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Sell L2 Map Creator


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lol, what?

my maps have original shadows, lights

respect is not help me for create this editor :)


nahuy shodi, daun ebanij

lol stop bullshiting people, for scamming you can get ban - here! for real, reagarding for your video of your "editor"  that arent even from server mode, they are from dev mode, and there is not lights, as in lineage 2, more of it there is no even shadows, you cant even show original maps, means your using a shitty version of unrearuntime, with some eds, that acctualy will never fit lineage 2 maps, because lineage 2 map use very specific lights that are generated by engine and can't be replicated in some unrealruntime, thats why your fooling people here, and more of it, as far as i remember of your scumbag friend - purple, who used trojan to highjack that damn "runtimeeditor" from pc of respect, so i srsly doubt to work with such people as you....

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