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Main info:
Starting Level/Subclass Level - 1/40
Offline shop system
Rebirth system
Castle sieges every week
Currency - Gold Drakes
4 Tattooes

Chance: 70%
Chance from 16+: 50%

Chance - 12%
Maximum 1 Active and 1 Passive

Starts 18:00
Ends 00:00
Period - 1 week

Unique items:
Mighty boss slayer's trophy - Using this item will grant you few privileges:
1) You can check Mighty Bosses' respawn time
2) Higher augument chance(+5%)
3) Black nickname color
Valakas Tattoo - Dropped from Valakas.Enchants your stats.

Vote system:
Vote reward - Vote Coin.
Vote coin can be used to buy items in shop
You can also use vote coin to get Voter's buff.(Double click on Vote coin)

Player of the Day - Unique Event.The man with most PvP in day becomes a hero for a next day.
Period - 1 Day.
Hero time - 1 Day.
Event starting/ending - 00:00
Commands - /daypvp (Shows TOP 10 Players of the Day)

PvP Zone:
☑ When you enter the zone you get nobless effect.
☑ Entering the zone will change your nickname to "PlayerX" and your title to PvP and PK count.
☑ On zone enter you are set to Flag(Purple nick)
☑ Everytime you get a kill your title is refreshed
☑ Added respawn timer,you automatically respawn after 5seconds.
☑ If you press "To Village" you will be returned to the Main Town
☑ On respawn You get nobless effect
☑ Exiting the zone will change your nickname and title to your set.
☑ You can't exit or restart inside the zone.
☑ Neither you can have a party in zone.


Server's start - April 11th 20:00(GMT +02)

Edited by StealthyS4m
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  • 2 weeks later...

After finding two critical bugs,server was was wiped and those bugs were fixed.
To avoid any more problems server will be running in TEST mode till official start - March 27th.
If anyone is willing to help us to test server,please come!
Server's website: http://www.l2cyrex.eu
Use self-ressurection skill on yourself(can't remember how it's called) and die near boss,when he is low just stand up use celestial and pick up drop.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello guys,
It has been decided to wipe the server!
New season will start on April 11th 20:00(GMT +02).
This wipe will bring a lot of updates to the server.Some new features:
    ☑ Added new event - Lucky Player Online - everyday at totally random time the server will choose a random ONLINE player who will be rewarded with Mighty Boss Slayer's Trophy!
    ☑ Balanced PvP
    ☑ Balanced Mighty Bosses.
    ☑ Voting for server now gives 5 vote coins instead of 1!
    ☑ Fixed the problem with augmentions!
Server's website
I hope to see you in-game!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hello guys,
Server has done a lot of updating and is starting a new life at June 6th 21:00(GMT +02).
Weapons now have 3levels.Each level improves weapon's special ability.
New collective added - PvP Coin. You can get this by slaying your enemies in PvP and Farm zones.

Use this item to upgrade your weapons
For more news visit server's WEBSITE

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