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Flag Teleport





I have 2 questions I can't find any answer:

-How can I enable teleport with flag or pk? Now players cannot

-How can I set clans to level without any players requirements? Btw it's not on character.properties


I am using l2j gracia final

pack here http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/70522-%CF%80%CF%89%CF%82-%CE%B8%CE%B1-%CE%B1%CE%BD%CE%BF%CE%AF%CE%BE%CE%B5%CF%84%CE%B5-%CE%AD%CE%BD%CE%B1%CE%BD-l2j-gracia-final-server%CE%BA%CE%B1%CE%B9-%CF%80%CF%89%CF%82-%CE%BA%CE%AC%CE%BD%CE%BF%CF%85%CE%BC%CE%B5-compile/


Thanks a lot!

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  else if (player.getPvpFlag() >= 0) // flag


                player.sendMessage("Go away, flagged players is not welcome here.");



You failed hard, brah.. If you know what I mean :D

if (player.getPvpFlag() != 0)
     player.sendMessage("Get lost");
Edited by SweeTs
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-How can I set clans to level without any players requirements? Btw it's not on character.properties

Check if you have a config in the Features.properties file.


If you don't have that file check inside L2Clan.java for levelUpClan method, there you can change anything regarding clan upgrade requirements.



How can I enable teleport with flag or pk? Now players cannot


Check inside L2TeleporterInstance.java, doTeleport method.

Edited by Gries
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Nop, no custom code. Here is the code

 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
 * version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.instance;

import java.util.StringTokenizer;

import net.sf.l2j.Config;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.cache.HtmCache;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.datatables.TeleportLocationTable;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.CastleManager;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.SiegeManager;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.instancemanager.TownManager;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.L2TeleportLocation;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Character;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.ActionFailed;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SystemMessage;
import net.sf.l2j.gameserver.templates.chars.L2NpcTemplate;

 * @author NightMarez
 * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 2005/03/27 15:29:32 $
public final class L2TeleporterInstance extends L2Npc
	//private static Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(L2TeleporterInstance.class.getName());
	private static final int COND_ALL_FALSE = 0;
	private static final int COND_BUSY_BECAUSE_OF_SIEGE = 1;
	private static final int COND_OWNER = 2;
	private static final int COND_REGULAR = 3;
	 * @param template
	public L2TeleporterInstance(int objectId, L2NpcTemplate template)
		super(objectId, template);
	public void onBypassFeedback(L2PcInstance player, String command)
		int condition = validateCondition(player);
		StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(command, " ");
		String actualCommand = st.nextToken(); // Get actual command
		if (actualCommand.equalsIgnoreCase("goto"))
			int npcId = getTemplate().npcId;
			switch (npcId)
				case 31095: //
				case 31096: //
				case 31097: //
				case 31098: // Enter Necropolises
				case 31099: //
				case 31100: //
				case 31101: //
				case 31102: //
				case 31114: //
				case 31115: //
				case 31116: // Enter Catacombs
				case 31117: //
				case 31118: //
				case 31119: //
				case 31103: //
				case 31104: //
				case 31105: //
				case 31106: // Exit Necropolises
				case 31107: //
				case 31108: //
				case 31109: //
				case 31110: //
				case 31120: //
				case 31121: //
				case 31122: // Exit Catacombs
				case 31123: //
				case 31124: //
				case 31125: //
			if (st.countTokens() <= 0)
			int whereTo = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
			if (condition == COND_REGULAR)
				doTeleport(player, whereTo);
			else if (condition == COND_OWNER)
				int minPrivilegeLevel = 0; // NOTE: Replace 0 with highest level when privilege level is implemented
				if (st.countTokens() >= 1)
					minPrivilegeLevel = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
				if (10 >= minPrivilegeLevel) // NOTE: Replace 10 with privilege level of player
					doTeleport(player, whereTo);
					player.sendMessage("You don't have the sufficient access level to teleport there.");
		else if (command.startsWith("Chat"))
			int val = 0;
				val = Integer.parseInt(command.substring(5));
			catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ioobe)
			catch (NumberFormatException nfe)
			if (val == 1 && player.getLevel() < 41)
			showChatWindow(player, val);
		super.onBypassFeedback(player, command);
	public String getHtmlPath(int npcId, int val)
		String pom = "";
		if (val == 0)
			pom = "" + npcId;
			pom = npcId + "-" + val;
		return "data/html/teleporter/" + pom + ".htm";
	private void showNewbieHtml(L2PcInstance player)
		if (player == null)
		NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(getObjectId());
		String filename = "data/html/teleporter/free/" + getTemplate().npcId + ".htm";
		if (!HtmCache.getInstance().isLoadable(filename))
			filename = "data/html/teleporter/" + getTemplate().npcId + "-1.htm";
		html.replace("%objectId%", String.valueOf(getObjectId()));
		html.replace("%npcname%", getName());
	public void showChatWindow(L2PcInstance player)
		String filename = "data/html/teleporter/castleteleporter-no.htm";
		int condition = validateCondition(player);
		if (condition == COND_REGULAR)
		else if (condition > COND_ALL_FALSE)
			if (condition == COND_BUSY_BECAUSE_OF_SIEGE)
				filename = "data/html/teleporter/castleteleporter-busy.htm"; // Busy because of siege
			else if (condition == COND_OWNER) // Clan owns castle
				if (player.getLevel()<40)
					filename = getHtmlPath(getNpcId(), 0); // Owner message window
		NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(getObjectId());
		html.replace("%objectId%", String.valueOf(getObjectId()));
		html.replace("%npcname%", getName());
	private void doTeleport(L2PcInstance player, int val)
		L2TeleportLocation list = TeleportLocationTable.getInstance().getTemplate(val);
		if (list != null)
			//you cannot teleport to village that is in siege
			if (SiegeManager.getInstance().getSiege(list.getLocX(), list.getLocY(), list.getLocZ()) != null)
				player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.NO_PORT_THAT_IS_IN_SIGE));
			else if (TownManager.townHasCastleInSiege(list.getLocX(), list.getLocY())
					&& isInsideZone(L2Character.ZONE_TOWN))
				player.sendPacket(new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.NO_PORT_THAT_IS_IN_SIGE));
			else if (!Config.ALT_GAME_KARMA_PLAYER_CAN_USE_GK && player.getKarma() > 0) //karma
				player.sendMessage("Go away, you're not welcome here.");
			else if (list.getIsForNoble() && !player.isNoble())
				String filename = "data/html/teleporter/nobleteleporter-no.htm";
				NpcHtmlMessage html = new NpcHtmlMessage(getObjectId());
				html.replace("%objectId%", String.valueOf(getObjectId()));
				html.replace("%npcname%", getName());
			else if (player.isAlikeDead())
			else if (!list.getIsForNoble() && (Config.ALT_GAME_FREE_TELEPORT || player.getLevel() < 41 || player.reduceAdena("Teleport", list.getPrice(), this, true)))
				if (Config.DEBUG)
					_log.fine("Teleporting player " + player.getName() + " to new location: " + list.getLocX() + ":" + list.getLocY() + ":" + list.getLocZ());
				player.teleToLocation(list.getLocX(), list.getLocY(), list.getLocZ(), true);
			else if (list.getIsForNoble() && (Config.ALT_GAME_FREE_TELEPORT || player.destroyItemByItemId("Noble Teleport", 13722, list.getPrice(), this, true)))
				if (Config.DEBUG)
					_log.fine("Teleporting player " + player.getName() + " to new location: " + list.getLocX() + ":" + list.getLocY() + ":" + list.getLocZ());
				player.teleToLocation(list.getLocX(), list.getLocY(), list.getLocZ(), true);
			_log.warning("No teleport destination with id:" + val);
	private int validateCondition(L2PcInstance player)
		if (CastleManager.getInstance().getCastleIndex(this) < 0) // Teleporter isn't on castle ground
			return COND_REGULAR; // Regular access
		else if (getCastle().getSiege().getIsInProgress()) // Teleporter is on castle ground and siege is in progress
			return COND_BUSY_BECAUSE_OF_SIEGE; // Busy because of siege
		else if (player.getClan() != null) // Teleporter is on castle ground and player is in a clan
			if (getCastle().getOwnerId() == player.getClanId()) // Clan owns castle
				return COND_OWNER; // Owner
		return COND_ALL_FALSE;

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			else if (!Config.ALT_GAME_KARMA_PLAYER_CAN_USE_GK && player.getKarma() > 0) //karma
				player.sendMessage("Go away, you're not welcome here.");

my guess is to compleatly delete this check method,

as for ALT_GAME_KARMA it may refer to a flaged player.

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what is that ? :P

good question =D




player.getKarma() = pk?

 IS that right?

just find your config folder in gameserver dif folder, and look for - alt game karma, if you cant find it, open config.java, or press Ctrl+click on ALT_GAME_KARMA_PLAYER_CAN_USE_GK, and you gonna jump in refiring class - config, and then press ALT+F and find ALT_GAME_KARMA_PLAYER_CAN_USE_GK use, you should see its reffering name that acctualy creates in properties, so after you find it just change it to false.

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ALT_GAME_KARMA_PLAYER_CAN_USE_GK set it to true from config folder, npc or players.prop


Check L2Clan.java you should find something.

Edited by SweeTs
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