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[GUIDE] Installing An NPC Buffer On L2J Packs.

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Well , I've Seen Many Topics About This Subject.. I Mean The Probs With Buffer , That It Says You Don't Meet The Criteria And Sh1t..



Anyway. Let's Start. First We Download The Buffer We Want. We Are Currently Searching Quest Based Buffers. ( JScript Or Sth.. )


Here, Some Buffers In Order To Avoid The Search :


1st Buffer {Oneo Dev Team}


2nd Buffer {xofox}


3rd Buffer {Me}


4th Buffer {L2Lover}


5th Buffer {Gangsta / Kazeno}






Now , Let's Start Installing The Buffer...


[glow=red,2,300]NOTE* That's For INTERLUDE.[/glow]




For Experienced :Take The .SQL File An Insert To Your Database Via http://localhost/a  , Or Navicat.


For Newbies : Open Navicat , And Press Double Click On Your Database. Then Press Right Click And The Option : Execute Batch File . Find Your SQL File And Press Start. If An Error Appears , That Says Unsuccessfully Or Something , Reply Here And : Upload The SQL File And Tell Me What Pack You Use. IF It Finished Successfully , We Continue.





For Experienced : Place The .html Files To Your Pack.


For Newbies : Copy The .html Files And Paste Them To : C:/MyServer/GameServer/Data/Html/Default





For Experienced : Go And Place The 9999_NPCBuffer Folder ( Or 9998_NPCBuffer , It Depends On The Buffer...!) To Your Pack.


For Newbies : Copy The Folder '9999_NPCBuffer' And Paste It To : C:/MyServer/GameServer/Data/JScript/Custom




For ALL :


Open The File _Init_.py Which Is Inside The 'Custom' Folder. (*C:/MyServer/GameServer/Data/JScript/Custom *)


Delete ALL It's Contain.


And Paste This :


__all__ = [
print ""
print "importing custom data ..."
for name in __all__ :
    try :
        __import__('data.jscript.custom.'+name,globals(), locals(), ['__init__'], -1)
        print "failed to import quest : ",name
print "... done"
print ""


Save It And Close It.


Open Your Server Or Restart It.


//spawn The NPC And Have Fun.




Let's Start...


[glow=red,2,300]NOTE* This Is For KAMAEL / HELLBOUND / GRACIA[/glow]



1st STEP



For Experienced :Take The .SQL File An Insert To Your Database Via http://localhost/a  , Or Navicat.


For Newbies : Open Navicat , And Press Double Click On Your Database. Then Press Right Click And The Option : Execute Batch File . Find Your SQL File And Press Start. If An Error Appears , That Says Unsuccessfully Or Something , Reply Here And : Upload The SQL File And Tell Me What Pack You Use. IF It Finished Successfully , We Continue.





For Experienced : Place The .html Files To Your Pack.


For Newbies : Copy The .html Files And Paste Them To : C:/MyServer/GameServer/Data/Html/Default





For Experienced : Go And Place The 9999_NPCBuffer Folder ( Or 9998_NPCBuffer , It Depends On The Buffer...!) Into Your Pack.


For Newbies : Copy The Folder '9999_NPCBuffer' And Paste It To : C:/MyServer/GameServer/Data/JScript ( The Folder Might Be Named : Scripts, Thats Not A Problem. )/Custom




For ALL :


Now , Go To C:/MyServer/GameServer/Data


Find And Open With Notepad The File :




Get To The Last Line.


And Paste This , As Last Line :




Save It + Close It.


Open / Restart Your Server.


//spawn The NPC And Have Fun.




Well , Just Because Im Really Good Today ! xD


I Will Tell You How To Insert .SQL Buffers Too..!


First , Find A Buffer.!


Here Are Some , To Avoid Searching.


1st Buffer {Me}


2nd Buffer {g1ta0}




Let's Start Installing It! ^_^




Now , Let's Start Installing The Buffer...


[glow=red,2,300]NOTE* That's For INTERLUDE + KAMAEL + HELLBOUND + GRACIA[/glow]




For Experienced :Take The .SQL Files An Insert To Your Database Via http://localhost/a  , Or Navicat.


For Newbies : Open Navicat , And Press Double Click On Your Database. Then Press Right Click And The Option : Execute Batch File . Find Your SQL File And Press Start. If An Error Appears , That Says Unsuccessfully Or Something , Reply Here And : Upload The SQL File And Tell Me What Pack You Use. IF It Finished Successfully , We Continue.





For Experienced : Place The .html Files To Your Pack.


For Newbies : Copy The .html Files And Paste Them To : C:/MyServer/GameServer/Data/Html/Default



Open / Restart Or RELOAD NPC + HTML ( //reload html * //reload npc )


//spawn The NPC And Have Fun!




And Because Im Very Good Today And Many People Dont Like 19 Mins Buffs + 1 min Songs...


Take These 9H Skills.


how to install?!??!?


paste the .xml files to C:/MyServer/Gameserver/Data/Stats/skills


Open / Restart OR Reload Skills ( //reload skills )


And You Are ok.



P.S: If The Buffer Is .SQL Buffer , The Server Needs RESTART.





P.S 2: Do Not Spam Plx :)


P.S 3 : The 9Hours Skills Are For INTERLUDE.

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Nice u make a recopilation of evrything to fix buffer and modify it .


Very usefull for naabs  and very well explained


has xxrxx said 1 more for my file full of guides ;)



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  • 3 weeks later...

hi soory for this question but .. thats my problem======} open my nevicat..data.b ...execute batch file but i cant fint the ''mysql file....help if you can please ....thanks

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