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[Exploit] How To See ALL Servers (Hidden USA etC)

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hello people again :D


all of us (players of wow) know that players of EU (Europe) can't see U.S.A Realms


if you follow my steps well . . . you will be able to see them :D


ok let's start


1.) Go to the Testserver char-copy webpage of World of Warcraft, where you can create premades or where you can copy an existing character.

2.) Choose "Copy a character" (from an existing realm) and select any realm in the list.

3.) The URL should look now like this:






4.) The parameter "realmId" is your selected realm. Now type any number in there an volla - your "selected" realm have changed.

5.) Scroll down to the list. If you haven't got any character it will say:



You have no characters on <Servername>.


6.)Now test it with any numbers and if you got luck you see hidden servers in the error message. Like "You have no characters on Aimee's Development Server".


The Servers (realms) which are read means that you couldn't see them before and now . . . ? o.O You Can



1 : Lightbringer.

2 : Cenarius.

3 : Uther.

4 : Kilrogg.

5 : Proudmoore.

6 : Hyjal.

7 : Frostwolf.

8 : Ner'zhul.

9 : Kil'jaeden.

10 : Blackrock.

11 : Tichondrius.

12 : Silver Hand.

13 : Doomhammer.

14 : Icecrown.

15 : Deathwing.

16 : Kel'Thuzad.

46 : Northrend. (*)

173 : US GM TEST. (*)

833 : Shrine of the Dormant Flame. (*)

834 : The Twin Colossals. (*)

835 : Lushwater Oasis. (*)

837 : Vol'jin.

838 : Pandaren. (*)

839 : Gorefiend.

840 : Fray Island. (*)

841 : Feathermoon.

842 : Azjol-Nerub.

843 : Freewind.

844 : Arthas.

845 : Arathor.

846 : Eredar.

847 : Eonar.

848 : Antonidas.

849 : Shadow Council.

850 : Alterac Mountains.

851 : Baelgun.

852 : Chillwind Point.

855 : Darrowmere.

856 : Whispering Shore.

857 : Gul'dan.

858 : Icecrown.

859 : Kil'jaeden.

860 : Stromgarde Keep.

861 : Dragonmaw.

862 : Khaz'goroth.

863 : Kael'thas.

864 : Kel'Thuzad.

865 : Ragnaros.

866 : Frostwhisper.

867 : Bladefist.

868 : Dunemaul.

869 : Mannoroth.

870 : Medivh.

872 : Ner'zhul.

874 : Rivendare.

876 : Frostwolf.

877 : Frostmourne.

878 : Stratholme.

879 : Tarren Mill.

882 : Tirisfal Glades.

883 : Scholomance.

885 : Sylvanas.

886 : Scarlet Crusade.

887 : The Forgotten Coast.

888 : Silverpine Forest.

889 : Silvermoon.

890 : Aerie Peak.

891 : Shadowfang Keep.

900 : The Wrong Server. (*)

901 : QA Server. (*)

902 : Team 2 Server. (*)

903 : Sam's Happy Funland. (*)

904 : John's World. (*)

905 : Dihydrogen Monoxide. (*)

906 : Jesse's Source Server. (*)

907 : Jesse's Target Server. (*)

908 : BubbaHoTep. (*)

909 : Server Id 0 Server. (*)

910 : Goodman's Gazebo. (*)

911 : Server Id 0 DEV. (*)

912 : Test Server (US PVP). (*)

913 : Arena Tournament. (*)

914 : David.Ray- (*)

915 : Zealot Blade. (*)

916 : Cassandra. (*)

917 : Swiftwind. (*)

918 : Guardian Blade. (*)

919 : Fist of the Titans. (*)

920 : Demonslayer. (*)

921 : Blanchard. (*)

922 : World Tree. (*)

923 : Mug'thol.

924 : Direwing. (*)

925 : Kaleidoscope Star. (*)

926 : River Pride. (*)

927 : Gazlowe. (*)

928 : Crystalpine Stinger. (*)

929 : Sutarn. (*)

930 : Deepfury. (*)

931 : Wing of the Whelping. (*)

932 : Dark Phantom. (*)

933 : Dreamwalker. (*)

935 : Frostreaver Crown. (*)

936 : Poison-tipped Bone Spear. (*)

937 : Claw of the Shadowmancer. (*)

938 : Rangers. (*)

940 : Isillien. (*)

941 : Holy Chanter. (*)

942 : Midnight Scythe. (*)

943 : Duskwood.

944 : Force of Elemental. (*)

945 : Galardell. (*)

946 : Sundown Marsh. (*)

949 : Fenris.

950 : Jaedenar.

951 : Itharius. (*)

952 : Andorhal.

953 : Storm Eye. (*)

954 : Tyr's Hand. (*)

956 : Nighthaven. (*)

959 : Dor'Danil. (*)

960 : Falathim. (*)

962 : The Golden Plains.

963 : Shadowmoon.

964 : Spirestone.

965 : Stormscale.

966 : Dragonmaw.

968 : KR Test Server (PVE).

969 : Test Server KR PvE.

970 : Test Server (EU PVP).

971 : Royal Apothecary Society. (*)

972 : Jesse's Source Server 2. (*)

973 : Jesse's Target Server 2. (*)

976 : Localization Test Server 2. (*)

977 : Frostmane.

978 : Sundown Marsh. (*)

979 : Hellscream.

980 : Skywall.

982 : World Tree. (*)

984 : Balnazzar.

985 : Crystalpine Stinger. (*)

986 : Warsong.

987 : Bloodscalp.

988 : Doomhammer.

989 : Gnomeregan.

990 : Frostmourne.

991 : Emerald Dream.

999 : Zealot Blade. (*)

1001 : Chillwind Point.

1006 : Menethil.

1018 : Valley of Heroes.

1022 : Dreadmist Peak.

1023 : Demon Fall Canyon.

1028 : Onyxia.

1033 : Whisperwind.

1034 : Altar of Storms.

1037 : Bleeding Hollow.

1038 : Arygos.

1043 : Nightsong.

1046 : Light's Hope.

1048 : Silverwing Hold.

1049 : Wrathbringer.

1054 : Arthas.

1055 : TW GM Test. (*)

1056 : Quel'dorei.

1057 : Icecrown.

1067 : Cho'gall.

1068 : Gul'dan.

1069 : Kael'thas.

1070 : Alexstrasza.

1071 : Kirin Tor.

1072 : Ravencrest.

1073 : The Night Watch. (*)

1074 : Immol'Thar. (*)

1075 : Balnazzar.

1080 : Khadgar.

1081 : Bronzebeard.

1082 : Kul Tiras.

1083 : Chromaggus.

1084 : Dentarg.

1085 : Moonglade.

1086 : La Croisade écarlate.

1087 : Executus.

1088 : Trollbane.

1089 : Mazrigos.

1090 : Talnivarr.

1091 : Emeriss.

1092 : Drak'thul.

1093 : Ahn'Qiraj.

1096 : Scarshield Legion.

1097 : Ysera.

1098 : Malygos.

1099 : Rexxar.

1104 : Anetheron.

1105 : Nazjatar.

1106 : Tichondrius.

1117 : Steamwheedle Cartel.

1118 : Die ewige Wacht.

1119 : Die Todeskrallen.

1121 : Die Arguswacht.

1122 : Uldaman.

1123 : Eitrigg.

1127 : Confrérie du Thorium.

1128 : Azshara.

1129 : Agamaggan.

1130 : Lightninghoof.

1131 : Nazjatar.

1132 : Malfurion.

1133 : Frostmourne.

1134 : Khaz'goroth.

1135 : Sky'ree. (*)

1136 : Aegwynn.

1137 : Akama.

1138 : Chromaggus.

1139 : Draka.

1140 : Drak'thul.

1141 : Garithos.

1142 : Hakkar.

1143 : Khaz Modan.

1144 : Jubei'Thos.

1145 : Mug'thol.

1146 : Korgath.

1147 : Kul Tiras.

1148 : Malorne.

1149 : Neptulon.

1151 : Rexxar.

1153 : Sunstrider.

1154 : Thorium Brotherhood.

1156 : Test Server (US PVE).

1157 : Test Server EU PvE.

1165 : Arathor.

1166 : Taerar.

1167 : Nefarian.

1168 : Blackmoore.

1169 : Naxxramas.

1170 : Neltharion.

1171 : Theradras.

1172 : Sapphiron.

1173 : Madoran.

1174 : Xavius.

1175 : Trollbane.

1182 : Muradin.

1184 : Vek'nilash.

1185 : Sen'jin.

1190 : Baelgun.

1191 : Varimathras.

1197 : Tirion.

1198 : Ahn'Qiraj.

1199 : Anetheron.

1200 : Anub'arak.

1201 : Arathi.

1202 : Varimathras.

1203 : Balnazzar.

1204 : Blackhand.

1205 : Bloodfeather.

1206 : Burning Legion.

1207 : Chromaggus.

1208 : Crushridge.

1209 : C'Thun.

1210 : Anachronos.

1211 : Thunder Bluff.

1212 : Thunderaan.

1213 : Blackwing Lair.

1214 : Draenor.

1215 : Dragonblight.

1216 : Karazhan.

1221 : Molten Core.

1222 : Grim Batol.

1223 : Gurubashi.

1224 : Hakkar.

1225 : Hectae. (*)

1226 : Kul Tiras.

1227 : Lordaeron.

1228 : Nefarian.

1229 : Quel'Thalas.

1230 : Rajaxx.

1231 : Ravenholdt.

1232 : Sen'jin.

1233 : Staghelm.

1234 : Taerar.

1235 : Vaelastrasz.

1236 : Well of Eternity.

1237 : Hydraxis.

1238 : Sapphiron.

1239 : Naxxramas.

1240 : The Great Sea.

1241 : Lethon.

1244 : Xavius.

1245 : Merithra. (*)

1246 : Penguin 1.

1247 : Penguin 2.

1248 : Shattrath.

1249 : QA Internal Test Server 1. (*)

1250 : QA Internal Test Server 2. (*)

1251 : QA Internal Test Server 3. (*)

1252 : QA Internal Test Server 4. (*)

1253 : QA Internal Test Server 5. (*)

1254 : QA Internal Test Server 6. (*)

1255 : QA Internal Test Server 7. (*)

1256 : QA Internal Test Server 8. (*)

1257 : Offlimits. (*)

1258 : Duskwood.

1259 : Zuluhed.

1260 : Steamwheedle Cartel.

1262 : Norgannon.

1263 : Thrall.

1264 : Anetheron.

1265 : Turalyon.

1266 : Haomarush.

1267 : Scilla.

1268 : Ysondre.

1270 : Ysera.

1271 : Dentarg.

1276 : Andorhal.

1277 : Executus.

1278 : Dalvengyr.

1280 : Black Dragonflight.

1282 : Altar of Storms.

1283 : Uldaman.

1284 : Aerie Peak.

1285 : Onyxia.

1286 : Demon Soul.

1287 : Gnomeregan.

1288 : Anvilmar.

1289 : The Venture Co.

1290 : Sentinels.

1291 : Jaedenar.

1292 : Tanaris.

1293 : Alterac Mountains.

1294 : Undermine.

1295 : Lethon.

1296 : Blackwing Lair.

1297 : Arygos.

1298 : Vek'nilash.

1299 : Boulderfist.

1300 : Frostmane.

1301 : Outland.

1302 : Stonemaul.

1303 : Grim Batol.

1304 : Jaedenar.

1305 : Kazzak.

1306 : Tarren Mill.

1307 : Staghelm.

1308 : Ravenholdt.

1309 : The Undermarket. (*)

1310 : Eonar.

1311 : Kilrogg.

1312 : Aerie Peak.

1313 : Wildhammer.

1314 : Altar of Storms.

1315 : Deadwind Pass.

1316 : Smolderthorn.

1317 : Darkmoon Faire.

1318 : Vek'lor.

1319 : Mug'thol.

1320 : Taerar.

1321 : Dalvengyr.

1322 : Rajaxx.

1323 : Garithos.

1324 : Archaedas. (*)

1325 : Barthilas.

1326 : Der abyssische Rat.

1327 : Der Mithrilorden.

1328 : Tirion.

1329 : Muradin.

1330 : Ambossar.

1331 : Suramar.

1332 : Krasus.

1333 : Die Nachtwache.

1335 : Ysondre.

1336 : Eldre'Thalas.

1337 : Culte de la Rive noire.

1342 : Echo Isles.

1344 : The Forgotten Coast.

1345 : Fenris.

1346 : Anub'arak.

1347 : Blackwater Raiders.

1348 : Vashj.

1349 : Korialstrasz.

1350 : Misha.

1351 : Darrowmere.

1352 : Ravenholdt.

1353 : Bladefist.

1354 : Shu'halo.

1355 : The Undermarket.

1356 : Sisters of Elune.

1357 : Maiev.

1358 : Rivendare.

1359 : Nordrassil.

1360 : Tortheldrin.

1361 : Cairne.

1362 : Emeriss.

1363 : Antonidas.

1364 : Shandris.

1365 : Moon Guard.

1366 : C'Thun.

1367 : Nazgrel.

1368 : Hydraxis.

1369 : The Abyssal Council.

1370 : Farstriders.

1371 : Deephome.

1372 : Quel'dorei.

1373 : Bloodsail Buccaneers.

1374 : Mok'Nathal.

1375 : Sylvanas.

1376 : Plaguelands.

1377 : Drenden.

1378 : Dun Modr.

1379 : Zul'jin.

1380 : Uldum.

1382 : Sanguino.

1383 : Shen'dralar.

1384 : Tyrande.

1385 : Exodar.

1386 : Minahonda.

1387 : Los Errantes.

1388 : Lightbringer.

1389 : Darkspear.

1390 : Akama.

1391 : Alonsus.

1392 : Burning Steppes.

1393 : Bronze Dragonflight.

1394 : Anachronos.

1395 : Spirestone.

1396 : Molten Core.

1398 : Skywall.

1400 : Un'Goro.

1401 : Ossirian.

1402 : Menethil.

1403 : Gnomeregan.

1404 : Andorhal.

1405 : Todeswache.

1406 : Arygos.

1407 : Teldrassil.

1408 : Norgannon.

1409 : Lordaeron.

1413 : Gadgetzan.

1415 : Die Geißel.

1416 : Dunkeleisen.

1417 : Darrowmere.

1418 : Aman'Thul.

1419 : Barthilas.

1420 : Ursol.

1421 : Lich King.

1422 : Omar's Secret Forte.

1423 : Muradin.

1424 : Al'Akir.

1425 : Black Tooth Grin.

1426 : Alonsus.

1427 : Menethil.

1428 : Brann.

1429 : Dreadmaul.

1430 : Caelestrasz.

1431 : Rajaxx.

1432 : Nagrand.

1433 : Thaurissan.

1434 : Dath'Remar.

1436 : US1A-BG. (*)

1437 : US1B-BG. (*)

1438 : US2A-BG. (*)

1439 : US2B-BG. (*)

1440 : US3A-BG. (*)

1441 : US3B-BG. (*)

1442 : US4A-BG. (*)

1443 : US4B-BG. (*)

1444 : US5A-BG. (*)

1445 : US5B-BG. (*)

1446 : US6A-BG. (*)

1447 : US6B-BG. (*)

1448 : EU1A-BG-EN. (*)

1449 : EU1A-BG-DE. (*)

1450 : EU1B-BG-EN. (*)

1451 : EU1B-BG-FR. (*)

1452 : EU2A-BG-EN. (*)

1453 : EU2A-BG-DE. (*)

1454 : EU2B-BG-DE. (*)

1455 : EU2B-BG-EN. (*)

1456 : EU3A-BG-DE. (*)

1457 : EU3A-BG-EN. (*)

1458 : EU3B-BG-EN. (*)

1459 : EU3B-BG-FR. (*)

1460 : EU4A-BG-EN. (*)

1461 : EU4A-BG-DE. (*)

1462 : EU4B-BG-DE. (*)

1463 : EU4B-BG-EN. (*)

1464 : EU5A-BG-EN. (*)

1465 : EU5A-BG-DE. (*)

1466 : EU5B-BG-DE. (*)

1467 : EU5B-BG-FR. (*)

1468 : EU6A-BG-ES. (*)

1469 : EU6A-BG-EN. (*)

1470 : EU6B-BG-DE. (*)

1471 : EU6B-BG-FR. (*)

1472 : KR1A-BG. (*)

1473 : KR1B-BG. (*)

1474 : KR2A-BG. (*)

1475 : KR2B-BG. (*)

1478 : TW2A-BG. (*)

1479 : TW2B-BG. (*)

1480 : CSBG1. (*)

1481 : CSBG2. (*)

1482 : Akama.

1483 : Archaedas.

1484 : Ashenvale.

1485 : Aviana.

1486 : Barthilas.

1487 : Bloodscalp.

1488 : Grimtotem.

1489 : Cho'gall.

1490 : Dalvengyr.

1491 : Dark Iron.

1492 : Demon Soul.

1493 : Detheroc.

1494 : Dun Modr.

1495 : Emeriss.

1496 : Executus.

1497 : Feralas.

1498 : Gadgetzan.

1499 : Garithos.

1500 : Greymane.

1501 : Brann.

1502 : Immol'thar.

1503 : Maelstrom.

1504 : Northrend.

1505 : Onyxia.

1506 : Ossirian.

1507 : Outland.

1508 : Skywall.

1509 : Stormscale.

1510 : Stranglethorn.

1511 : Sunstrider.

1512 : Tanaris.

1513 : Theradras.

1514 : Therazane.

1515 : Tortheldrin.

1516 : Twisting Nether.

1517 : Un'Goro.

1518 : Vek'nilash.

1519 : Zul'jin.

1520 : Zuluhed.

1521 : Drakkari.

1522 : CN7A-BG.

1523 : CN7b-BG.

1524 : Black Tooth Grin.

1525 : Deadwind Pass.

1526 : QA1-BG. (*)

1527 : QA2-BG. (*)

1528 : CN1A-BG. (*)

1529 : CN1B-BG. (*)

1530 : CN2A-BG. (*)

1531 : CN2B-BG. (*)

1532 : CN3A-BG. (*)

1533 : CN3B-BG. (*)

1534 : CN4A-BG. (*)

1535 : CN4B-BG. (*)

1536 : CN5A-BG. (*)

1537 : CN5B-BG. (*)

1538 : KR Internal Test. (*)

1539 : CN6A-BG. (*)

1540 : CN6B-BG. (*)

1541 : Detheroc.

1542 : Feralas.

1543 : Arena Tournament 1.

1544 : Arena Tournament 2.

1545 : Arena Tournament 3.

1546 : Arena Tournament 4.

1547 : Arena Tournament 5.

1548 : Arena Tournament 6.

1549 : Azuremyst.

1550 : Arena Tournament 8.

1551 : Arena Tournament 9.

1552 : Arena Tournament 10.

1553 : Arena Tournament 11.

1554 : Arena Tournament 12.

1555 : Auchindoun.

1556 : Coilfang.

1557 : Shattered Halls.

1558 : Blood Furnace.

1559 : The Underbog.

1560 : Sandfury.

1561 : Witherbark.

1562 : Xaxas.

1563 : Terokkar.

1564 : Blade's Edge.

1565 : Exodar.

1566 : Area 52.

1567 : Velen.

1568 : Arena Tournament 7.

1569 : Arena Tournament 13.

1570 : The Scryers.

1571 : Arena Tournament 14.

1572 : Zangarmarsh.

1573 : Arena Tournament 15.

1574 : Arena Tournament 16.

1575 : Mo'grosh.

1576 : Halaa.

1577 : Legion Hold.

1578 : Ghostlands.

1579 : Murmur.

1580 : Deathforge.

1581 : Bone Wastes.

1582 : Gruul.

1583 : US7A-BG. (*)

1584 : US7B-BG. (*)

1585 : Karazhan.

1586 : Alonsus.

1587 : Hellfire.

1588 : Ghostlands.

1589 : Nagrand.

1590 : Arena Tournament 1.

1591 : Arena Tournament 2.

1592 : Arena Tournament 3.

1593 : Arena Tournament 4.

1594 : Arena Tournament 5.

1595 : The Sha'tar.

1596 : Karazhan.

1597 : Auchindoun.

1598 : Shattered Halls.

1599 : Arena Tournament 6.

1600 : Arena Tournament 7.

1601 : Arena Tournament 8.

1602 : Arena Tournament 9.

1603 : Arena Tournament 10.

1604 : Arena Tournament 11.

1605 : Arena Tournament 12.

1606 : Sporeggar.

1607 : Nethersturm.

1608 : Shattrath.

1609 : Terokkar.

1610 : Malorne.

1611 : Festung der Stürme.

1612 : Echsenkessel.

1613 : Blutkessel.

1614 : Zul'Aman.

1615 : Speerspießer.

1616 : Todesfestung.

1617 : Feste der Legion.

1618 : Die Aldor.

1619 : Das Konsortium.

1620 : Chants éternels.

1621 : Marécage de Zangar.

1623 : Ombrelune.

1624 : Naxxramas.

1625 : Saphiron.

1626 : Les Clairvoyants.

1628 : EU7A-BG-EN. (*)

1629 : EU7A-BG-ES. (*)

1630 : EU7B-BG-DE. (*)

1631 : EU7B-BG-FR. (*)

1632 : The Botanica.

1633 : The Arcatraz.

1634 : Tempest Keep.

1635 : The Mechanar.

1636 : Black Temple.

1637 : Auchindoun.

1638 : C-Class Test realm. (*)

1639 : US Event Realm 1. (*)

1640 : US Event Realm 2. (*)

1641 : US Event Realm 3. (*)

1642 : US Event Realm 4. (*)

1643 : US Event Realm 5. (*)

1644 : KR Event Realm 1. (*)

1645 : KR Event Realm 2. (*)

1646 : KR Event Realm 3. (*)

1647 : KR Event Realm 4. (*)

1648 : KR Event Realm 5. (*)

1649 : Event Realm 1. (*)

1650 : Event Realm 2. (*)

1651 : Évènements 1. (*)

1652 : Évènements 2. (*)

1653 : Events 1. (*)

1654 : Events 2. (*)

1655 : Eventos 1. (*)

1656 : Eventos 2. (*)

1657 : Boulderfist.

1658 : Daggerspine.

1659 : Deephome.

1660 : Dentarg.

1661 : Dreadmaul.

1662 : Dustbelcher.

1663 : Eranikus.

1664 : Firegut.

1665 : Gordunni.

1666 : Ironaya.

1667 : Jammal'an.

1668 : Jin'do.

1669 : Laughing Skull.

1670 : Lich King.

1671 : Magatha.

1672 : Menethil.

1673 : Mograine.

1674 : Mosh'Ogg.

1675 : Mossflayer.

1676 : The Underbog.

1677 : Nekros.

1678 : Perenolde.

1679 : Shattered Hand.

1680 : Skullcrusher.

1681 : Smolderthorn.

1682 : Soulflayer.

1683 : Spirestone.

1684 : Splinter Fist.

1685 : Stonemaul.

1686 : Stormreaver.

1687 : Theramore.

1688 : Thermaplugg.

1689 : Uldum.

1690 : Vek'lor.

1691 : Vilebranch.

1692 : Whitemane.

1693 : Winterspring.

1694 : Ysondre.

1695 : Zalazane.

1696 : Arygos.

1697 : CN8A-BG. (*)

1698 : CN8B-BG. (*)

1699 : CSBG3. (*)

1700 : Aimee's Development Server. (*)

1701 : CN Test Realm 1. (*)

1703 : Webrealm. (*)

1705 : Webrealm. (*)

1707 : Webrealm. (*)

1709 : Webrealm. (*)

1711 : Webrealm. (*)

1713 : Webrealm. (*)

1716 : Webrealm. (*)

1718 : Webrealm. (*)

1719 : Webrealm. (*)

1721 : Webrealm. (*)

1723 : Webrealm. (*)

1725 : Webrealm. (*)

1727 : Webrealm. (*)

1730 : Webrealm. (*)

1732 : Webrealm. (*)

1733 : Webrealm. (*)

1736 : Webrealm. (*)

1737 : Webrealm. (*)

1739 : Webrealm. (*)

1742 : Webrealm. (*)

1743 : Webrealm. (*)

1745 : Webrealm. (*)

1747 : Webrealm. (*)

1749 : Webrealm. (*)

1752 : Webrealm. (*)

1753 : CSBG4. (*)

1754 : Al'ar.

1755 : Black Temple.

1756 : Frozen Throne.

1757 : Eye of the Storm.

1758 : Webrealm 2. (*)

1759 : Webrealm 2. (*)

1760 : Webrealm 2. (*)

1761 : Webrealm 2. (*)

1762 : Webrealm 2. (*)

1763 : Webrealm 2. (*)

1764 : Webrealm 2. (*)

1765 : Webrealm 2. (*)

1766 : Webrealm 2. (*)

1767 : Webrealm 2. (*)

1768 : Webrealm 2. (*)

1769 : Webrealm 2. (*)

1770 : Webrealm 2. (*)

1771 : Webrealm 2. (*)

1772 : Webrealm 2. (*)

1773 : Webrealm 2. (*)

1774 : Webrealm 2. (*)

1775 : Webrealm 2. (*)

1776 : Webrealm 2. (*)

1777 : Webrealm 2. (*)

1778 : Webrealm 2. (*)

1779 : Webrealm 2. (*)

1780 : Webrealm 2. (*)

1781 : Webrealm 2. (*)

1782 : Webrealm 2. (*)

1783 : KR Event Realm 6. (*)

1784 : KR Event Realm 7. (*)

1785 : KR Event Realm 8. (*)

1786 : KR Event Realm 9. (*)

1787 : PTR_REALM_15. (*)

1788 : CN Localization Test. (*)

1789 : PTR_REALM_17. (*)

1790 : PTR_REALM_18. (*)

1791 : PTR_REALM_19. (*)

1792 : CSBG5. (*)

1833 : CSBG6. (*)

1834 : CSBG7. (*)

1835 : Coliseum 1. (*)

1836 : Coliseum 2. (*)

1837 : Coliseum 3. (*)

1838 : Coliseum 4. (*)

1839 : Coliseum 1. (*)

1840 : Coliseum 2. (*)

1841 : Coliseum 3. (*)

1842 : Coliseum 4. (*)

1843 : Arena Tournament 1.

1844 : Arena Tournament 2.

1845 : Arena Tournament 3.

1846 : Coliseum 1. (*)

1847 : Arena Tournament 1.

1848 : Arena Tournament 2.

1849 : Arena Tournament 3.

1850 : Coliseum 1. (*)

1871 : Coliseum 5. (*)

1872 : Coliseum 6. (*)

1873 : Coliseum 7. (*)

1874 : Coliseum 8. (*)

1875 : Coliseum 9. (*)

1897 : Coliseum 5. (*)

1898 : Coliseum 6. (*)

1899 : Coliseum 7. (*)

1900 : Coliseum 8. (*)

1901 : Coliseum 9. (*)

1902 : CN9A-BG. (*)

1903 : CN9B-BG. (*)

1904 : Webrealm. (*)

1905 : Webrealm2. (*)

2001 : Alex's Server. (*)

2002 : T2 Playtest. (*)

2003 : Online Tech Test1. (*)

2005 : Compatland. (*)

2006 : Web Server Test. (*)

2007 : Online Test Realm 2. (*)

2008 : Online Test Realm 3. (*)

2009 : QA Engineering Server. (*)

2010 : patrick.dawson- (*)

2011 : JWood Dev Tourney CSBG. (*)

2012 : (2.4.0) Alec's Realm of Epic Gear. (*)


I Delete some of the servers because The message exceeds the maximum allowed length (20000 characters) Totally are 2012 servers

  • 1 month later...

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  • Posts

    • Very nice work, will you give source in the future?
    • Website: https://l2aurum.com/  Discord: https://discord.gg/l2aurum   Hello Everyone,  finally, the moment has arrived: I'm launching my own server, L2Aurum!   L2Aurum x300 Closed Beta Test - Start: 17.02.2025  [20:00 GMT+2] Grand Opening 21.02.2025 [20:00 GMT+2]     Experience Rates: x300 Skill Points Rates: x300 Adena Drop: x300 Premium Accounts: x2 Drop Rates: x1 Spoil Rates: x1 Quest Rates: x1 Only one account per player, no dualboxing allowed. Everything is earned through gameplay, no pay-to-win mechanics. No server wipes—your progress is permanent. Fair play is a priority, with no room for corruption. All players are treated equally, no special favors.     Buffs slots: 26+4, all buffs in NPC and Scheme System. Custom Armors: Aurum Apella Armor Custom Weapons: Aurum Weapon Custom Accessories: +300 P.Def & M.Def Tattoos: Mage & Fighter & Custom Shirts Custom Jewels: New Grand Bosses Auto Farm is FREE for everyone. Status Noblesse: Barakiel. Player Spawn Protection: 10 seconds. Geodata e Panthodes: ENABLED. All Commands are visible in .menu. System 2 Bishop Per Party: ENABLED. Boss Protect - Anti-Zerg: ENABLED.     Siege Duration: 2 hours (120 minutes). Siege Period: Every 7 days. Castle Reward: 100E Per Castle. Available Castles: Rune Aden Giran Giran Siege: Every Friday 20:00 GMT +2. Aden Siege: Every Saturday 20:00 GMT +2. Rune Siege: Every Sunday 20:00 GMT +2. Main Clan: 40 Members max. Royal Clan: 12 Members max. Knight Clan: 7 Members max. Alliance: You can have only 1.     Epic Boss Valakas: Monday 22:30 (GMT+2) Zaken: Tuesday | Thursday 22:30 (GMT+2) Queen Ant: Monday | Wednesday 22:30 (GMT+2) Baium: Friday 22:30 (GMT+2) Antharas: Saturday 22:30 (GMT+2) Orfen: Tuesday | Thursday | Saturday 18:30 (GMT+2) Core: Monday | Wednesday | Friday | Sunday 18:30 (GMT+2)   Raid Boss  Flame Of Splendor Barakiel Last Hit: Every Day Respawn 3-4 hours Ember: Every Day Respawn 3-4 hours Lilith: Every Day Respawn 3-4 hours Anakim: Every Day Respawn 3-4 hours Queen Shyeed: Every Day Respawn 3-4 hours Golkonda: Every Day Respawn 3-4 hours Shuriel: Every Day Respawn 3-4 hours Varka's Hero Shadith: Every Day Respawn 3-4 hours Ketra's Hero Hekaton: Every Day Respawn 3-4 hours Varka's Mos: Every Day Respawn 3-4 hours Chief Horus: Every Day Respawn 3-4 hours Ketra's Tayer: Every Day Respawn 3-4 hours Chief Brakki: Every Day Respawn 3-4 hours Sailren: Every Day Respawn 02:00   I would like to chat personally with all of you over on our Discord and discuss any suggestions or feedback you might have.      Website: https://l2aurum.com/  Discord: https://discord.gg/l2aurum     🎁Current Events:   Call of Clans - The Ultimate Clan Challenge!    Attention Clan Leaders! Ready to lead your clan to glory? Join Call of Clans and get an exclusive boost for your entire team!   Event Rewards: All clan leaders who register their clan with 9 or more members will receive: 1. Clan Level 8 (instant upgrade) 2. Full Clan Skills to give your clan the edge in battles!   📝How to Participate: Clan Leader: Register your clan and gather at least 9 active members. Enjoy the Rewards: Once your clan is registered, you'll receive the clan boost to level 8 and all clan skills! Note: Make sure to have 9+ active members for your clan to qualify!   Why Join? 1. Strengthen your clan’s power with instant clan level & skills! 2. Form stronger alliances and dominate the battlefield! 3. Perfect opportunity for new players to join an experienced clan! Start rallying your clan and get ready for victory!  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Discord – Invite Event! Ready to invite your friends and earn awesome rewards? Join our Invite Event and get rewarded for growing the community!   🎁 Rewards: 🥇 1st Place: $50 PayPal 🥈 2nd & 3rd Places: $25 PayPal each 🏅 4th Place: VIP status for 1 month 🏅 5th Place: VIP status for 1 week 📝 How It Works: 1. Invite as many people as you can to our Discord server. 2. Every valid invite counts as points towards your total. 3. The more people you invite, the higher your chances of winning! 🔑 Rules: 1. Invites must be valid and lead to active users. 2. Only the top 5 members with the most valid invites will win rewards. 3. You MUST use your own invitation links in order to get counted. Contest ends on 21 of February! Start inviting now and claim your spot at the top! 🔥 Let's grow the community together and unlock some amazing rewards!    Website: https://l2aurum.com/  Discord: https://discord.gg/l2aurum    
    • It's not really that deep mate, just something fun to play on for the people that aren't able to do it themselves. If people use it and report any issues found, cool, I'll likely update the files when issues are resolved. Otherwise, I'll continue working on it myself & having fun in the process. Couldn't care less about money, especially within the L2 scene. Hope this clears things up for you & anyone else with the same thought pattern.
    • Could you clarify the purpose of this post? If it’s intended for distribution, it would be more appropriate to place it in the sellers' section with a full description of its purpose rather than sharing compiled files. 
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