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Symbol Maker



Hey guys, i was trying to make symbol maker show all available symbols even if you dont have the dye item in inventory, but somehow it doesnt work like I wanted, could you help me with that please?

		for (L2Henna temp : _hennaEquipList)
			// Player must have at least one dye in inventory to be able to see the henna that can be applied with it.
			if ((_player.getInventory().getItemByItemId(temp.getDyeId())) != null)
				writeD(temp.getSymbolId()); // symbolid
				writeD(temp.getDyeId()); // itemid of dye
				writeD(L2Henna.getAmountDyeRequire()); // amount of dyes required
				writeD(temp.getPrice()); // amount of adenas required
				writeD(1); // meet the requirement or not

Tryed removing that IF, but somehow shows only few symbols (the first ones from henna.xml)

Edited by lsj14
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L2Henna is kinda old, it has been renamed since months Henna.


Regarding the list, if I ask that there as a reason :

player.sendPacket(new HennaEquipList(player, HennaTable.getInstance().getAvailableHenna(player.getClassId().getId())));

As you can see it send only availably hennas for the class. No matter what you try to do in serverpacket, the list is already built and filtered.

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