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diamond 3 ..all champs (2 missing)..60 +skins ..11 rune pages.. 1700 wins normal games !


skype manolis _11    price is 150 euro

provide me with your name/lolking/op.gg , there is no way anyone could trust u right now....



Master Joda 100E Paysafe scam.

http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/185957-diamond-1-account-price-100-euro/this is his post.



[3:25:51 μμ] Beyond Divinity: so ... u are the one who wants to sell the account right

[3:37:46 μμ] Eduard R: yes

[3:38:08 μμ] Beyond Divinity: would you mind giving me your account name

[3:38:34 μμ] Eduard R: fiudecarry

[3:39:37 μμ] Beyond Divinity: which server are u located at

[3:39:42 μμ] Eduard R: eune

[3:39:48 μμ] Beyond Divinity: cool

[3:39:57 μμ] Beyond Divinity: your current price?

[3:40:09 μμ] Eduard R: is 100 euro paypal si paysafe

[3:40:50 μμ] Beyond Divinity: the thing is

[3:41:02 μμ] Beyond Divinity: You have 2 feedbacks from the same person

[3:41:06 μμ] Beyond Divinity: 1st he said u are cool

[3:41:13 μμ] Beyond Divinity: then he said u are a sammer

[3:41:16 μμ] Beyond Divinity: scammer.

[3:41:28 μμ] Eduard R: that guy is banned already

[3:41:35 μμ] Eduard R: i sold him lineage 2 files

[3:41:46 μμ] Beyond Divinity: I know I checked up on you

[3:41:51 μμ] Eduard R: he got them after he fucked up the files and call me scammer

[3:42:08 μμ] Beyond Divinity: Ive been on l2 scene for too long

[3:42:36 μμ] Eduard R: he fucked up the java code with his addons

[3:42:59 μμ] Eduard R: and after he got some features that don't work and start to cry

[3:43:07 μμ] Beyond Divinity: You sold him the files , then he changed them and then he called u a scammer

[3:43:13 μμ] Beyond Divinity: Talk about a newbie

[3:43:36 μμ] Eduard R: yes ofc because after i gave him files he left me a positive feedback

[3:44:07 μμ] Beyond Divinity: alright ... Would u go online for me and give me a skype call with shared screens?

[3:44:14 μμ] Eduard R: after he fucked up them and want me to fix them back for be he didnt want to pay more

[3:44:22 μμ] Eduard R: and start to call me scamer

[3:44:45 μμ] Eduard R: sure w8

[3:44:55 μμ] Beyond Divinity: If im gonna buy an account , its gonna be yours.

[3:45:09 μμ] Beyond Divinity: But as you know im quite afraid of what could happen

[3:50:01 μμ] Beyond Divinity: do you see my call

[3:50:10 μμ] Beyond Divinity: or you dont get a message im calling?

[3:50:26 μμ] Beyond Divinity: well call i sup

[3:50:29 μμ] Beyond Divinity: is up*

[3:50:32 μμ] Beyond Divinity: u can share screen

[3:50:39 μμ] Eduard R: do you see it ?

[3:50:43 μμ] Beyond Divinity: nope

[3:51:25 μμ] Eduard R: i dont have the option

[3:51:28 μμ] Eduard R: to share deskton

[3:51:28 μμ] Eduard R: wtf

[3:51:36 μμ] Eduard R: are you able to use teamviwer

[3:51:37 μμ] Eduard R: ?

[3:51:42 μμ] Beyond Divinity: ofcourse

[3:51:54 μμ] *** Call ended, duration 00:38 ***

[3:53:09 μμ] Eduard R: 911 578 929

[3:53:15 μμ] Eduard R: 4064

[3:53:52 μμ] Eduard R: so do you connect ?

[3:54:04 μμ] Beyond Divinity: w8 a bit

[3:54:14 μμ] Beyond Divinity: resolving an issue with a customer

[3:54:18 μμ] Beyond Divinity: 20 sec

[3:56:13 μμ] Beyond Divinity: until i connect

[3:56:31 μμ] Beyond Divinity: how would the trade happen

[3:56:32 μμ] Beyond Divinity: between us

[3:56:53 μμ] Eduard R: i told you i accept only paypal or paysafe

[3:57:08 μμ] Beyond Divinity: Thats fine with me

[3:57:28 μμ] Eduard R: paypal just gift or family payment

[3:57:38 μμ] Beyond Divinity: You are missing the point.

[3:57:49 μμ] Eduard R: what do you mean

[3:58:14 μμ] Beyond Divinity: How will the trade happens refers to , do I give half the money then you give me the account then i give the other half or...?

[3:58:49 μμ] Beyond Divinity: im online

[3:58:54 μμ] Beyond Divinity: connected

[3:59:07 μμ] Eduard R: yea

[3:59:12 μμ] Eduard R: look on the acc

[3:59:14 μμ] Eduard R: i am connect on it

[3:59:26 μμ] Beyond Divinity: can u show me the champs real quick

[4:00:00 μμ] Beyond Divinity: Alright

[4:00:07 μμ] Beyond Divinity: The account is exactly what i was looking for

[4:00:32 μμ] Eduard R: k then

[4:00:43 μμ] Beyond Divinity: alright so lets discuss further the whole thing

[4:01:12 μμ] Beyond Divinity: I could even get your the paysafe right now

[4:01:18 μμ] Beyond Divinity: if its the paypal u prefer

[4:01:22 μμ] Beyond Divinity: its gonna take a week or so

[4:01:46 μμ] Eduard R: it is ok for me

[4:01:57 μμ] Beyond Divinity: either way its the same for u then..

[4:02:00 μμ] Eduard R: you can give me a paypal

[4:02:01 μμ] Eduard R: also

[4:02:03 μμ] Eduard R: i told you

[3:51:25 μμ] Eduard R: i dont have the option

[3:51:28 μμ] Eduard R: to share deskton

[3:51:28 μμ] Eduard R: wtf

[3:51:36 μμ] Eduard R: are you able to use teamviwer

[3:51:37 μμ] Eduard R: ?

[3:51:42 μμ] Beyond Divinity: ofcourse

[3:51:54 μμ] *** Call ended, duration 00:38 ***

[3:53:09 μμ] Eduard R: 911 578 929

[3:53:15 μμ] Eduard R: 4064

[3:53:52 μμ] Eduard R: so do you connect ?

[3:54:04 μμ] Beyond Divinity: w8 a bit

[3:54:14 μμ] Beyond Divinity: resolving an issue with a customer

[3:54:18 μμ] Beyond Divinity: 20 sec

[3:56:13 μμ] Beyond Divinity: until i connect

[3:56:31 μμ] Beyond Divinity: how would the trade happen

[3:56:32 μμ] Beyond Divinity: between us

[3:56:53 μμ] Eduard R: i told you i accept only paypal or paysafe

[3:57:08 μμ] Beyond Divinity: Thats fine with me

[3:57:28 μμ] Eduard R: paypal just gift or family payment

[3:57:38 μμ] Beyond Divinity: You are missing the point.

[3:57:49 μμ] Eduard R: what do you mean

[3:58:14 μμ] Beyond Divinity: How will the trade happens refers to , do I give half the money then you give me the account then i give the other half or...?

[3:58:49 μμ] Beyond Divinity: im online

[3:58:54 μμ] Beyond Divinity: connected

[3:59:07 μμ] Eduard R: yea

[3:59:12 μμ] Eduard R: look on the acc

[3:59:14 μμ] Eduard R: i am connect on it

[3:59:26 μμ] Beyond Divinity: can u show me the champs real quick

[4:00:00 μμ] Beyond Divinity: Alright

[4:00:07 μμ] Beyond Divinity: The account is exactly what i was looking for

[4:00:32 μμ] Eduard R: k then

[4:00:43 μμ] Beyond Divinity: alright so lets discuss further the whole thing

[4:01:12 μμ] Beyond Divinity: I could even get your the paysafe right now

[4:01:18 μμ] Beyond Divinity: if its the paypal u prefer

[4:01:22 μμ] Beyond Divinity: its gonna take a week or so

[4:01:46 μμ] Eduard R: it is ok for me

[4:01:57 μμ] Beyond Divinity: either way its the same for u then..

[4:02:00 μμ] Eduard R: you can give me a paypal

[4:02:01 μμ] Eduard R: also

[4:02:03 μμ] Eduard R: i told you

[4:02:19 μμ] Beyond Divinity: alright how will the trade happen.... do i give u half the amount

[4:02:23 μμ] Eduard R: i don't care if is paysafe or paypal

[4:02:24 μμ] Beyond Divinity: make sure its the right account

[4:02:27 μμ] Beyond Divinity: then add the rest?

[4:02:55 μμ] Eduard R: i actualy dont like this

[4:03:03 μμ] Beyond Divinity: alright

[4:03:10 μμ] Beyond Divinity: what do you think is the best way

[4:03:18 μμ] Beyond Divinity: dont we both need to be covered somehow/

[4:03:31 μμ] Eduard R: yea but i am not covered

[4:03:58 μμ] Beyond Divinity: Lol.

[4:04:15 μμ] Beyond Divinity: I still am the one who is not covered. You could still take the 50 Euro and run .

[4:04:32 μμ] Beyond Divinity: I can vouch by showing you the paysafes in a video call and the current time/date

[4:04:33 μμ] Eduard R: after i give you the acc how i will know if you give me the rest

[4:04:45 μμ | Edited 4:04:51 μμ] Beyond Divinity: Its gonna be 2 of 50*

[4:04:46 μμ] Eduard R: k get the paysafe then

[4:04:52 μμ] Beyond Divinity: alright

[4:05:11 μμ] Beyond Divinity: I will be back in 5 minutes.

[4:16:26 μμ] Beyond Divinity: sorry it was 10

[4:19:25 μμ] Eduard R: k

[4:20:15 μμ] Beyond Divinity: Call to Eduard R, duration 00:06.

[4:20:16 μμ] Eduard R: so do you have them ?

[4:20:27 μμ] *** Call ended, duration 00:06 ***

[4:20:32 μμ] Eduard R: yes but i can;t talk

[4:20:36 μμ] Eduard R: my room mate is sleeping

[4:20:42 μμ] Beyond Divinity: mhm.

[4:21:30 μμ] Beyond Divinity: ive got an idea to make sure there is nothing fishy.

[4:21:46 μμ] Beyond Divinity: we could do this via team viewer.

[4:22:01 μμ] Eduard R: what do you wana do with team viewer ?

[4:22:14 μμ] Beyond Divinity: since i can see your desktop i will ensure u wont change the password after u get the paysafe

[4:22:23 μμ] Beyond Divinity: you can lock the movements what so ever

[4:22:28 μμ] Beyond Divinity: i will only be watching

[4:23:23 μμ] Eduard R: lol that

[4:23:26 μμ] Eduard R: k w/e

[4:23:36 μμ] Beyond Divinity: im happy we came to an agreement

[4:24:53 μμ] Eduard R: 911 578 929

[4:24:54 μμ] Eduard R: 1169

[4:26:01 μμ] Eduard R: so do you connect or ?

[4:26:12 μμ] Beyond Divinity: alright

[4:26:25 μμ] Beyond Divinity: u can log out from tv

[4:26:27 μμ] Beyond Divinity: i mean

[4:26:28 μμ] Beyond Divinity: from lol

[4:26:48 μμ] Beyond Divinity: You do understand

[4:26:55 μμ] Beyond Divinity: how this will happen

[4:27:01 μμ] Beyond Divinity: i give u 50 E paysafe

[4:27:07 μμ] Beyond Divinity: u give me account and passcode from email

[4:27:09 μμ] Beyond Divinity: then i give u

[4:27:14 μμ] Beyond Divinity: the rest

[4:27:24 μμ] Eduard R: k

[4:27:34 μμ] Eduard R: wana see the first psc

[4:27:50 μμ] Beyond Divinity: Call to Eduard R, busy.

[4:28:00 μμ] Eduard R: i told you i cant talk

[4:28:03 μμ] Eduard R: on skype

[4:28:06 μμ] Beyond Divinity: acc

[4:28:08 μμ] Beyond Divinity: dont speak

[4:28:10 μμ] Beyond Divinity: i wont speak

[4:28:14 μμ] *** Call ended ***

[4:28:21 μμ] *** Call from Eduard R ***

[4:28:52 μμ] Beyond Divinity: wtf

[4:28:57 μμ] Beyond Divinity: is ur skype broken xD

[4:28:59 μμ] Eduard R: just type the code

[4:29:03 μμ] Beyond Divinity: alright

[4:30:11 μμ] Beyond Divinity: u made a mistake

[4:30:28 μμ] Eduard R: what mistake is not god

[4:30:37 μμ] Beyond Divinity: you didnt type

[4:30:38 μμ] Beyond Divinity: the whole

[4:30:40 μμ] Beyond Divinity: paysafe

[4:30:40 μμ] Beyond Divinity: LOL

[4:31:30 μμ] Beyond Divinity: 0168 ---- ---- ----

[4:33:28 μμ] Beyond Divinity: well

[4:33:32 μμ] Beyond Divinity: thanks for scamming me

[4:44:21 μμ] Eduard R: k i think you are a little scamer there

[4:46:57 μμ] Beyond Divinity: u are the scammer.

[4:47:00 μμ] Beyond Divinity: u got the psc

[4:47:04 μμ] Beyond Divinity: and then u blocked me

[4:47:06 μμ] Beyond Divinity: and left

[4:48:09 μμ] Eduard R: you gived me a broken psc so don;t call me scamer you tryed to scam me




You retard as soon as you typed the paysafe to bet365 , YOU BLOCKED MY SKYPE AND CLOSED THE TEAM VIEWER.


someone please lock My topic and get him banned already. this is his 2nd scam feedback like wtf!

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

hello i have a diamond 5  with 45 point acc with all champ16 rune page  and 50-55 skins +and i dont remember my acc name is fonikibekatsa <  http://eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=fonikibekatsa >


u can also add me on skype marios.zoupanis

or u can enter on my stream www.twitch.tv/fonikibekatsa


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