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L2Valkyr 50x and 10x


Hi all i want to tell you about a New Lineage 2 High Five server Mid and Low rate L2Valkyr


Server Rates [50x] 


EXP/SP: 50x



ADENA: 25x

SAFE Enchant: 4

MAX Enchant : 12

Enchant Rate: 66%

Blessed Enchant:70%


Server Rates [10x] 


EXP/SP: 10x



ADENA: 15x

SAFE Enchant: 4

MAX Enchant : 12

Enchant Rate: 66%

Blessed Enchant:70%



Log In to our server and give a look to our more features!

OUR SITE: www.l2valkyr.com


Server is Live!You are welcome!

Edited by mircowwwa
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Paid pack from l2 age (loll3d hello)

admin isn't skilled or smart, he opened 2 server 10x and 50x with 0 advertising

lag can be maybe fixed but 30 players online in peak hours with x2 counter is something to be ashmed

Advertising > Opening not Opening > Advertising

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Lol paid pack from l2age? XD you are in wrong i think man..

However server is located at OVH datacenter

With Intel Xeon E5 3.9 GHZ,16GB ram and OVH isp with 1Gbs bandswitch and SSD

i think that if you lag it's your connection...

However good game!

Because pleyers want that l2tales or redemption with curruped people.

PEOPLE SAY THAT THEY WANT THE OLD LINEAGE 2 and later when they enter a server hoping to play the game more simple in the world , you do not understand anything really , we propose a server without corruption and imagination , , I usually do not watch every times .online button because real players go learn to play and after invite firends.

so if is 30/800/10000 players online it's not important!

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Lol paid pack from l2age? XD you are in wrong i think man..

However server is located at OVH datacenter

With Intel Xeon E5 3.9 GHZ,16GB ram and OVH isp with 1Gbs bandswitch and SSD

i think that if you lag it's your connection...

However good game!

Because pleyers want that l2tales or redemption with curruped people.

PEOPLE SAY THAT THEY WANT THE OLD LINEAGE 2 and later when they enter a server hoping to play the game more simple in the world , you do not understand anything really , we propose a server without corruption and imagination , , I usually do not watch every times .online button because real players go learn to play and after invite firends.

so if is 30/800/10000 players online it's not important!

Dude your server was lagging because you opened without SSD, don't lie in my face... you fixed it? very well but don't blame my connection

People say many things but if you listen all of them you will not going anywhere.

Online people is important in order to keep a server alive, you can basically have a server with 200 on and survive for years but you need 200 on and a solid base community (in your case is italian community that is not solid or good at all)

In order to archive a minium of players you should advertise and after opening not opening and after advertise, your projected is alredy dead due to your unknowledge to how to do things.

Shared website, Forum that seems maked by a 14 years old.

Want to talk about making projected take a community and so on? do something that look serius or you will get only the 10 kids you alredy have online.


PS: Ci vuole coraggio a dire che è la mia connessione, impara a settare il tuo server in maniera adeguata prima di aprirlo a capocchia.

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Lol so "it WAS lagging" now we don't have lags.

And i don't want to say anything on .online command,i'm only say my OPINION! otherwise I would not have put!

for website and forum search me a link where website is shared...

and i'm not server Admin,i'm adversiting for him and forum still under costruction we are re-styling it!

PS1:server 50x is international,10x is italian!


PS2: Visto che ti va di parlare italiano allora parliamo,credo che tu abbia una bella faccia tosta a dire questo,dato che sono i soliti 2/3 players che laggano da quando abbiamo migrato non abbiamo ricevuto lamentele quindi continuo a ridire sulla tua connessione...se vuoi ti mando lo speedtest fatto dal server...ah e non centra nulla l'ssd con la latenza di connessione,leggi sui libri di informatica prima di parlare.

Edited by mircowwwa
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Lol so "it WAS lagging" now we don't have lags.

And i don't want to say anything on .online command,i'm only say my OPINION! otherwise I would not have put!

for website and forum search me a link where website is shared...

and i'm not server Admin,i'm adversiting for him and forum still under costruction we are re-styling it!

PS1:server 50x is international,10x is italian!


PS2: Visto che ti va di parlare italiano allora parliamo,credo che tu abbia una bella faccia tosta a dire questo,dato che sono i soliti 2/3 players che laggano da quando abbiamo migrato non abbiamo ricevuto lamentele quindi continuo a ridire sulla tua connessione...se vuoi ti mando lo speedtest fatto dal server...ah e non centra nulla l'ssd con la latenza di connessione,leggi sui libri di informatica prima di parlare.

Server was lagging because you buyed a "pre-configured" pack without any idea of what you was doing

now is fixed because you added SSD to your dedicated, you are just tryng to make it look better but if server was lagging so hard that means you have 0 clue about how to setup proprely a server.

have fun to keep this trash on, 50 on with counter x2 moust join for sure!

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Lol you are so stupid dude,learn informatic before post here.


Server was lagging because you buyed a "pre-configured" pack without any idea of what you was doing


lol,do u want other pre-configured pack? l2tales,l2redemption,l2age,l2...l2...l2 our is .0

go to play playstation please i want to pay you...


ah your connection is low,control it....

Edited by mircowwwa
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Lol you are so stupid dude,learn informatic before post here.



lol,do u want other pre-configured pack? l2tales,l2redemption,l2age,l2...l2...l2 our is .0

go to play playstation please i want to pay you...


ah your connection is low,control it....


mircowwa can pay up to 15 euro x 1 hour

help this poor guy to comunicate with the world ;)

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