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What Bot Features Are U Missing In Popular Bots?


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As in topic. What do you think that bot should have which is not implemented in most popular ones?


Oh a post number six hundred :D Thats a sign

Edited by Szakalaka
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from my pov:

1. tower - useless/sloppy/broken in game gui, works only on not protected servers out of the box, on the other hand it has most advanced scripting api with full packet support, don't really like lua tho.

2. zranger - the only pvp oriented bot, with decent in-game widget system, decent scripting api with own useless and limited syntax but at least with good packet support, doesn't work on most servers out of the box.

3. adrenalin - almost perfect out of game gui, bypassing number of antibots after updates, nice scripting language, but sadly poor scripting api with many basic functions missing, lack/broken packets support, poorly maintained and slowly developed, retarded pricing policy.


good bot could still milk a lot of $$ out of melting community since ppl are willing to pay for botting,

that would be adrenalin with cons fixed and in-game radar/widgets added to offer pvp content (since for pve it does more then good).

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That a hell of a list u are always helpful AlmostGood :)

My bot already has ingame user interface drawn with direct3d, some basic radar, cool console, well and its stealthy. I still wonder if i should make a bot or a pvp suite, or a bit of this and that

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That a hell of a list u are always helpful AlmostGood :)

My bot already has ingame user interface drawn with direct3d, some basic radar, cool console, well and its stealthy. I still wonder if i should make a bot or a pvp suite, or a bit of this and that

by all means - make it out of the game, there is nothing more painful than alt-tabing between bots to check their state or modify settings,

d3d drawing can be exposed to be used in future scripting engine, so we wouldn't have to use html dialog packets for user input.


L2 is all about pvp and ppl bot adena just to get easy advantage in pvp, so if it comes to functionality i would make it 50/50

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That a hell of a list u are always helpful AlmostGood :)

My bot already has ingame user interface drawn with direct3d, some basic radar, cool console, well and its stealthy. I still wonder if i should make a bot or a pvp suite, or a bit of this and that

It will be something like your bot protection?



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It will be something like your bot protection?




My antibot is doin great, thanks :)


And to topic, its goin to be a bot and a "command center" which will control all your bots. The bots can be ran on other computers. The target/attack etc is working but thinkgs like party management is pain in the ass

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from my pov:

1. tower - useless/sloppy/broken in game gui, works only on not protected servers out of the box, on the other hand it has most advanced scripting api with full packet support, don't really like lua tho.

2. zranger - the only pvp oriented bot, with decent in-game widget system, decent scripting api with own useless and limited syntax but at least with good packet support, doesn't work on most servers out of the box.

3. adrenalin - almost perfect out of game gui, bypassing number of antibots after updates, nice scripting language, but sadly poor scripting api with many basic functions missing, lack/broken packets support, poorly maintained and slowly developed, retarded pricing policy.


good bot could still milk a lot of $$ out of melting community since ppl are willing to pay for botting,

that would be adrenalin with cons fixed and in-game radar/widgets added to offer pvp content (since for pve it does more then good).

tower works officials too, you just need to know the way.

Edited by DisturberFTW
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