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interlude [L2J] Lineage 2 Cydonius


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Stop with this spam. There is a magic button called "edit".


Sorry for double,Triple Posting i will dont spam again like this also thanks for informing me


Changelog: 8/3/15


Oly staffs SA success 100%

All Augment Buff reworked.

Dodge:  uptime to 8 Seconds

Counterattack:  uptime to 12 Seconds

Dead Eye: up time to 20 Minutes

Rapid Fire: up to 20 Minutes

Totems: up to 20 Minutes

Infernal Form: up to 20 Minutes

Debuffs: Reworked.

Surrenders: 12 Seconds

Slow: 12 Seconds

Anchor: 12 Seconds

Curse of Abyss: 12 Seconds

Curse Gloom: 10 Seconds

Curse Fear: 4 Seconds

Curse of Doom: 12 Seconds

Silence: 10 Seconds

Curse Disease: 20 Seconds

Arcana Chaos: 8 Seconds

Vortexs: 8 Seconds

Mass Fear: 8 Seconds

Mass Slow: 10 Seconds

Mass Block ww/shield: 10 Seconds

Mass Shackling: 12: Seconds

Medusa Dance: 15 Seconds

Silence Song: 20 Seconds

Touch of Death: 40 Seconds

Arrest: 6 Seconds

Shackle: 6Seconds

Judment: 15 Seconds

Tribunal: 12 Seconds

Cripple: 10 Seconds

Armor Crush: 8 Seconds

Hamstring Shot: 14 Seconds

Hamstring: 12 Seconds

Entagle: 12 Seconds

Hex: 8 Seconds

Power Break: 10 Seconds

Seals: 12 Seconds

Psycho Symphony: 30 Seconds

Demonic Blade Dance: 30 Seconds

Wind Shackle: 12 Seconds

Sleeping Cloud: 8 Seconds

Sleep: 10 Seconds

Trance: 12 Seconds

Augment Debuff: 6-10 Seconds

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Changelog 10/3/15



Adventurer Skills:


Focus Change from 1 Minute Increased to 20 Minutes

Focus Power from 1 Minute increased to 20 Minutes


Wind Rider Skills:


Focus Death from 1 Minute increased to 20 Minutes

Focus Change from 1 Minute increased to 20 Minutes


Ghost Hunter Skills:


Focus Death from 1 Minute Increased to 20 Minutes

Focus Power from 1 Minute increased to 20 Minutes


Enchant Rates Rework:


Safe: +4 *Normal Scrolls #66% Rate

Max Weapons: +16 *Bleesed Scrolls #100% Rate

Max Weapons: +20 *Crystal Scrolls #35% Rate

Max Armor/jews +12 *Blessed Scrolls #100% Rate

Max Armor/jews +16 *Crystal Scrolls #35% Rate 

Notice: If the enchant will broke, will remain as it has

Edited by Tuarmond
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Well we did few changes about enchant safe & max and crystal rates. For more infos click here.


Changelog 11/3/15


Automated Event Rewards:






Gift Box Rewards



1 Gift Box Per Event + 2 Event Medals


5 Secret Book of Giants

5 High Grade Life Stones

Edited by Tuarmond
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site off


Well we trying to fix this we geting DDos From Haters but server will be opened also patch is ready ----> http://www.mediafire.com/download/9tfqp13tqbsyp7p/L2Cydonius+Patch.rar

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Well we trying to fix this we geting DDos From Haters but server will be opened also patch is ready ----> http://www.mediafire.com/download/9tfqp13tqbsyp7p/L2Cydonius+Patch.rar

add this link to ur webiste" how to connect" cuz not all are looking here

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add this link to ur webiste" how to connect" cuz not all are looking here


website is down..thats why he posted the patch here...

Edited by DāЯқŜiĐє
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