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Hi again from me :D Now I gonna give you another useful guide that I’m sure you gonna love! This is a pro-user customization, but I’ll everything possible to make it simple for you :) My guide is about… CREATING Y-O-U-R OWN ARMOR/WEAPON/SKILL/! I’m sure you like

this ;) By this guide, you can make your server unique, or just have a funny activity to spend your time.

NOTE: I won’t tell you how to make your own textures in this guide. If you want it too, post your request and I gonna create one ;)

1st Step: Preparation


I tell it again, it’s hard if you don’t know .xml editing and client modding. I’ll explain it as clear as I can. We don’t need something special for .xml editing (such as dreamweaver which is useful if you are a pro) but only our text editor. But we need a program for our client editing. You can find the link at the end of the post. This program is called Fileedit for C5. Make sure you keep backups of your files

before doing anything. I suggest you to use a new server install, just for this testing/editing.




2nd Step: Planning your ideas - .xml Creating

You must think what you want. You must have a main idea of what you gonna do. Let’s start explaining the .xml editing for weapon/armor/skills (the skills are more difficult, but it worths :P).

Let’s start with a weapon, which is the easiest.

This main idea is, creating a unique sword, which has the texture of zariche, and having the name of our server, which would be available for newbies for a drop (you can create a custom item as a drop, or simply use an already existing one) or more drops and would have nice stats ;) (we can make dual zariche too, but it’s client modding most <(I have it already :P, maybe I’ll post it at the end of the post)>)

We don’t care about the texture at the .xml editing. Let’s learn the basics:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE list SYSTEM "weapons.dtd">


<item id='5600' name="meteor_shower_critical_bleed">


    <set val='213' order='0x08' stat='pAtk'/>

    <set val='107' order='0x08' stat='mAtk'/>

    <set val='4' order='0x08' stat='rCrit'/>

    <add val='4' order='0x10' stat='accCombat'/>

    <set val='379' order='0x08' stat='pAtkSpd'/>

    <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pAtk'/>

    <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='mAtk'/>

    <!-- Critical Bleed -->

    <skill onCrit='1' id='96' lvl='6' chance='42'/>






<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

This is basic, like a header. It explains some things to the PC (encoding of characters and xml version). We don’t edit it.


<!DOCTYPE list SYSTEM "weapons.dtd">

It’s a new add (after an update of l2j). In order to open all these .xml, you have to have in your folder the weapons.dtd file, otherwise nothing happens.



Add this at the beginning of every .xml (NOTE: Not at every custom thing!!! Only list).


<item id='5600' name="meteor_shower_critical_bleed">

Item id = our new custom thing id. I would choose 9401 for example (it shouldn’t exist). Name = the name of our item



A label. We need it to give to our weapon stats etc.

    <set val='213' order='0x08' stat='pAtk'/>

    <set val='107' order='0x08' stat='mAtk'/>

    <set val='4' order='0x08' stat='rCrit'/>

    <add val='4' order='0x10' stat='accCombat'/>

    <set val='379' order='0x08' stat='pAtkSpd'/>

    <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pAtk'/>

    <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='mAtk'/>

    <!-- Critical Bleed -->

    <skill onCrit='1' id='96' lvl='6' chance='42'/>


Everything about our weapon:


<set val='213' order='0x08' stat='pAtk'/>

The p. atk


<set val='107' order='0x08' stat='mAtk'/>

The m. atk


<set val='4' order='0x08' stat='rCrit'/>

Don’t make it too high. It adds more critical to our weapon.


<add val='4' order='0x10' stat='accCombat'/>

Adds more damage during PvP.


<set val='379' order='0x08' stat='pAtkSpd'/>

The atk speed.


    <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pAtk'/>

    <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='mAtk'/>

This means that when it is enchanted, it gets +++ status to the p. Atk and m. Atk.


    <!-- Critical Bleed -->

    <skill onCrit='1' id='96' lvl='6' chance='42'/>

The SA of our weapon. On critical, casts skill id 96 (lvl 6) with chance of success 42%.

You can now choose an id from your db, and look it in your .xml. If you like it’s stats, just <<steal>> them :P And what do I mean?



For our custom weapon~>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<item id='9401' name="L2XxX_Newbies_Blade">


    <set val='213' order='0x08' stat='pAtk'/>

    <set val='107' order='0x08' stat='mAtk'/>

    <set val='4' order='0x08' stat='rCrit'/>

    <add val='4' order='0x10' stat='accCombat'/>

    <set val='379' order='0x08' stat='pAtkSpd'/>

    <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pAtk'/>

    <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='mAtk'/>

    <!-- Custom -->

    <skill onCrit='1' id='96' lvl='6' chance='80'/>

    <add order='0x40' stat='rCrit' val='130'>

    <mul val='1.10' order='0x30' stat='maxHp'/>


            <player hp='60'/>







Ok, look now what I did. I created a small .xml with the following ~> I changed the p. atk/name/m.atk/id and I added 2 more SAs except the bleed (which I changed the success rate). I added +10% HP (I stole the code from dark_legions_edge_health if you don’t know how to create it yourself), and I added an SA that adds +130 critical rate if your HP is under 60%!!! Now it’s time to test it. Test it with Internet Explorer. If you don’t get any error, you are ok ;) (As you may see, I didn’t added the <!DOCTYPE list SYSTEM "weapons.dtd"> there is no problem if you don’t put it!).

For armors/skills it’s the same, I don’t need to explain something, but I gonna give you a brief look. The tip for beginners is…copying a skill that likes us, and we edit it as we wish. Remember to test it ON EVERY CHANGE so if you take an error, you won’t lose time checking your adds.

Let’s see about the armors:


<item id='6845' name="Pirate's Eye Patch">


    <add val='0' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>




If you have played GvE you should know that this adds +50 Critical. Let’s do it too ;)


<item id='6845' name="Pirate's Eye Patch">


    <add val='0' order='0x10' stat='pDef'/>

    <add order='0x40' stat='rCrit' val='50'>





W00T! We <<stole>> these addition from a weapon with SA focus :)

Do you want us to add m. def to an armor ? :D Let’s choose one.


<item id='7861' name="Apella Breastplate">

<!-- Done by KID -->


    <add val='278' order='0x10' stat='pDef' />

    <add val='80' order='0x10' stat='mDef'/>

    <!-- Clan Set Armor -->

    <add val='232' order='0x40' stat='maxCp'>


  <using slotitem="7860;6" />

      <using slotitem="7862;9" />

      <using slotitem="7863;12" />



    <mul val='1.40' order='0x40' stat='regCp'>


  <using slotitem="7860;6" />

      <using slotitem="7862;9" />

      <using slotitem="7863;12" />




    <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='pDef' />

  <enchant val='0' order='0x0C' stat='mDef'/>




And let’s see our skills:

(choose your skill ids here ~> http://l2private.free.fr/misc/SkillsID.ini )


<skill id="265" levels="1" name="Song of Life">

  <!-- Done by dc -->

  <set name="mpConsume" val="60"/>

  <set name="power" val="0.0"/>

  <set name="target" val="TARGET_PARTY"/>

  <set name="skillRadius" val="1000"/>

  <set name="hitTime" val="2500"/>

  <set name="reuseDelay" val="10000"/>

  <set name="skillTime" val="2500"/>

  <set name="skillType" val="BUFF"/>

  <set name="operateType" val="OP_ACTIVE"/>

  <set name="buffDuration" val="120000"/>

  <set name="castRange" val="-1"/>

  <set name="effectRange" val="-1"/>


    <effect name="Buff" time="120" count="1" val="0">

      <mul order="0x30" stat="regHp" val="1.2"/>





<set name="mpConsume" val="60"/> <~ how much mp it consumes


<set name="target" val="TARGET_PARTY"/> <~ You can change this one, so you can give someone a song without party…for example ~> TARGET_AREA (don’t forget…always CAPITALS) will give that song to the whole area :P Or TARGET_SELF for self-only buff or TARGET_ONE for target – buff.



  <set name="reuseDelay" val="10000"/> the reuse delay of the skill.


<set name="buffDuration" val="120000"/> The duration of the song.

      <mul order="0x30" stat="regHp" val="1.2"/> if you edit the 1.2, the HP regeneration rate will increase (1.3 = +10% more hp regen.).


3rd Step: Client modding


Now this is the hard step, because it needs time to understand each row. The easiest way (for example for our custom – zariche) is copying the rows from zariche in weapongrp.dat and itemname-e.dat and just changing the name of the weapon and the p. atk/m.atk and of course the description. If you do something wrong, you will get an error. Well, copying the line from weapongrp.dat and then just changing the id is easy, but in the itemname-e.dat you can easily make a mistake by destroying the columns. You have NOT TO edit after the big gaps (I mean, don’t destroy <(for example)> all the old description, select it UNTIL YOU REACH THE END OF THE LETTERS !DON’T! touch the gap. Edit the ID, the description and you are ready. Just load your GS and watch out for error in the .xml loading. If you don’t get any, you are ok! Client editing needs time to learn it, and it’s time consuming because of the errors you can get easily. Use a patched system for any modification, otherwise you gonna get critical error from the client! (Patched system you can find in any server with custom stuff).

For custom armor ~> edit in client the… itemname-e.dat, armorgrp.dat

For custom weapon ~> edit in client… itemname-e.dat, armorgrp.dat

For custom skill ~> edit in client… skillname-e.dat, skillgrp.dat, skillsoundgrp.dat

THIS IS ONLY for full customized skills. If you just edit the affects, you won’t need to change any of these. If you want to change the description of these use the itemname-e/skillname-e.dat files. For custom icons use the armorgrp/skillgrp.dat files.


icon.skillXXXX for changing icons in skills (use another’s skill number).

icon.armor_t06_u_i00 for changing armor icons (you have to edit all the text <(icon.armor_t06_u_i00)> in order to get it fully working.


4th Step: DB


I will not give exact information atm, maybe later. Just go to the db and copy a row, paste it and give the ID of your custom id. This guide wasn't made exactly for creating a new one, but for modding an existing (it is easier for newbies) but it can be used for creating. Anyway, back to db topic, copy paste... Soon will be added info :P


You can edit also the system messages with other messages in the systemmsg-e.dat (example ~> Critical to You slashed ‘em up! Or Are you sure you want to exit? ~> VOTE FOR US PLZ NOW!!! THX!!!!)

You can edit the server name too! For example Bartz ~> L2XxX (servername-e.dat)


TIP: If you want to make something veryyyyyyy customed, in order to know what each column is, use excel!!! (1st row = description 2nd row = you custom item settings) but it needs plenty of time. :D

You can edit everything with fileedit, just search a little and do some tests ;)


That’s all folks :P For one more time, for any correction of this guide or for asking for help, just post ;)


Some useful links







Fileedit C5



*You gonna get thousands of errors, keep up editing, and you'll finally success ;)*

*Because i have run out of ideas, any guide you wish to be posted except the one with the textures? I wanna kill my time :D*

Guest TheVortex

yea share ur mxl and sql files!


It's lilith's animation. For the share, it needs some fixes in the .xml file so it works correctly. I can give you it with the COV affects, 'cause i haven't finished yet the code i had thought about.


@TheVortex it doesn't need any sql modification, unless you wish to make it learnable by a specific race/class for SP.



http://www.4shared.com/file/9009020/f14e57fc <~ ReadME.txt for more infos.

Guest Thanos47

u are really the best i dont know wtf u know all ty for help im trying days and days ty again ;)

Guest Thanos47

Killer can u give me ready for use and explain me i cant im trying three days and too now nothing plz help me,my hotmail is thanos_xes@hotmail.com plz add me and help :P


Nice guide, I think even i'll be using it oO So +1 karma and stickiedz


But question.  When i try to use the fileedit you have included for C5, using retails latest updated files it comes up with an error like "C:\DOCU~1\SESSHO~1\LOCALS~1\temp\Rarsfx1\temp\" File not found

With the file being the one im trying to open.  After awhile it fixed itself but im not sure how, whether its because i opened l2 or somthing else.  Any idea?


"C:\DOCU~1\SESSHO~1\LOCALS~1\temp\Rarsfx1\temp\" File not found


Yes, i know about this error. Do not touch the gaps, it has to be like the old one. Look at the upper data, and copy-paste each time the gaps.


Ok, solved my problem with file edit.  Now i have another problem.

The lilith animation you have is nice, but the problem is when i try to find other cool animations that work they dont show up for anyone.  Now, im not sure if its because im not using that mobs texture or anything so could you tell me if thats a fixable problem or the animation just wont work?


Also, how would you go about having it use that animation?  Im looking at Liliths skill id's, none are 5101 soo...


Well, look. You have when you create a skill in skillgrp.dat not to edit it with the same id as the monster's one. Copy the code from the skill (example only) 1234 and SET THE ID in a number that doesn't exist. Some cool id's






Copy the code (from skill 4232 for example), and change the id to 5200 for example. The same for the other 2 .dat files.

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