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Removing Gameguard?

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sorry for the stupid question but what exactly does GGuard do? I havent encountred any problems from it ever.




Try to run WPEpro and GameGuard and you will see :-)


It just disconnect L2 Client when some "hacking apps" are on the computer.

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sorry for the stupid question but what exactly does GGuard do? I havent encountred any problems from it ever.




Try to run WPEpro and GameGuard and you will see :-)


It just disconnect L2 Client when some "hacking apps" are on the computer.


thnx i tried ^^ it didnt work :P :P

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Just realized they have a help forum now' date=' feel free to lock/move this thread..




From now on I will try to be more organized with my posts and topics.[/quote']


i wil too :) but as you see there is a good answore so its plase is in xploits (i think) (ok i will stop spamming)

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