear="false" NoAtkLvl1="false" NoAtkLvlV1="3" NoAtkLvl2="false" NoAtkLvlV2="3" NoAtkResp="false" NoAtkRespV="5" NoAtkTitle="true" NoAtkTitleV="ВНИМАНИЕ АНТИБОТ, ANTIBOT" C1="0" C2="0" V1="0" V2="0"/>
  <Drop PickUp="false" PickUpRange="600" ZLimit="false" ZLimitR="300" OnlyMy="false" OnlyInCZ="false" DropTime="15" TimeOut="10"/>
  <Shot AutoShot="true" Extract1="false" Extract2="false" Extract3="false" ExtractName1="" ExtractName2="" ExtractName3="" ExtractItem1="" ExtractItem2="" ExtractItem3="" ExtractItem4="" ExtractCount1="1500" ExtractCount2="1500" ExtractCount3="1500" ExtractCount4="0" ExtractDelay1="0" ExtractDelay2="0" ExtractDelay3="0" Fishing="false" FishBreak="false" FishExtract="false" FishMov="false" FishInv="false" FishMTime="15" FishShots="false" FishMovC1="false" FishMovC2="true" FishTrigger="true" FishRelog="false" FishRelogV1="1" FishRelogV2="10" F1X1="0" F1Y1="0" F1Z1="0" F1X2="0" F1Y2="0" F1Z2="0" F2X1="0" F2Y1="0" F2Z1="0" F2X2="0" F2Y2="0" F2Z2="0" Craft="false" CraftList="1,2,3" CraftMP="5" CraftWeight="80" CraftDelay="1000"/>
    <Item_0 ObjType="0" ID="0" FAction="1" FPriority="1" FPNew="false" FAtkAlone="false" FAtkAloneV1="400" FAtkAloneC="0" FAtkAloneV2="3" FDodge="false" FDodgeV="300" FCAtk="false" FPosition="false" FPosX="0" FPosY="0" FPosZ="0" FPosR="0" FC="0" FV="0"/>
    <Item_1 ObjType="1" ID="0" FAction="0" FPriority="1" FPNew="false" FAtkAlone="false" FAtkAloneV1="400" FAtkAloneC="0" FAtkAloneV2="3" FDodge="false" FDodgeV="300" FCAtk="false" FPosition="false" FPosX="0" FPosY="0" FPosZ="0" FPosR="0" FC="0" FV="0"/>
    <Item_0 ObjType="-1" ID="0" FGrade="0" FPickup="true" FInFight="false" FFightR="150" FNpc="false" FNpcV="3" FNpcAgro="false" PCount="false" PCountV="0" PCond="0" PCondV="0" PLoad="false" PLoadV="55" FDel="false" FDelC="false" FDelCV="0" FDelL="false" FDelLV="54"/>



anyone have version 1.61 cracked? maybe need test that version...

make sure this button be like red, like in picture http://prntscr.com/84pyrq becouse in your settings auto attack off

Posted (edited)

make sure this button be like red, like in picture http://prntscr.com/84pyrq becouse in your settings auto attack off

dude, it's enable... i test it in many options, but i have one result :-/

maybe trouble in smart guard? but i bypassed it and enter in game normal...

Edited by lastcho1c3

adr.bot thx you dude, i'm find solution of problem - i'm just delet all in folder "Settings" 

now it's work perfectly

Perfect, locked since solution found.

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