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Htm Typos Hunt - Customer Rank As Reward !

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L2J got many handwritten HTMs (they probably didn't know copy paste system back in the time), leading to ridiculous amount of typos. So I decided to create a new system to encourage people to fix those typos.

Every 200 typos you will fix, I will credit your account of 10 revisions.

It means you can become a temporary Customer, or increase your lifetime as a Customer if already considered as a Customer.

Some rules :

  • Admin HTMs aren't concerned. Don't try your luck on Quests too, as they already use L2OFF HTMs.
  • NPCs with missing HTMs, but specific system (I think to the Adventurer guildsmen with PC Cafe Coupon system) aren't concerned. Until you code also the Instance/script, and you will be blessed !
  • If you share fixed HTMs than someone already shared / are already fixed on latest revision, you aren't credited.
  • I only accept reworked HTMs produced with attachment .zip, which is L2OFF GF HTM folder. If the result is way too different compared to IL, consider to speak with me before trying anything.
  • Easiest mean to share is under diff patch. But you can also pack HTMs under .zip or .7z IF YOU'RE AWARE ENCODING SYSTEM IS DIFFERENT ON L2OFF AND YOU DON'T C/P FILE LIKE A NEWBIE (copy the content of the file inside the existing file).
  • Respect the existing formatting rules : carriage return after a <br.>, replace "  " for " ", replace Paagrio for Pa'agrio, <html><body> tags on the same level than NPC name. All tags in minuscules.
  • NO MONEY INVOLVED : service for service.
  • I will check and count typos, so don't expect to scam me. If you got the bad idea to try, I simply won't bother about you in future, even if you decided to repent. I only have to "Compare with" > "Base revision" to see differences.

Count system :

  • I count typos inside the HTMs. No matter if it's 20 typos in one file, or 20 typos in 20 files. A typo is a typo.
  • Broken bypasses fix count for 5 typos. Bypasses concerning NOT YET WRITTEN SCRIPTS aren't counted for obvious reason.
  • If a file is totally wrong (invalid NPC, or ubberly wrong like 50% of total content), and you find the good replacement, I count it for 10 typos.
  • Invalid NPC name counts for one typo, no matter how long the name is (just to be clear...).

As reference, in only 3 NPCs close of each other, I found 3 HTMs with 11 typos around Hunter Village.

And for the lolz part, a scoreboard listing name/exploits will be kept updated on this topic. A specific forum reward will be created for the occasion to anyone reaching the 500 milestone.

Good hunt !




Html - https://mega.co.nz/#!0V4lmaLT!jw3NUAmySlKSQw53VV-XB4MFb3egRFXudZBwiOeJ9jc

  On 2/6/2015 at 1:52 PM, l2focuspower said:

If I share quest or scripts not have the datapack, I get free rev?

If the scripts are following retail behaviour and acis pattern then you might get rewarded.

Ofc sharing 1 script won't give you the reward.


Almost all quests and scripts are shared on private workbench, regarding quests we got roko91 which makes an awesome work, so there is almost no more things to do on this section, simply wait I test, fix and commit them.

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