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Selling Unreal....

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продам Unreal, который умеет компилировать скрипты со скилами, эффектами и т.д.

так же понимает такие функции как Opacity

предложения писать в скайп  (RUS)


selling Unreal, which is able to compile scripts with the skills, effects, etc.

also realizes functions such as Opacity

Offer to write on Skype

Edited by ◄√i®uS►
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обновил первый пост, добавил видео с компиляцией эффекта NPC (RUS)

updated the first post said video compilation effect NPC

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  • 1 month later...

Sad that this one can't unpack skill.usk and allows us of add new effects n repack it again.. or am I wrong?

you dont need this particular unreal and you dont neccesarilly need to unpack skill usk

but the version he is selling is already optimized for l2

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  • 5 weeks later...

the version he have is Phantom one as I see, so don't know why he selling something is not his work, i'm sure of that after see video compilation.

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Вас что то не устраивает?

в чём проблема моих продаж?(RUS)


That you are not satisfied?
what's the problem of my sales?
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well what I mean is you using a version is not maked by you, and you selling this stuff.



ну я имею в виду, вы используете версию не понимал тебя, и ты продаешь эти вещи.
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How can I extract for .ase formats?


you can't extract ASE, only ASE was generated from pskx you import in 3DS Max, after export to ASE via 3DS Max you can import into Editor.

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